- 24. Howling wolves

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This was the beginning of another big chapter in my immortal life. How did I know that? First time I realized it when I was on my paws, running around through the woods. It was when I suddenly crossed the barrier and felt a sizzling pain in my arm, that made me turn back into a human. I was laying on the ground, naked and hurt. I grunted when I got up from the muddy floor and opened a portal to my room in the castle. I went for the bottle that I hid under my bed, sat down on my bed and put the magical fluid on my hurt arm. I sighed deeply when the pain slowly drifted away. After my arm was fully healed, I took a bath, brushed my hair and my teeth.

Then I put on fresh underwear, socks, a pair of blue jeans, a black top and brown leather boots. For a few weeks now I refused to put on a crown or a gown. I realized that this wasn't who I am. I put my hair into a high ponytail, put on a necklace with a small blue crystal and then left my chambers.

The second time that I realized the beginning of something big was when I stepped into the throne room. My mother had an ice cold look on her face while she placed two stones on the table. "Mom?" I asked and she looked over to me as the green stone began to crack. "Earth is gone! Bellicante has severed all ties to it. So will you, Amaya. If you don't do it willingly, I will have to force you and that will hurt." She said and it almost sounded like a promise. I looked to the other queens of Bellicante and frowned. Ruby merely shook her head and for the first time I trusted her. "Where's Clarke?" I asked. Mom almost smiled as coldly as she did when she turned dark. "He was executed this morning." She said and then turned around.

"Don't be so surprised, my love. Josie can live a life without you. At least then she will find true happines instead of a disappointing love. You must realize by now that you never could have truly been happy if you had continued to live on Earth." Mom said and I felt my eyes flash in a deep green color. "Is this about Dad? Or- Or Sara? Whatever it is-" Mom turned around to me and cut me off with a sharp, yet still cold voice. "My relationship to Niklaus Mikaelson was keeping me from my true self. And Sara was a threat to my reign. Your father had his demons silent mine and now that his control over me is finally gone, I can finally be the queen I was meant to be. Now that I am finally seeing clearly, I can say that I'm relieved that they have died." Mom said and I felt tears stinging in my eyes as she spoke that way. "And what am I to you? If I were to die and I will would you feel the same?" I asked. She walked towards me and placed her hand under my chin, gently pulling my face up. "Yes." She whispered. Her eyes were shining blue. "Go to Earth and you will never step foot on Bellicante again. Ever." She said and looked directly into my eyes. "In the eyes of Bellicante you will be a traitor to the crown. An enemy of mine. If I were you, I'd thought hard if an other half would really be worth the risk." She said with a low voice. Then I quickly turned around and went into my chambers.

I started to pack everything, so that at the end of the day my room was empty as it was before I was born. It was dark now and I could see the warning statures from my window. Bellicante had changed over the last days and so has my mother. But once more my love for Earth has trumped over everything I had ever felt for this place.

A portal opened infront of me and I went through it with my bag hanging around my shoulder. "You didn't think you were truly out, right?" A voice asked behind me and I looked around as darkness embraced me. "It was..." "All in your head, yeah. Your imagination is astounding." Clarke said behind me and I turned around to him. The bag disappeared and I sighed. "We were never out of Malivore, right?" I asked, trying to stay calm. "Like I said, all in your head." He said and I grunted. "Damn it!" I said and flashed my eyes. I was pissed and the only thing I could let my anger out was him...

IN ANOTHER LIFE , josie saltzman ✔️Where stories live. Discover now