-19. Too bad I'm driven by darkness

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I walked down the hall with Josie, Jed and Kaleb at my side and smiled at my sister when she and Rafael saw us. Lizzie approached us, too. We came to a halt all together. Josie and Lizzie bickered and I began to hear steps outside. "Um, guys." I said and their heads turned to me.

We all walked outside and armored men in uniforms approached us. "Aww, does this mean I can actually practice my death spells on humans?" Then I looked at the twins. "Remind me to thank your dad." I said and my lips turned into a smirk. "Oh, you can certainly try." A man in the front said and when I tried to attack them with earth magic, it was of no use. But I was still able to use revilas magic. I could feel that. "Who the hell are you, anyway?" Lizzie asked. "Name's Burr. Triad Industries." The man answered and it was hard to control my magic. They didn't knew that I was different and if they hurt the people I love, I'd show them how dangerous this different side of me actually was.

We went inside into the grand hall and listened to the man who appeared to lead this pathetic group. "We're looking for an artifact known as the Chalice of Arimathea. We have reason to believe it's part of your school's collection. Now, you know this place a lot better than we do, so the sooner you help us find it, the sooner we'll be gone. Triad thanks you for your time." I growled softly and Josie took my arm. "Can you-" She whispered and I cut her off by nodding. My fingers glowed and Josie took my hand in her own. "You'll be okay. I promise." I whispered into her ear and then I left the grand hall.

Hope, Josie and Lizzie were in Alaric's office when I found them. Hope was on the phone and Josie and Lizzie were bickering. Again. Ugh. I made myself visible again and the twins stared immediately in my direction. "You can use your magic?" Lizzie asked and I smirked. Hope got off the phone and turned around to us. "I'm using my revilas magic. Jo?" My eyes wandered to the brunette and she nodded and when she opened her eyes again they shined green. "Great. You posessed my sister." Lizzie said and I rolled my eyes. "If you'd just wait, you would see that I am able to channel her souls magic." Josie said and then held a green magic ball.

"So, what are we doing now?" Lizzie asked and Hope answered, "Now we figure out a way to get our powers back, and we kick some paramilitary ass." She said and I chuckled. "Finally. I've been working on something." I said and Hope smirked. "Wait, Dad said not to do anything crazy." Josie argued and I looked at her. "Me defying your dad isn't crazy. It's consistent." Hope said.

Then the door opened and in the moment I quickly used my powers to make myself invisible again and Burr said, "Well, at least we know where you stand." He said and Josie shortly looked around before Burr pulled out his gun. "You'rte damn right we do." Hope answered. My eyes turned green and I growled softly. "You're not very scared of me, are you? How about now?" He asked and Hope, Josie and Lizzie stood beside eachother. Hope chuckled. "That's your plan? You're gonna shoot a kid?" She asked and I looked around before my fingertips began to glow in a dangerous cold blue and I knew that I had to do something about it before the darkness began to consume me.

Burr loaded the gun while he spoke, "This gun would never harm a human child. You three, however These bullets were formed from the mud of the Malivore pit and weaponized by Triad scientists. They can break the skin of any supernatural like a hot knife through butter. Fester. Infect them. Disintegrate them from the inside out." I growled again and my eyes flashed blue. No no no, I thought. I tried to keep my powers at bay. "We don't know where the challice is." Josie said.

"I believe you." Burr said back and my arms began to show dark lines. "This is just for fun, really. Eeny meeny miney-" "Moe." Lizzie finished. Then he shot the gun and Josie leaped infront of Lizzie and took the two bullets for her sister.

Suddenly, I was visible again and exploded. The dark lines on my arms glowed black and my eyes flashed blue when I began to scream as loud and as powerful I was able to. And even more. The darkness inside of me took over and the wave of my scream hit the armored men back into the hall. I stepped forward, still screaming. My arms began to rise and I did too. The scream stopped and I held out one hand. "You really shouldn't have done this." I said in a low voice but before I was able to do more I was pulled back on the ground with a hand in my own. Hope's. "Amaya! This isn't you. You're not dark." She said and raised her voice. My feet touched the ground again and with a glare I snapped the men's necks.

IN ANOTHER LIFE , josie saltzman ✔️Where stories live. Discover now