Chapter 1 - Redemption

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Third Person POV

There wasn't a single spot here that was unmarked with devastation. The entire city, along with the entire world had been ravaged into destruction.

And it was all thanks to the handiwork of a pair known as Android 17 an 18. They were twins, one being a male with raven hair and the other being a female with blonde hair.

By everyone's knowledge, they had two things in common.

1. Their blue eyes

2. Their crave for total havoc

Everyone was too afraid to challenge these Androids, for none of them had the strength to even keep up with them.

Even the beings with abnormal powers known as the Z-Fighters couldn't make them meet their match. Instead, they only met death.

It seemed that there was absolutely no hope left for the human race.

However, there was still one ray of hope-


Apparently, your mother was a Saiyan and your father was a human. Therefore, you were a hybrid of the two.

Unfortunately, they weren't with you at the moment. Like everyone else, they were taken away by the Androids. Or at least, one of them.

You remembered it clearly, it was the male one. The one known as Android 17. When you were only 5, 17 was wandering around, looking for more humans to terrorize.

Your parents were out of the luck, as he spotted them in an instant. They managed to get you away from the city before telling you run away and to not look back.

With tears flowing out from your eyes, your legs took you running from the city as fast as you could, only for your ears to perk up at the sound of an enormous explosion.

Knowing what that meant, your face became crestfallen. Then, it turned into pure rage.

Your power began to spike up and fluctuate as your anger increased. Soon enough, you realized this and figured out that you had some power.

From then on, you devoted yourself to hard training without stopping.

Your strength grew, but your fighting experience was still at a zero. You never even had someone to spar against.

But it changed once you stumbled upon the fighter known as Gohan at the age of thirteens He was the only one who was capable of fighting the Androids head-on at the time.

After watching him fight the Androids for the very first time, you were filled astonishment.

The next time you saw him, you ran up to him and begged him to train you. After doing so, he told you that he saw much potential in you as he saw your tail and agreed to take you under his wing as his student.

He introduced you to his other student, Trunks. You two grew to become close friends and bonded well in training. Soon enough, you met Trunks' mother, Bulma! She was a very nice and caring woman.

His father unfortunately, was deceased, thanks to the Androids. But apparently, he put up one hell of a fight!

In short, they were the equivalent of a family to you. And you couldn't have been anymore happier as they give you such a tender feeling in your heart.

However, that family would fade away in time.

Hearing more destruction, Gohan hit a pressure point on you and Trunks, causing you to fall unconscious.

Android 18 X Male Reader: A Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now