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Hope POV
~fast forward 5 months~

it's been about 5 month since me and Khalil have been talking, we've gotten to know each other really well and i'm starting to catch feelings for him and really hope he asks me to be his girlfriend soon.

hey you tryna hang out later
yea what are gonna do
i kinda had a dinner planned for us
aww that cute, what should i wear
just wear something sexy and i'll be at your house to pick you up by 7 and please be ready on time we both know you take forever.
😂ok i won't take a long time i promise
yea right we'll see about that

when i looked at the time it was 4:45 so i had at least 2 hours to get ready so i got up and took a shower and shaved everything, then when i got out i brushed my teeth and did my skin care routine. and then straightened my hair and after went to my closet to pick out my outfit.

then for my make up i did a little light beat on my face and by the time i was done getting ready it was already 6:55 so i grabbed my clutch and my phone and made my way to the front room to wait for Khalil to text me that he was outside

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then for my make up i did a little light beat on my face and by the time i was done getting ready it was already 6:55 so i grabbed my clutch and my phone and made my way to the front room to wait for Khalil to text me that he was outside.

i'm outside
k i'm coming

when i walked outside he was standing outside of this beautiful limousine.

"hey" i said and smiled as i walked up to him, he gave me a hug and then opened the door for me

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"hey" i said and smiled as i walked up to him, he gave me a hug and then opened the door for me.

"this is so nice" i said

"yes, but you look fine as fuck tonight"he said

the driver pulled of and moments later we arrived at his house

" i thought we were going out for dinner" i questioned

" yea well i changed my mind, i decided that we have a fancy dinner at my house and make it all romantic and stuff you know" he said and then the driver opened the fort for us to get out.

when we got inside the house was pitch black but then he lead me to the back door and what i saw almost made me wanna cry.

"aww it's so beautiful papi" i said and gave him a hug

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"aww it's so beautiful papi" i said and gave him a hug

" i'm glad you like it"

Khalil POV

my heart was beating out of my chest i was so nervous about what i was about to do right now. tonight is gonna be the night i ask Hope to be my girl. for these past 5 months the feelings i have got her just grew more and more , i wanted to spend the rest of my life with this girl but we had to take everything one step at a time.

i had my sister help me set this up. i really wanted to make Hope feel special because she truly is. i didn't want to go to a restaurant because if she rejected me i didn't want it to be in front of a bunch of people.

i grabbed Hope's hand and led her to her seat,i pulled it out for her and then she sat down. then my sister came out with the food and we ate while we talk about any random thing that came to mind. when i realized she was almost done with her food i decided now would be a good time to ask her.

"hope i have to ask you something really important" i said as i grabbed her hand and then reached into my back pocket to get her the ring i bought.

"what wrong khalil?" she asked

"Hope these past few months have been amazing, i've never caught feelings for a girl as fast as i caught feelings for you, i just feel like we're meant to be together, you make me genuinely happy. i love the way you always speak your mind and never hold anything back and i just love every single thing about you but what i'm tryna say is would you like to be my girlfriend Hope Mariah Jenkins?" i said and then opened the box with the ring inside

 i love the way you always speak your mind and never hold anything back and i just love every single thing about you but what i'm tryna say is would you like to be my girlfriend Hope Mariah Jenkins?" i said and then opened the box with the ring in...

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"of course Khalil i was just waiting for you to ask me" she said and it felt like a million weights were lifted off my shoulders. i smiled at her then u slipped the ring on her ring, then i got up and gave her a big ass hug.

"did she say yes" i heard my niece yell from the kitchen and it made me and Hope bust out laughing

"yea she said yes" i replied and then i kissed Hope passionately

" you're definitely getting some tonight" she whispered into my ear.

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