↳ 37. Embracing this was never a bad thing

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[ Ruby Hale in Amaya's body POV]

I sat down on the wooden chair and sighed as I crossed my arms before my chest. "I don't know why I need therapy! I feel amazing." I spoke and looked up to Emma as she stood before Lizzie, MG, Rafael, Josie, Hope, Jade and I. For some odd reason, my mind was elsewhere. Maybe it had to do with the feeling that my girlfriend's mind was all about me. I slightly shook my head and concentrated on Emma again.

"You all faced a recent trauma. We're here to address them through this game. Don't worry, this is all simply simulational." I scoffed at her words and attempted to get up but a gnawing feeling inside my chest stopped me. "I'll be with you and I'll be self-aware." Great. If this turns out to bite me, I'll never do therapy again, I thought. I looked back to Hope and gave her an encouraging smile, which she returned. If only they knew what would be waiting for them on the other side.

"Okay, guys. Just think of sandy, white beaches. Sandy, white beaches." The blonde Saltzman said and I closed my eyes, ready for another rollercoaster. I awoke in a chair, watching Emma Tig sing on the stage and looked around to see the Saltzman twins, Hope and Rafael inside this bar. I walked up to the dear sister and ordered a scotch before turning around and searching for something, someone.

MG entered the bar, looking around. As Emma left the stage, telling the students that she was here and then followed her as she went into another room. I put my hand on her shoulder and muttered one word under my breath. Destare. Emma turned around to me, a shocked and terrified look on her face. "Sorry, Emma. But this is my game now." I whispered and watched as she fell to the ground, dead and banned from the simulation. My eyes quickly flashed blue before I sighed and looked up to the ceiling.

I quickly turned on my heel and left the room, then I finished my glass with the scotch inside and looked towards the twins before leaving the bar.

I went after MG, who looked for Professor Vardemus and entered the office after the vampire left. "I remember. I remember you, Milton, from the school documents." I closed the door behind me and let out a chuckle. "Yeah, I'm not MG. My name is Ruby, and you're gonna deliver a message for me." I spoke and the man turned around to me before I raised my arms and unleashed a wave of dark magic on him, killing him in the process.

After that I smiled to myself and turned around, opened a portal and stepped through it to find the wolf. "Ms Mikaelson, isn't it?" He asked and I shook my head, sighing deeply. "No, dear boy. It is indeed Hale this time." Then my arms jolted forward and I broke his neck, getting him too out of my way and out of the game.

Just then, a voice behind me spoke. "Let me guess you're seeing a word?" I asked as I turned around to MG. "Solé." Soul. "Amaya?" The boy asked and I grew angry. "No! Amaya is no longer! It is only I, Ruby, forever here and not here!" I yelled out and my eyes flashed blue as I stepped closer to the vampire. "We can work this out. You don't have to kill me too." He said and raised his hand in defense. "You see, Milton, I promised sweet Amaya that I would not harm the Saltzman twins and the Mikaelson wonder woman. I never said anything about the ones she calls friends." I voiced and MG stepped back. Black fog emerged from my body and attacked the unknown soul infront of me as I watched as he fell down, screaming out in horror. His hands clutched the sides of his head and his eyes squeezed shut, trying his hardest to make it through the pain and illusions of terror.

I turned to find the Saltzman twins and Hope and when I did, I saw a Josie infront of me that I instantly began to desire. I could feel the black magic inside of her, taking her over. I snapped my fingers and closed my eyes as the dark magic inside Amaya began to take her-- well me (now) over, eyes flashing a deep, icey blue. Josie turned around and witnessed what her love has become. "Are you gonna stop me?" She asked as she pointed a gun at her twin, which made me laugh out. "No. No, you and I are gonna play a little game after this." With that I rushed towards Hope and bit her neck viciously, before breaking it. Then with the flick of my wrist, I put Lizzie back into the real life.

I turned around to Josie and walked towards her. "You and I could be a very deadly duo. It would be stupid to pass that on. So, what do you say?" I asked and put my hand on her cheek which made me look up in my eyes. "I say that you have become something very dangerous and powerful. You nullified my magic, which I'm impressed by, really. I say, I'm in." She whispered and leaned in to kiss me. I was surprised that she would do that but this was a brand-new Josie.

She took my hand and lead me away, out of the game and into the woods. There was a clearing and I saw that she, Amaya, opened up a lake of grace. "Josie helped her do this." Dark Josie said and I nodded, while I hummed and walked around the small hole in the ground, that was filled with bubbling water. "Does she know?" I asked and she nodded, black eyes staring at my every move. I raised my hand gracefully and watched as the water moved with me. "Amaya once wanted to get rid of her revilas magic, returning to the state of a vampire-werewolf hybrid. She used these waters, making Josie promise to hide a piece of some stone somewhere-" I watched as Dark Josie doubled over, clutching her chest and breathing heavily.

"What is it?" I asked, my-- her voice montone. "Amaya?" Josie asked softly, her voice just a mere whisper. So quiet, yet so loud in my... her head. Amaya screamed at me, wanting to break out. "Where is the stone, darling?" I asked after I rushed up to her, crouching down to the siphoner. "Give me back my girlfriend and maybe, I'll tell you." Josie sneered and I let out a laugh. "Feisty! I like it." I exclaimed. "Come on, Jo. Tell me and I'll let you live to see this world burn down to ashes." I said and Josie backed away. "No." She grunted and put her hand on my chest. "Amaya, please! I know you're in there. I need you! Hope needs you." Josie spoke and I got up from the ground and stepped backwards into the waters behind me and let the waters swallow this body and soul.

IN ANOTHER LIFE , josie saltzman ✔️Where stories live. Discover now