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Hope Pov
We all decided we were gonna go to this really popular club that is in our area. Apparently Diamond's uncle owned it. I low key didn't even want to go out because i'm not that familiar with the area and according to the girls, recently there has been a lot of fights and things like that in the clubs over here, and i really wasn't trying to get caught up in anything.

When we got to the club the guard let us in automatically because he knew her and then we went to this little section on the corner of the club where they served us multiple bottles.

(that's what it looked like)

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(that's what it looked like)

2 hours later~
After about 2 hours we were all pretty tipsy and me and April were in the middle of the dance floor f*cking it up, but as we were dancing i could feel a pair of eyes on me so i looked to my left and noticed this fine as* dark skin boy looking at me, so i just winked and continued to dance with April.

2 hours later~ After about 2 hours we were all pretty tipsy and me and April were in the middle of the dance floor f*cking it up, but as we were dancing i could feel a pair of eyes on me so i looked to my left and noticed this fine as* dark skin b...

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After the song changed i decided to go to the bar and get something to drink and as i was sitting there the same guy came up to me and sat right next to me.

"let me get 2 shots of henny" he said to the bartender.

when the bartender left to get his order he turned to me

"what's your name beautiful"

"Hope, what's your name"

"Killa" he said and i looked at him strangely

"Nah i don't do that nickname shit, what's your real name" i said to him


"well it's nice to meet you Kahlil, but i have to go back to my friends so i'll see you around" i said to him as i got up from the stool i was sitting in. As i was about to leave i felt him grab my arm.

"let me get your number so we can get to know each other more" Kahlil said

"sure here" i grabbed his phone and put my number in it, handed it back and went back to me and the girl's section.

"Hope do you know who you were just talking to?" Paris asked me

"Yea his name is Kahlil"

"No like do you know what he does and how he really is" she asked

"No i just met him"

"well that Killa and he's the most known dealer in the f*cking state" Diamond said as she interrupted me and Paris' conversation.

"and worst of all he's May's ex boyfriend of 3 years" April said

" wow that's crazy, i didn't even know" i said

At the moment May was in the bathroom, but the girls had told me that May and Kahlil dated in high school for her freshman- junior years and his sophomore- senior years. When Kahlil went off for college May always had a feeling that Kahlil was up to some sneaky sh*t so one day when she didn't have school, she went to the local community college that Kahlil attended and she caught him making out with some random girl. When Kahlil finally realized that May had seen everything he tried to explain what happened but she wouldn't give him a chance to and she went home and cried for 5 days straight. She blocked him on everything and hadn't talk to him since.


I saw Kahlil when he first walked in and i didn't really know how to feel about it because i haven't talk to him ever since the day we broke up. i'm not going to lie and say i didn't love khalil because i definitely did.

After i saw him my whole mood just went down and i stayed quiet for the rest of the night and then i went to the bathroom to cry because i was just so emotionally frustrated.


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