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After i hung up on Ash I decided to go over there and  make sure she was lying. I hopped in the car and sped down the street to her house. I got out and knocked.

"Who is it" Ashley replied

"Open the fucking door"

As the door swung open i quickly grabbed Ashley's neck and pushed her against the wall near the door.

" where is she"

"where is who" Ashley said trying to act dumb

"WHERE IS HOPE DUMBASS" I shouted starting to get really annoyed

" Like i said on the phone, I DON'T KNOW"

"So you want to do this the hard way" i said as i tightened the grip on her throat

" why do you want her anyways, you cheat on her almost everyday with me and you beat her, why don't you just come to me and be with me. What does she have that i don't have?" she said looking me in the eyes.

" you never know when to shut the fuck up" i said as i lifted her up and carried her to the couch while kissing her.

Once we made it to the couch i took off all my clothes then started to remove hers, as soon as i went back to kissing her i heard the front door open and the Hope appeared in the living room with tears in her eyes and her arms crossed over her chest.

"Wow Ashley i really thought you were my true friend" Hope said as she walked past us and went up the stairs.

"OH SHIT" Ashley screamed as she got up from the couched and ran up the stairs.

I just put my clothes back on and went to the kitchen to grab something to drink.


After i stopped at Walgreens to get the Plan B i went to McDonalds to grab some food and then i headed back to the Ashley's house.

Once i got inside the house i quickly went to the living room to go see if Ashley was there but to my surprise she was there with Jae half naked and kissing him. Once i saw that i was so devastated because how could one of my closed friends just go behind my back stuck with my boyfriend and not have a care in the world about it.

Once I ran upstairs to retrieve my belongings Ashley was only a couple of steps being me.

" Hope i'm so sorry i never meant to hurt you i swear" she said as i went to the closet and packed my bags.

" Fuck all of that bull shit, how the fuck could you do that to me after i told you all the things he has done to me and you still want to fuck around with him. you know what, fuck him and fuck you, i thought you were the only person i had on my side but apparently i have no one but my damn self" I said and with that i pushed her out of my way and hurried down the stairs and to my car.

As i was putting my bags in my trunk Jae comes outside and come to the car.

" Babe just come home with me I'm really sorry you had to see that i never meant to hurt you" Jae said as he pulled me closer to him. 

" FUCK YOU" i shouted and pushed him away, i closed the trunk and went to the driver side door and got in. When i was about to pull off Jae stood in front of the car.

"Jason if you don't move out the way i'm going to hit your dumbass" I yelled out the window.

I pressed on the gas and he immediately jumped out of the way.

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