↳ 36. Void

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I looked down and sighed before I vamp-speeded down and looked to Kai as he tossed the phone he was holding into Malivore. "Dimenio." I whispered and followed by that was a bright glowing ball appearing in my hands. "Oh, Amaya, you can't still be mad, can't you?" Not caring what he feels or says, I threw the ball towards him and watched as he flew through the air. "Josie broke the sandclock." I whispered and my eyes burned a brighter blue. "You know, Kai... what you did to me is unforgivable but now as I look at you... I just don't really care about that, but you've hurt Josie. And that is- well, now that's just gonna come back and bite you." He got up from the ground and his previous smirk fell.

I stepped forward and opened my mouth to let a scream emit from my throat - so powerful that it made me too fly back through the air. I landed on my knees and got up quickly to rush forward and thrust my hand into his chest. Holding his heart in my heart, I chuckled. Suddenly, as he stared into the eyes of death, he began to laugh. His laughter of craziness filled the room and slowly as I got more angry, the ground underneath began to shake. "So temperamental. So destructive. We could've made a good team." He said and I removed my hand from his heart. "Those days are over." I whispered and he smiled as he pushed me back.

"Oh, are they?" He asked and sped infront of me, his hand on my throat. Then he pushed me up against a wall which made groan and I laid my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. As I opened them again, I grabbed his wrist and broke it, releasing the grip on my throat. I gasped for air and opened my eyes and then snapped his neck before I sped forward and broke his neck before angrily tossing him into the pit.

Then I turned around and sped back to Mystic Falls. Josie's magic was drawing me to the hospital and when I found them, I was terrified at the scene before me.

Lizzie was laying there, in pain. She was covered in scratches, a deep wound on her stomach. The blood that was pouring from it made me back away and I stepped closer to the doorframe, holding onto it. Lizzie was grunting in pain and Josie was on the floor, unconscious.

"Dr. Saltzman. I can help. It's me. I don't know how but Josie turned my humanity back on." Jade said as she stood next to me, also holding herself back because of the blood. Alaric turned to us and sighed as his eyes fell first on me, then on the dark blonde vampire.

"Look, you can still kill me if you want to, all right? I know that I deserve it. But I was training as an EMT when I was 16, and I've spent the last ten years learning how to patch people up after a fight, all right? I can help her. But I can't be near the blood. So you're just gonna have to do exactly what I tell you." Jade spoke and I turned to look back at the twins.

"Vessel's sealed." Was the next thing I recalled hearing and looked down on my arms. Black lines were crawling up my arms and I sighed deeply. "Her pulse is steady." When I turned to the room, I saw that Josie was getting up and looked straight at Jade. "Hello again." Her eyes turned black and I felt like my head was screaming at me. I clutched my head and groaned in pain. "What happened to you?" Jade asked. "She did something dangerous with black magic. And now she can't recall why." Alaric said.

I internally slapped myself as I entered the room. "Maybe it has to do with the fact that I dropped Malachai Parker straight into Malivore." I spoke up and let my revilas self take over as my eyes glistened blue. "Sorry, this'll hurt." I whispered and Alaric sat down before I raised my arms. "Leminaré." I whispered as a green fog violently jolted from my body and caused me and the others to pass out.

When I awoke, we were all in the old Salvatore boarding house. "Where's Lizzie?" Alaric asked as he jolted up, awake. "Sleeping upstairs." I touched my head before I got up and held a hand away from my body, towards the books. A book then flew in my hand and I opened it. "Amaya Hale's emergency rituals." I read aloud and bit my bottom lip. Josie turned around to me. She smirked before she spoke. "There's still a way for us to get out. This place is just another spell. It's made of magic. Magic can be siphoned. I can make holes in this world." I smiled to myself before I sat down and began to read. "Amaya, this is not a book club!" Alaric said and I looked up to him.

With the snap of my fingers, my hair was in a braid, and a beautiful black gown was on my body. "I know. But this-" I held up the book. "is my way out. Josie will lead you out but I can't and won't follow you." Josie nodded. "So, does this mean you can get us back into the real world? It's all right. I talked to them. We just want to go home." Jade spoke and I looked at her and the other two supernaturals from the corner of my eye. "Well, we can't all go. The magic I siphon here can't travel to the real world. The energy needs to go somewhere, which means someone needs to stay behind to be the anchor. It should be Diego. No offense." Josie spoke and I let out a sigh.

"It will be me!" I spoke and flashed my eyes blue before I got up. "I can leave this world on my own but I can only go after Josie and you guys will be long gone. I will create a vessel so that the magic is boxed up. I did it before." I said and shut the book in my hands.

Later, I was with them as Josie prepared the spell. "We need to work together. Place the spires in a circle to create a boundary spell. As I begin to siphon, doors will open beneath them. Each door can only transport one person. Once I begin the spell, I cannot stop until it is done. So, when you see the door, you have to go." She spoke and Alaric walked up to me. "Don't do this. Let me stay behind." I shook my head. My eyes flashed blue once again as I spoke. "Amaya has made a decision. It is now up to us. Besides, this dark magic...this me has to go somewhere, too." Alaric very hesitantly nodded and went back to where he stood.

As the doors opened they all hesitantly but successfully went through them and I sighed as I walked up to Josie, who was kneeling on the ground, in the circle. "What happens to you?" She asked and my hazel eyes turned blue, a smile grew on my lips. I crouched down and took in all her features. "I kiss the girl I love and then watch as Amaya's body suffers the consequences." I whispered monotone, before I leaned down and kissed her on the lips before I watch as this dark Josie disappeared infront of me.

Then I looked up to the night sky and was at peace as Amaya's magic left her body, leaving me permanent inside her. She and I agreed that it would be best that I take over, also agreeing that no harm comes to Hope and the twins.

I opened a portal, turned around so that my back faced it and screamed. Power. Their voices slowly went quiet before there was no more revilas, nor earth-magic inside me, only the fading voice of my screams as I stepped through the closing portal, falling down on the other side. Her eyes closed shut and I let out a chuckle, when I felt the magic coursing through the veins of the poor princess. Well, what did she say about the magic being boxed up? Oh, right, she lied.

a/n: Amaya letting her void self take over permanently is something I planned for a v long time. Hope y'all liked it!

Also dark Josie is great! I don't know why everyone hates her😬

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