- 4. The gargoyle

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We searched for the blonde twin the moment we got inside. My mother and I were the only one who noticed the silence. "Lizzie?" Josie called out and I took a deep breath. "Something's not right." I whispered. "I'll check the library." Hope said and then left. "I'm going with her." My mother said as she realized that I could protect myself and Josie if necessary. The siphoner and I continued to walk down the entrance hall.

"Is she going to stay? Your Mom." Josie asked and I shook my head. "No. She's gotta go back to reign Meridial and that's hard enough. She barely has any time to see me, so..." I said and then we found Alaric, Hope and my mother by the headmaster's office. "So, how'd you take the containment spell down?" He asked and before Hope could have answered, Josie did. "She didn't. I did." Alaric looked surprised at his daughter. "And I have questions." Josie continued.

After Alaric found Emma, the younger students and Lizzie we got to the grand hall to search for the gargoyle that was currently in the posession of the knive. Hope and I stood several feets infront of my mother, Alaric and Josie. The Saltzmans currently have a weapon on their own and my mom's and my own eyes and fingertips glowed green-ish. The gargoyle leaped into the air and flew from the staircase to us down, facing us directly. Hope dodged the gargoyle when it attempted to stab her with knive.

Then I flipped backwards and shielded myself from the attack with my magic as the gargoyle tried to slam the knive in my chest. The gargoyle tried over and over to hit me and with a powerful and lasting scream I pushed it back. In only a matter of seconds it was right back infront of me and again, I used my magic as a shield. "Amaya!" I heard three voices calling out terrified and I was pushed back by it's claw. I flew backwards in the air and hit my head at the floor.

I got up and watched as my mother, Hope and Josie defeated the gargoyle with both earth and revilas magic. Afterwards Josie walked towards me with teary eyes. "What were you thinking, trying to defeat it all by your own? You could have died, Amaya!" Then I saw something that I've never seen before, Josie's eyes shortly glowed in the same green when I am using my magic. And that's when I stepped back and regretted my actions. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize." Josie's eyes turned back to normal and she didn't notice from what it seemed. Then she turned around and stormed away. I looked up to my mom and she nodded. "It has begun." She said and Alaric frowned. "What did?" He asked curiously. "The soul bond." She smiled. I looked at the three of them before I turned around and disappeared through a portal.

After I let out my feelings in the gym I walked into Alaric's office after I received a magical note and I sat down on the chair infront of the desk. "Thank you for coming here, Amaya." Alaric said and I nodded. "Your mother told me the story of a revilas finding it's-" He struggled finding the right word and I chuckled. "Other half." I cut in and he nodded. "Right, it's other half and she said that I am not to intervene unless I have a death wish and that it's okay for you to feel-" I cut him off as I chuckled again. "We're talking about your daughter here, you realize that, right?" Alaric nodded. "I do, yes. But, Amaya, I want you to know that I am okay with you performing revilas magic unless it's containing the dark world or the elders. Do you understand me?" I frowned for a minute and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" I asked and Alaric nodded. "Yes." I smiled and got up from the chair. "Thank you, Alar- Professor Saltzman." I said and then turned around to walk out. Before I reached the door I turned to the headmaster again. "You cannot tell Josie about the soul bond. She isn't ready for this, yet and I hope that you can keep this secret until I know more." Alaric nodded and smiled sympathetically. "Of course." "And you need to tell the other students about all of this. Becaue this kind of secret? It's gonna tear us all apart." I said.

And Professor Saltzman had gathered the whole school again in the grand hall to explain what was and still is happening on these grounds. Afterwards I noticed Josie and a recovering Lizzie curled up on sofa in the common room with MG approaching them with a plate of brownies. When Josie noticed me looking at them my eyes unintentionally flashed because of the bond and she weakly smiled at me. I smiled back at her and then turned around to leave. My eyes turned back and I noticed a boy and Hope staring at eachother before Hope took off. I followed her in our dorm room.

"Congratulations on the bond. You must be thrilled." Hope said and I chuckled. "Yeah, totally." I retorted sarcastically. "To be honest, it's frightening me, Hope." I said and sighed while I laid down on my bed. "Why?" She asked. "I always wanted something like what Mom and Dad had and now after... I could never go through such pain. It would utterly destroy me." Hope laid down next to me and stroke my hair. "You shouldn't worry now. Josie will be fine. She is strong, believe me."

Yeah, but is she strong enough to survive the merge, I thought and closed my eyes.

IN ANOTHER LIFE , josie saltzman ✔️Where stories live. Discover now