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Hope POV

When my shift was finally over i decided to skip going out with the girls and hang out with Khalil. i just feel like if i go with the girls it's going to be a little awkward considering what happened earlier.

hey is that offer still open?
yea sure, what you tryna do
idk you're the one who asked
you right😅be ready in 30 i'll come get you
send me your addy
(sent location)
ok i'll see you

i was kinda hype to hang out with Khalil. i wanted to look my best so i was about to go up stairs to go get ready but i was interrupted by the door bell ringing.

when i went to go open the door, i was face to face with the devil himself. Jae

"why tf are you here and how tf did you find me" i said looking him directly in his face.

"i came because i missed you baby"

"how tf did you find me"

" i came to cali to try and look for you and i saw you at the mall so i followed you back here" he said and i gave him a weird ass look

"yea you're a ducking crazy person bro, i don't got time for this so you gotta leave and never come back" i said as i tried to close the door but he put his foot in the way


next thing i knew he pushed the door open and grabbed me up and pinned me to the wall and kissed me but i didn't kiss back

"can you get tf out of my house what tf don't you understand, i don't love you i never loved and i sure as hell don't want you to be here, you hurt me so many times and you expect me to come back to you but new flash i'm over you and we are done FOREVER" i said.

"so you really don't love me anymore" he questioned

"no i don't now LEAVE"

"alright i'll go but i got one more thing to tell you" he said reaching into his pocket

"what Jason"

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and then all of a sudden everything when black but the last thing i heard was "if i can't have you no one else can" and then the door slammed shut.

Khalil POV

I gave Hope an extra 30 minutes to get ready because most girls take a long time to get ready.

when i pulled up to her apartment i texted her to let her know i was here but after 10 minutes she still never came outside so i decided to go see if something was wrong.

when i got to her door and i knocked on it no one answer so i jiggled the door handle to see if it was unlocked and to my surprise it was.


i made my way around her house and then when i got to the living room i saw the worst thing in my whole entire life.

I saw Hope lying there in a puddle of blood.

i immediately ran back to my car to get my phone and then i called a paramedic for help.

they arrived in less then 10 minutes and they rushed her to the hospital.

i was n praying that she didn't die because i was really starting to like her even tho we just met.

i wonder who would do something like that to her.

i went to the hospital to wait for any information on her and then an office came and asked me questions about what i knew and also asked me if i could contact anyone that she knew. He gave me her phone and walked away

i went through her contacts and found a group chat called "BAD BITCHES 🥰😘🤪" i assumed it was her friends so i decided to text in it to tell them they need to get here ASAP.


umm you guys may not know who i am but i'm khalil and i just wanted to let you guys know that Hope got stabbed and is at the hospital and you guys need to come ASAP.
wtf why do you have her phone
omg are you serious
wtf omg
i'll explain everything i know when you guys get here

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