Chapter 6

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Sabrina's POV

Me and Shawn walked out of the restaurant and not to our surprise... paparazzis were outside waiting for us. They would start asking questions like "are you 2 dating" or like " do you have a thing for each other" and they also asked " did run into Niall and Hailee" "do you know if Niall and Hailee are dating" and that question got me pissed of and I answered...

Sabrina: idk if there dating or not and it's non of your business weather they are or not... can't people have a little privacy!!!

And I went storming off while Shawn trying to catch up to me.

Shawn: hey are you ok?

Sabrina: yeah yeah I'm ok.

Started shivering from how cold it is and out of nowhere its starts to rain.

Shawn takes of his jacket any puts it above our heads and kept me close to him.

Shawn: I know how sometimes paparazzis can get really annoying and piss you off sometimes.

Sabrina: the thing is it's just the fact that they follow you all around but they start asking stupid questions and they start asking me about other people's lives like they don't have privacy.

Shawn: I understand its horrible.

Sabrina: and all they seem to care about if these people are dating or not, like it's not allowed for girls and boys to hang out!

Shawn: hey sabrina... calm down don't worry... I guess it's not all in our hands... and the thing is they come with the fame. So no matter what they will be there. But you have to try and ignore but if they get too far respond and say your opinion on things.

Sabrina: thanks a lot Shawn that really helped me calm down.

Shawn: any time.

The walk back was silent but not and awkward silence but I comforting silence.

They reached the building and saw both their managers standing at the door.
They both took a deep breath.

Sabrina: here we go get ready...

Right when their managers felt their presence they went running towards them.

Both managers: guys what took you so long??? We were worried sick.!!!

Shawn: first of all we were caught by paparazzis that delayed us and second it started raining out of no where, we had to walk slowly so we won't slip or fall.

Sabrina just stayed there silent shivering from coldness. They entered the building and Shawn noticed Sabrina was cold he wrapped his jacket around her tiny body.

Sabrina: Shawn there's no need. Really.

Shawn: Sabrina your going to get sick can't you see your shivering a lot, it's fine you can keep the jacket.

Sabrina: idk what to say... thank you shawn you really are such a kind and sweet person.

Sabrina hugged Shawn but she to step on her toes from how tall Shawn is but he lifted her a bit so she can reach him.they broke off the long engaged hug because they were interrupted by the coughing sound of their managers.

Both managers:*coughing* sooo

Shawn and Sabrina: ohh

Sabrina's manager: sabrina we better get going.. I'll see you soon both of you in Canada. Bye Shawn, bye Andrew.

Sabrina: bye Andrew.

She gave him a hug

Sabrina: bye Shawn and thanks for today it was amazing.

Shawn:your welcome.

She gave Shawn one last hug and headed straight out of the building to her car.

Shawn POV

Andrew: well Shawn I guess we better get going too..
Well I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far I'm trying to be as creative as possible, please vote and thanks alit❤️❤️🦋🦋

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