5Feb07 - .have your cake and eat it too

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February 5, 2007

Gerard sat at the large round table covered in white linen. 'Jesus, could they be more cliche?' He asked himself as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back. He didn't know half the people there and the other half he didn't really care to know. Just another 20 minutes and he would've done his bestfriendly duty. They would understand. And if they didn't... tough. As far as Gerard was concerned, his obligation was over for the night.

The guys were on edge. Gerard isn't stupid, he didn't have to be sitting with them to notice. What the fuck did they think was going to happen? Gerard knew how to behave himself. Just cause he didn't like the woman didn't mean he'd rip the vail off her head mid-ceremony. He just had to keep his distance that's all. And it worked cause here they all are, eating dess... well... pushing their dessert around. Except for Bob. Bob ate all his. Gerard was leaving soon and no one's face had been pushed into the cake. If that's not the definition of a successful wedding, then Gerard didn't know what was. Especially considering the circumstances.

Gerard's phone buzzed in his pocket and in all honesty he welcomed the distraction. Raising an amused brow at the caller ID cause well fuck... the last time he spoke to this guy wasn't exactly a fun conversation. Gerard distinctly remembers loose guitar stumming and a drunken voice singing the words to what Gerard hoped wasn't going to be a song off the new album. Well, at least if this was an unpleasant call Gerard could pretend to be upset and then he'd look like less of a dick for going home.

"Hey." Gerard decided to start off with a sweet tone. Only he wasn't expecting to recieve one back.

"Thought you could use a distraction." Bert sounded calm, probably high. But it was nice. Gerard hadn't heard this tone in a long time, between the manic yelling and midnight crying / psychotic laughing phonecalls like on New Years Eve when Bert called him to ask if he remembered that time on New Years when Gerard shat all over Bert's dick and then laughed like a banshee and hung up.

Gerard decided to play it cool and continue on this nice path. "How did you know?"

Bert let out a tiny breath and Gerard could imagine the little smile on the side of his mouth. "Your boyfriend got married today right?"

A thought that made Gerard's face twitch but he kept his cool, trying not to flip this conversation around cause he had an even better plan now. If the conversation went really well, he could pretend to be happy for the call and provoke some well-deserved jealousy from the groom. "I'm currently at a wedding if that's what you're asking."

The Used singer took another breath. Gerard could tell Bert was enjoying the low, smokey tone he was offering and was probably taking a moment to choose his path. Ridicule, pining or flirting. But when Gerard heard the shaky little nervous breath through the reciever, he knew what Bert had chosen. "You wearing a suit?"

Gerard rolled his eyes amusingly. Of course Bert would wanna know what he's wearing. "It's kind'a customary at weddings you know." He was in complete control. He'd pretend to flirt and then find some subtle way to rub it in Frank's face. Easy as that.

"Yeah." Bert took pause again. This was beginning to be fun for Gerard. Bert was right, a distraction was nice. Not the smartest of distractions and would probably result in another 6 months of harassment and verbal attacks but it might just be worth the hassel tonight. "You been sweating all day?"

Okay that Gerard wasn't expecting. His cheeks flushed red. "Uhm..." he started but quickly just ended up blinking and trying to think of something clever to say.

"You smell the best on warm days."

Gerard just sunk. His entire plan to use Bert forgotten as he cleared his throat, hearing the faint sound of Bert sniffing back a hint of emotion. Gerard said nothing.

"Anyway..." Bert swallowed down the knot in his throat. "... wan'a dick pic?" making Gerard chuckle a bit, relieving the tension but also gaining the attention of the other guys round the table.

The MCR singer hunched over a little speaking softer "I already know exactly what your dick looks like, Bert."

"So? I know what yours looks like and I won't say no to a photo."

Gerard smirked, sitting back and relaxing a bit. "You have photos. And a video." Contemplating whether it was a good idea or not to remind Bert of that.

"I put all that stuff away. Far away."




Bert released a deep sigh just before Gerard heard the sound of what he could only imagine was a biiiig swig of beer. "I kind'a forgot Quinn was coming over tonight. I'm subtly being watched." with a little chuckle.

Gerard tilted his head "You been a bad boy lately, McCracken? Taking too much medicine? Flying too high?" Not really hiding his disappointment that this phonecall was about to end.

"Old habits."

"Take care of yourself." And Gerard really wished he would. Gerard knew he wouldn't survive it if something happened to Bert, whether they were together or not, they shared parts of themselves with each other they would never get back.

"Hey... you ahh... you still gonna be there for a while?" Bert asked nervously.

But Gerard had already decided he would be going home now. Fuck all of it. Fuck this wedding, fuck this dessert, fuck the idea of playing jealousy games with Frank, fuck using Bert for those games, fuck New Jersey. "Nuh... I'm gonna head to the hotel and get some sleep."

"Oh... okay." Bert sounded a little lighter at that news. "But if you can't sleep later... you can send me that photo." Cheeky fuck.

Gerard blushed even more, shaking his head. "Sure Bert..." humouring him just a little, "...IF I can't sleep." even though they both knew Gerard would without a doubt not be sending any photos tonight or any other night, it was still nice to just amuse themselves a bit.

"Cool." and Bert hung up, leaving Gerard to chuckle at himself as he checked his pockets to make sure he had all his things.

"Who was that?" Mikey asked from two seats down. Gerard didn't even respond. He was just over even being there anymore and the sound of the phone hanging up slammed him back into the reality that he now had to escape before someone's head DID end up in the cake. With a deep sigh he stood up from the table doing little more than a hand up to wave goodbye to the guys before turning off. They didn't stop him. They wouldn't. They knew better than that.

Gerard can't help the blush that rises to his cheeks again as his phone rings for the second time. Biting his lip he answers "You know very well I'm just gonna take a Xanax and go to bed, you cheeky fuck."

"Yeah? I was hoping you'd meet me in the bathroom."

Gerard froze. Frank's voice in the receiver seemed completely oblivious to the fact that Gerard's initial response wasn't really intended for him. But as per true Gerard Way form, he kept his cool at 100% "You do realize it's your wedding night right?"

"Turn around." Frank offered his most sultry voice and as soon as Gerard turned, he caught that shit-eating smile from the bride and groom's table with his index finger balanced across his top lip. Those big hazel eyes like sin slapping Gerard right in the face. 'Fuck'. Frank knew exactly how that filthy idea would stirr the snake in Gerard's pants. "I need you'ta gimmi somethin'a think about when I'm on my honeymoon."

And he was right. Gerard nearly moaned out loud. "You're fuckin' evil."

"I fuckin' want you... in my mouth... right now."

"Fuck... okay."

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