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Hope POV

~next day~

it was early in the morning and i texted Khalil to come get me because i was sick and tired of laying in this stupid ass hospital bed.

can you please come and get me now 🥺
i thought we agreed i was gonna come at 2pm
well i changed my mind
i'll find someone else to come and get me, it's fine.
you're so difficult
i'm omw

i called the nurse into my room and told her i was ready to sign my discharge papers. Khalil came 10 minutes later. i went to the bathroom and put on a pair of clothes that Diamond had brought yesterday just in case i was able to leave yesterday with clothes,some lotion, shoes and my phone.

"you ready to leave beautiful" he said and i just blushed and nodded my head, i grabbed my bag and my phone and walked out in front of Khalil as he held the door for me.

when we got into Khalil's car i pushed the seat back and put my seatbelt on.

"you tired?" he asked and i just nodded my head

" you wanna get something to eat before i drop you off at home" he said

"yea we can some mcdonald's or something it doesn't matter"i said and then closed my eyes to rest them

after about like 20 minutes i felt Khalil shaking me and calling my name

"yes khalil" i said with a slight attitude

"i'm sorry i was just gonna ask you what you wanted to eat" he said and i realize we were in the mcdonald's drive thru

"umm just get me a 10 piece, medium fries and a small sprite"i said and pushed my seat back up

"ok beautiful" he said and then told the person taking our order what i wanted.

when were left mcdonald's and started making out way to my house i started to get a little nervous due to what happened. i didn't think it was safe for me to be there and i was worried about what could happen if i was left there alone. i guess Khalil noticed something was wrong.

"what wrong mamas" he asked and then placed his hand on my thigh

"umm do you mind if we go to your house or something? i just don't really feel safe at my house right now." i said while looking at him

"yea we can do that" he said and then made a U-turn in the direction of his house.

when we finally got to his house it was super nice and big. I LOVE IT 😍😍

i got out the car and Khalil grabbed my bag and the bags of food and we went into the house

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i got out the car and Khalil grabbed my bag and the bags of food and we went into the house. the inside was just as beautiful as the outside, i'm in love. for a guys his house was pretty well decorated

"your house is so beautiful, i love it" i said while looking around in awe

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"your house is so beautiful, i love it" i said while looking around in awe

"thank you ma" he said and sat all the bags down on the counter in the kitchen.

"what you wanna do" he asked

"umm i don't know we can just watch a movie and eat our food or something like that because i'm pretty tired" i said while sitting at one of his chair of his island in the kitchen.

"ok come on let's go up stair into my room the tv is way bigger and my bed is comfortable" he said and grabbed my hand to lead me to his bed room.

we laid down on his bed and he went to Hulu and then he gave me the remote

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we laid down on his bed and he went to Hulu and then he gave me the remote.

" you can pick anything you want it doesn't matter to me" he said and then started to eat some of his food that he got.

i just decided on my favorite movie of all time "Love and Basketball", i pressed play and the. sat my body up against the headboard and ate some food.

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