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Khalil POV

when Hope turned in the movie i just sat back and got comfortable. i like this movie, it cool. i looked over at Hope and i admired her beauty, i have never seen a female like her before. yea May was pretty but Hope was beautiful. i guess she caught me staring.

"yes" she said and turned her head in my direction

"nothing, i can't look" i said

" you can look but your doing it for so long" she said and i just put my hands up in defense and then apologized.

then i took the remote and paused the movie

"hey why'd you do that" she pouted and looked at me

" i wanna talk, i wanna get to know each other" i said and then she sat up crossed her legs on top of each other.

" well since you already know a lot about me, let's talk about you" she said while focusing all her attention on me now. 

i'm not even going to lie, i'm kinda scared to tell this girl about me, what is she doesn't want to talk to me anymore if i tell her about my life? so i decided to leave some parts out.

"well my full name is Khalil Kaison Kanely, i'm from here i've lived here all my life, umm.... i'm 23, my favorite color is blue, my favorite meal is steak, mashed potatoes and broccoli, i have 3 younger brothers and 2 sisters. my youngest sister has a daughter, the one you saw at your job and then my other sister who is older than me had 3 kids and she's married to some white man i don't really talk to her nowadays because she live in Texas and she thinks she's better than us all so we kinda cut her off but she's still our sister, my brothers all still live in Cali but they live on the south side with my mom because they only 15, they are triplets. my mom and dad are split up when i was like 8 or 9 and i never really talked to my dad after that but he would always send us money and check on us sometimes. um..... as you already know i dated May and that was probably my longest relationship i ever had but yea that all i can really think of right now, now tell me some stuff about you because i only know a little bit"i said and looked at her.

"well i'm 21, my full name is Hope Mariah Jenkins, my favorite color is purple, my favorite meal is macaroni and cheese, i'm originally from cali but i moved to New York because of some family issues, i don't have any siblings, my mom passed away 2 years ago but i didn't find out about it until before i came to California, my dad cut me off completely when i got to new york and you already know the rest about my stay in New York with my relationship so i don't really want to explain that part" she said and i guess she didn't realize she was crying because she didn't wipe the tears that were falling so i took my thumb and wiped them for her.

"you okay?" i asked her, she just nodded but then she just broke down crying so i grabbed her and hugged her body, waiting for her to stop.

"it's okay mamas let it out" i said, then she looked up at me in my eyes and then she kissed me, i didn't know what to do so it took me a while to kiss back, but she pulled away.

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to" i cut her off by kissing her again and then i laid her down next to me and then i got on top of her, she wrapped one arm around my neck and took her hand and started to unbuckle my pants.

"nah ma we don't gotta do that" i said moving her hand

"but i want to tho" she said pouting her lips

" you sure" i asked and she nodded her head, so i took off her pants then her shirt and left her in her undergarments. then i kissed her neck and chest all the way down to her 🐱. pulling her panties to the side i planted soft kisses on her 🐱 and then took them off.

i started to lick her clit and then i added one finger as i ate her 🐱.

Hope POV

I was feeling on top of the world right now. Khalil was give me so much pleasure that i had never felt before. the only thing i could do was moan.

"ohh shit it feels so good baby" i said and then he added another finger and i lost it.

"fuuck i'm about to come baby"i said and then all my juices were all over his face, he came up and kissed me passionately. then he leaned over to the left and reached into his night stand to grab a condom then pulled his 🍆 out and let me tell you that shit was huge. then he slid the condom on and rubbed it against my clit.

"you ready" he said looking me in my eyes and i just nodded because i had to mentally prepare myself for what was about to go down.

when he finally put it in, i hurt a little at first but then i finally got used to it and he was beating my shit up. we went like 3 round and then we fell asleep.

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