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After i took my shower i went back into the bedroom and to my surprise Jae was asleep to i decided to go into my bag and call one of my friends that lived not too far from where i live and i asked her if she would let me stay over for a day or two. She said yes, so i went into the closet and finished packing my duffel bag from before and tried to grab as much things as possible because i was not planning on coming back to this hell hole. Once i was done packing i went to the bedroom and put on my jacket to get ready and leave, i grabbed my phone and shoes and exited the house.

Once i got to my friend Ashley's house i told her everything that had just happened and i started to cry while telling her.

"Hope i'm so sorry that you have to be going through all of this." she said as she hugged me

" i swear i don't deserve to be treated like this, i never did anything to anyone and this is the type of sh*t that happens to me." i said as i laid on Ashely's chest and cried harder.

"Everything is going to be okay your going to get through this, you're a strong ass person, you're probably the strongest person i know judging from all the thing you have told me about your past, you can stay here until you get back on your feet." Ashley said, as soon as she finished her sentence we heard he baby start crying, so she let me go and told me she'll be right back.

While Ashley went to go and cater to her child i decided that i was gonna go to Walgreens and get a Plan B so i could make sure i don't get pregnant by that bastard.

2 Hours later

When i finally woke up from my good ass nap i rolled over and noticed that Hope wasn't by my side to i got up and looked in the guest room and she wasn't there, when i look in the closet to see if her clothes were still here, they weren't so i started to get angry and i immediately grabbed my phone to call her. The phone automatically went to voicemail so then i texted her.

ME: where are you?
ME: you better get your ass back here ASAP
ME: idk what has gotten into you but you can't mf hide from me
ME: why aren't you answering my text

When i finally realized that she had blocked my number i called the one person that i thought would know where she was, Ashley.

"hello?" she said answering the phone

"where the hell is Hope, i know you know where she is" i said getting really loud

"i'm sorry i don't know where she is, she hasn't been here in like 2 weeks" when she said that bs i just hung up because i don't have time for the lies.

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