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Khalil Pov
6 months later

it's been three months since Hope has went missing and to say i missed her was an understatement. The police looked for her everywhere i even paid the FBI to help find her but nothing has come up. The police told me that they were going to stop looking and that no amount of money could persuade them to continue looking.

I don't know what to do or how to feel, i love Hope but if there isn't anything else i can do to find her then i guess i'll have to move on, i just really hope she's okay and living, and if god brings us back to each other in the future i'd be more than happy about that.

Me and May have been getting closer, she really tried to help look for Hope, when we dated in the past we were like best friends and i feel like we're getting back to that stage. i kinda missed her as a friend.

May Pov

Everything has been going great for me. Tonight i'm going to invite Khalil over my house and get him drunk so we can fuck.

Khalil is literally so gullible, everyone he paid the FBI and stuff to keep looking for Hope's bitch ass, i paid them to stop looking for her and then i paid them to get rid of her case so that's why they stopped. and as for Paris, i just paid that bitch $50,000 when i found out she knew i was up to something and she stayed quiet.

hey you wanna come to my house tonight and hang out

my baby🥺😩:
yea what time

umm you can come at like 5

my baby🥺😩:
ok i'll see you


i went to the liquor store and bought their strongest stuff they had, i'm tryna get fucked up tonight.

Hope Pov

these last 6 months of my life have been hell. Jae treats me like shit for leaving him and 4 months ago i found out that i was pregnant. the only perk about being pregnant was that Jae wasn't hitting me anymore but that didn't stop him from calling me out my name and raping me every other day.

we found out we're having a girl, i really hope i get out of this situation before she's born because i dint want my baby to see me like this and definitely don't want her to think this is okay.

sometimes i just wanna kill myself but then i think about my baby and i have to be strong for her.

May Pov
5:45 pm

Me and Khalil were in my living room watching  Love and Basketball, one of our favorite movie to watch when we dated.

i'm trying to make him miss what we had so he can fall right into my trap.

"hey you want some Henny" i asked because i knew he gets fucked up off some henny.

"yea why not, i got a few things to get my mind off of.

i went to the kitchen and got two glasses of Henny and Coke and then i popped open a viagra and dropped it in his drink.

"here you go" i handed him his drink and sat back down on the couch.

After about 10 minutes i felt Khalil pulling me into him resting his head in me. that's when i knew it was working. then he grabbed the remote and paused the TV so i looked at him.

"why'd you pause it for" i said facing him.

"i wanna talk to you" he said

"ok about what" i said

"come here"

"khalil what i'm here i'm as close as i can be" i said and then he put me in his lap and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"you know i miss you and i miss us, i miss what we had" he said

"well we would still be together if you didn't cheat on me"

"i know baby and i'm sorry" he said and then kissed my lips "your forgive me" i nodded and continued to his him. he stuck his tongue in my mouth and literally swallowed me.

"khalil i want you" i moaned as he kissed me and gripped my ass

"i want you too babe" he said and then lifted me up and brought me to my room.

i'll just say that my plan worked and we both had a very good night.

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