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Hope POV

When Khalil was talking i heard every single thing and to be honest i let made me wanna cry. i've never had someone feel that way about me and plus we barley even know each other.

when the doctor and nurse came in they disconnected some of the machines and did some tests, i don't know what they were for but whatever. to be honest i felt normal, the only thing that wasn't normal was the pain in my stomach and my throat was real dry but other then that i was good.

after the doctors were done they left and then Khalil, Diamond, April and Paris walked into the room. they all just stared at me for a while but then Paris came running up to me and started crying.

"aww it's okay babes, i'm okay" i said rubbing her back

"i'm just glad your okay, you had me scared" she said and then let me go wiping her tears.

"Damn hope we just became friends and you already tryna leave up" Diamond said and then ran up to me with April right behind her. 

i just laughed at what she said and then i looked over at Khalil who was standing over at the door in the room.

"so you just gone stand there and stare or are you gonna give me a hug too" i said looking at him and her just walked over and gave me a quick side hug.

"what wrong?" i asked him looking really concerned and confused because not too long ago he was hoping that i can wake up and now he's acting all shy and weird

"we're gonna give you two some space, we'll be back" April said and all the girls walked out of the room

"Khalil what wrong"

"Nothing i'm just shocked" he said taking a seat in the chair next to my bed

"well i hope you know i heard everything you said, you don't seem excited to see me at all." i said getting kinda sad

" you heard all of that?" he asked

"yes i did, did you not mean it or something because if that's the case you can leave" i said catching an attitude because i was kinda feeling him

"Hope if i didn't mean it then why would i say it" he said

" i don't fucking know but by the way your acting now i feel like you didn't mean it because you're making it seem like you don't care" i said looking away from him and to the tv on the wall in front of me

"Hope trust me i'm definitely excited to see you but i don't know what i'm supposed to do because what happened to you fucked me up, i've never seen someone like that in my life, i may be a drug dealer or whatever you wanna call it but i don't kill people or surround myself with that kind or stuff so when i saw you laying on that living room floor bleeding out i didn't know if i should break down and cry or try and help you. i know we haven't known each other for long but i just feel like i'm meant to be in your life and i feel like we're meant to be together, when i first met you i just thought you were a regular hoe that could help me get a nut but after this whole this and after what your friends told me about you, i knew you weren't no regular girl." he said and then looked up at me with tearing in his eyes, it made me tear up a little too.

"Khalil you don't have to cry" i said and then wiped his tears with my thumb

"but what did my friends tell you about me"i added getting a little curious.

"i don't want you to get mad, Diamond only did it because i begged her to but she told me about your life in New York and all the things your ex did to you." he said and then i started to get mad because that's my personal business and she had no right to tell him those things about me, how did she know if i wanted my business out there like that to a stranger.

i looked away from Khalil and thought about what i was going to say to Diamond when she gets back to the room because i was getting really mad.

"Hope please don't be mad at her okay, it's not her fault" he said and took his finger and put it under my chin to turn my face towards him. "please" he said on more time.

"okay what ever" i said and tried to move but he grabbed my face and kissed me and i kissed back then pulled away and we both smiled at each other

"so you wanna try our date again when you get out the hospital since the last one got ruined by some bitch ass nigga" he said and reached for my hand and held it in his

"yea i would love to" i said and then he pulled me into a kiss.

After a few more minutes the girls came back and i didn't know if i should say something to Diamond or leave the situation alone. i looked from Diamond to Khalil then back at Diamond and then decided to just drop it.

"why didn't May come? Is she still mad at me?" i questioned April

"to be honest i don't even know where that girl is at, she hasn't been talking to any of us for the past 2 weeks so i don't know what's going on" she answered

"well i hope she's okay and we can make up" i said and then a nurse came in and gave me some pain medication for my stomach pains.

"when am i going to be able to go home" i asked the nurse

" well it looks like you're healing up pretty well so you'll probably be able to leave tomorrow afternoon, all we have to do is have you sign some discharge papers and have someone come pick you up" she said

"i'll come and get you" Khalil said and i just nodded in response to what the nurse said to me.

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