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3 months later

it's been about 3 month and my plan is finally about to go into its final steps. for these past 3 months i've been kissing Hope's ass trying to make it seem like i wanna be her friend again and gaining her trust. It's friday and on Sunday Jae will be catching a flight to Cali, he's going to "kidnap" Hope and everything else will fall in line. i can't wait 😊

⏩⏩Sunday ⏩⏩

i just landed, i'll make my way to the hotel soon.

i bought a hotel room for Jae to stay in while he's here. i'm trying to get this over with as soon as possible so i can finally get my man back.

⏩1 hour later⏩

Me and Jae day in the king sized bed in the hotel room and came up with our plan of how he was going to capture Hope.

i texted our group chat and asked the girls if they wanted to go out tonight.

hey y'all tryna go out clubbing tonight

yea i down

diamond 💎:
yea sure what time.

finally i've been waiting to get out this house😩

hope( the devil) 🤢🤢:
yea, that would be so fun

let's meet at exchange at 9:30

they all replied with an ok and at that moment that's when i knew my plan is finally almost down and the love of my life will finally be back in my arm.

Me and Jae went to go get this drug so i could slip it into Hope's drink tonight.

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