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I feel like Paris thinks she knows something so now i have to make my plans less noticeable. while we were watching the movie Jae wanted me to sent him a picture of Hope, i don't really know why because she's one ugly ass bitch but whatever and i was staring at her because i was thinking of all the possible things that Jae was gonna do to her once he gets a hold of her.

Right now i'm on my way to meet this man that Jae told me to hit up so i would be able to get an item i need for the final step of our plan if things went the opposite direction . A gun.

The guy's name if Black or that's at least what people call him.

It took me an hour to get to the meeting spot, when i finally got to the place it was an abandoned small house in the middle of no where.

 it looked a hot ass mess

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it looked a hot ass mess. i could tell no one lived here so i guess this is just a meeting spot or something, not his house.

I got out the car and went to the door and knocked, no one came for a while but then i felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and i saw i had a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number:
Go to the back of the house and you'll see a black bag, what you're looking for is in there.

So i did as told and i saw th black bag in the corner of the backyard, i opened it up and found exactly what i needed.

I smirked and made my way back to my car and made my way back home. 

Hope POV

i was at home by myself when there was a knock at my door. i got scared because the last time someone knocked on my door unexpectedly i got stabbed, i checked the window close to the door but i didn't see anyone so i checked the peep hole and so one was there so i opened the door and i was a box sitting on my door mat.

"wtf" is the only thought that's was in my mind right now, so i left the box and went to grab my phone to call Khalil.

"hello" he said in a sleep voice as if he just woke up.

"aww baby did i wake you up" i said, i don't like bothering people when they sleep because i don't like that shit either

"nah babe you good but wassup" he said

"umm there's a box on my door mat that someone left there and i don't know where it's from can you come open it with me"

"yea i'll be there in 5"

"ok thanks" i hung the phone up and waited for a Khalil

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