- 3. I love trash... as of this moment

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I was currently sitting in class that was teached by Dorian. We sat in a circle and held hands while Dorian began to walk out of the circle. Hope, Josie and Lizzie were also sitting in the circle. "Chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from witch to witch." Dorian said and I sighed. I was a revilas, going to school with earthwalkers. "Where's Penelope Park?" He suddenly asked and I looked around. Lizzie Saltzman smirked before making a comment, "Um, lady cramps, Mr. Williams." She said and Dorian rolled his eyes saw through her mean-girl behavior. "Sorry I asked. A disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow." The students began to laugh and I rolled my eyes. Ha ha...

Above our heads suddenly appeared a piecet of parchment and Dorian takes it. "Uh-oh. Who's in trouble with the headmaster?" Josie asked as she's already seen who it was from. I saw Hope rolling her eyes next to me and gave me a look. "Probably the people who started a rumble with the local high school." I rolled my eyes again and gave her a significant look. "I don't know what you're talking about. The brat had it coming from the first game!" I said and Dorian now opened the note. We all looked up to him. "Amaya Rose Mikaelson, Josie Saltzman..." Dorian turned to Hope. "And baby makes three." He said and I looked confused at the tribrid. So did Josie. We three got up, got our books and then left for the library.

Alaric Saltzman demanded answers and I sighed while I sat down on a chair. "I believe that I didn't do anything wrong. Punching her was the only option since I'm not allowed to use my magic. So, why are we being punished?" I said and looked up to Alaric. "You did the wrong thing, Amaya. You risked exposing us because you can't control yourself. You can't control your emotions nor your powers." Alaric said and I got up. "Amaya..."  Hope said behind me and when I turned around to her she shook her head. I sighed and crossed my arms before my chest.

"I volunteered everyone in the game. You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time." I scoffed. "Like any prison could hold me." I retorted. "How about this?" Alaric pulled a blue-ish looking stone from his jeans pocket. I immediately was at the other side of the library.

"Where the hell did you get this!?" I asked angrily and then made two steps forward and within a second I stood directly infront of Alaric, eyeing the stone cautiously. "Your mother came down here yesterday, helped us with a little spell. She gave it to me. It's not lethal anymore but if you ever cross a line like yesterday again this will make you realize the consequences." I growled and flashed my eyes at him.

"You have no idea what this little stone can do to me! It is and always will be the only thing to destroy my kind. So get it the hell off this earth or you will feel my wrath!" Alaric stepped closer to me, still holding the stone.

"You really are your parents child! All of their anger and madness passed down to you-" I suddenly screamed out in anger and Alaric flew right back at the shelves. "Don't you dare talk about my parents like that! You didn't knew them!" I cried out. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Hope and then I brushed her hand off and left for the bus that was waiting outside.

"All right, listen up! It's a beautiful day. You got options - litter, weeds, graffiti! Your choice." Was the first thing I reall heard after we got out of that bus. "It's bad enough we get punished while the humans get a pass, but there ain't no way in hell I'm picking up their garbage." Kakeb said and held out the tool to pick up litter and held it out to Lizzie who scoffed and held her hands up in rejection. "Uh, I don't do trash either." I watched Hope as she walked up to them and picked up the tool. "I love trash... as of this moment." She said and I chuckled. "Suits you!" Hope and Lizzie glared at me. Clearly, Lizzie wanted to make a snarky comment like that. Oops...

Suddenly, Josie was walking over to me and Hope and Lizzie scoffed. I picked up an orange trash bag and one of the tools to pick the litter up. Then I went to start the task. Now Hope and Josie helped me to pick up the trash in the park. My mind went to what Alaric said. Was I really like my parents? The fearful original hybrid Klaus Mikaelson and the queen of another world Olivia Hale?

"Why do you always pick fights?" I heard Josie suddenly ask and I turned around to see them fighting. "Ugh..." I rolled my eyes and stopped picking up the humans trash. "We've know each other a decade, and any time you have the chance, you poke." Josie continued. "You too, Amaya." Josie said and looked at me. "Excuse me? Am I not there for your sister whenever she is struggling?" I asked and Josie sighed. "You always pick on us and even Hope because you believe you are so strong! But you are not. You are as much of an earthwalker as us." Josie started and I continued silently to pick up the trash.

Suddenly, there was a shadow infront of me and I looked up to see my mother in earth clothes. "What the-" I asked and then felt the sizzling pain in my cheek after she slapped me. "Olivia?" Hope asked behind me and her and Josie came closer. Mom then stepped back. "From now on you will behave! I will not tolerate such behavior here or on Meridial. Do you understand?" She asked and I immediately nodded rapidly. "I am sorry." I whispered and then Mom went on to hug Hope. I turned around to three witches. "You must be Josie. One of the two remaining siphoners from the gemini coven." Mom spoke softly and Josie smiled. "Yes. Hi, it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Mikaelson." I saw my mother frown for a second before she shook her head. "Please, call me Olivia." She said and I sat down.

Later that day Hope and Josie continued picking up garbage after they had a talk with my mother. "She's special." Mom whispered into my ear as she sat down next to me. "Hm?" I murmured. "Josie. She reminds me of your father." I frowned and then looked confused at her. "Do you ever think about the fact that your other half could be out there, waiting for you?" She said and I frowned. "Mom... not everyone is as lucky as Dad and you. Not every revilas is destined to meet their other half. Aunt Sara didn't, for example." I whispered. "Josie has the same aura around her as your father had when I met him for the first time." She whispered and I sighed.

"I'm not doing that, Mom! I'm not listening to you as you talk about the soul bond like it's gonna happen to me. Josie and I are not even friends and that since years and it'll all stay that way!" I yelled and got up. When I reached the girls Josie immediately looked at me. "Can you portal us back to the school?" She asked and I smiled. I opened a portal infront of us and then looked back to them. "Here you go." We three stepped through it and as we went inside the school my mom appared behind us.

IN ANOTHER LIFE , josie saltzman ✔️Where stories live. Discover now