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May Pov

for the past couple of months ive been in New York trying to look for Jae. when i finally got to New York i didn't know where the fuck to find him, i had to do a bit of lurking on social media and then i finally found out where he stayed at.

when i got to the apartment complex he lived at i wasn't very impressed, it was very ordinary and basic, not my style but whatever.

we've been talking and we've come to the conclusion that we are going to get the loves if our lives back. i'm going to set up Hope and try to butter her up,make it seem like i'm sorry for how i treated her then boom Jae's gonna kidnap her and i'm gonna push my way up to Khalil and make him fall in love with me again. i don't really know what Jae's gonna do you Hope and honestly i don't care, he can kill her for all i care.

in 3 weeks i'm going to catch a flight back to Cali and then that's when the plan will go into effect.

Khalil and Hope have no idea what is coming to them, they better get ready.

Hope Pov
Next Day~

When i woke up i was wrapped in Khalil's arms, i don't even remember going to sleep last night, the only thing i remember is me crying and then we were eating and watching a movie.

when i tried to get up Khalil tightened his grip against me and i automatically remembered that day with Jae. it made me sad because i really allowed myself to go through that for so long. then it made me mad because i didn't do anything to help myself, i just let it happen because i thought he really loved me.

I guess Khalil could sense that something was wrong because he let me go and looks at me.

"what wrong baby"

"nothing i just have to pee" i got up and hurried to the bathroom, i locked the door behind me and slid down the door and broke down crying. i really don't even know why i'm crying.

then Khalil came knocking on the door.

"Hope open the door now" he said sternly, i wiped my eyes and open the door. he scooped me up and held me tight. that's exactly what i needed right now.

"baby why are you crying" he asked me while rubbing my back.

"you know when you tighten your grip around me when i tried to get up?" he nodded " well my ex used to do that to me when he didn't want me to leave him in the mornings and it just made me have like a little flashback of that and it made me a little upset" i said as i wiped some tears off my cheeks.

"baby" he put his finger under my chin to make me look at him " i would never in my life ever put my hand in you in a way that would hurt you, and i would never verbally abuse you EVER, and that's because i have so much respect for you. you're my queen, you make me happy, and you deserve to be happy and i hope i can do that for you.  and all your internal scares, i hope i can heal them. it may be to early in the relationship to say this but i love you and i want to be with you for many years to come."

"aww that you Khalil i love you too" i said and then threw my arms around his neck to hug him and then we shared a passionate kiss.

" and if something's bothering you i want you to tell me, don't hide your feelings from me and then come and cry in the bathroom to deal with it yourself, i want you to tell me everything." he said and i just nodded my head.

i really live this man, where has he been all my life. i just hope this all last forever

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