- 6. Votings

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Now at the assembly in the morning I sat down next to Penelope and listened to what Alaric had to say. "Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future…" He looked at his daughters for a moment and then continued "And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this school’s policies, it’s only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made."

"So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch, and one werewolf — each elected by their peers, along with Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students." I smiled and Penelope turned her head to me. "And I know exactly who I'll vote." She whispered in my ear and I nodded. "Yeah, me too." I whispered and smiled to myself. "Now, I have to go off-campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That’s all. You’re dismissed." Penelope and I stayed for a moment and smirked at eachother before taking off parted.

Peez and I met at the staircase again with a few of her witch friends that I'd like to burn to the ground and I sat down next to my best friend and listened to what she said to them. "Lizzie Saltzman only cares about Lizzie Saltzman. If your interests don’t line up with hers, you’re witch non grata. I personally believe that you deserve a better candidate." I chuckled. "Let me guess, you?" I mocked and Penelope smirked at me. "Not like we could vote for you." One of the witches said and with a glare I let her spill her iced cappuccinos on her clothes. Then I smirked again. "Oh, I'm sorry, you were saying?" I asked and the witch scoffed and got up to leave. I turned around at the feeling of Josie being near and she walked towards me and Penelope. "So, you’re running for honor council just to spite her?" Josie asked and scowled. The other witches left and Penelop and I got up. I to watch the scenario, Penelope to look at her ex-girlfriend. "That’s low, Penelope, even for you." Josie added. "You used to like it when I went low." Josie then looked as if she regretted something and I looked at the both of them with a fake-smile. "Okay, I'll leave you to fight." I announced Penelope and looked at my other half then. "Josie." I said firmly and then went to my room to quickly change my clothes.

Then I headed to the gym where Jed and the other wolves were. "Everyone out!" I yelled as I entered the gym and the wolves eyed me curiously. Then I flashed my eyes at them. "Leave!" I growled and the boys left. Jed walked towards me and I sensed his anger. "Who do you think you are, commanding my pack?" I smirked. "Right..." I said and I licked my lips. "You wanna get your anger out? Hit me!" I said and stepped closer to Jed. "I don't think that's what you want, witch." Jed said and his eyes turned golden. "My father was a werewolf-vampire hybrid. That makes me part wolf. So when I say hit me-" He suddenly hit me in the stomach and I flew back, landing on my back. "That's more like it." I said and Jed jumped forward in the air to get closer. Now he was above me while I laid on the floor. "You're never gonna be alpha, even if your daddy was the big bad wolf." He whispered and I hit him in the side to get him off of me. I got up quickly and laughed. "Please. I'd rather be queen before I'll be an alpha to your little pack." Jed chuckled and then got up from the floor ground and walked up to me. "You know how this goes, Rose. You beat me, you're the alpha." I smiled and put an arm around his neck before I let the magic surround my fingertips. "I can easily beat you and you know it." He then growled and I was being thrown into the wall. Taken by surprise by his action I growled and then ducked down before he could have punched first.

I laughed again playfully before I punched him in the stomach and then I got out of his sight by swiftly moving behind him. He turned around and I made several backflips to get away from his punches. Jed let his anger take over and began to punch with real strength and I kicked and punched back, not taking his punches. "You're better when you're angry. What is it?" Jed asked under his breath and I grunted while I put him down on the floor. "Nothing! Just shut up." I grunted and held him down with my arm on his chest. He threw me over him and I ended up laying down on the ground. Head at head. "You're distracted. And that's no fun." I chuckled. "Oh, was this about fun?" I asked and Jed got up. He helped me up and I sighed. "It was good while it lasted. Until next time, Rose." I smirked and I punched in the stomach again so that he flew in the wall. "Until next time!" I called while turning around and leaving. I heard Jed scoff. Then with a bathrobe from my room and a towel I headed to the showers.

Later I stood on the staircase again and watched Peez as she blew her red ballot in the gilded gold ballot box. Then she went to sit down. I looked at Josie and Lizzie who sat in the front row of the witches and winked at them before also blowing my own card into the box. I went to sit down next to Penelope and smiled proudly. "All right. Voting is now closed. Let's get started." The students broke into applause and I snickered. "The werewolf representative will be... Rafael!" Emma announced after she received the first card. The werewolves stood up and congratulated their new representative and I rolled my eyes at the sight of it. "All right, settle down." Emma called out and the crowd grew silent.

"Thank you. Next up…" Emma said and I watched the vampires. MG began to bounce in his seat and I knew he would be excited for this. "The vampire representative will be…" Emma read the card and MG got up from his seat and buttoned his jacket. "Kaleb." Emma said. "What?" I growled and Penelope hit me gently with her ellbow. MG's face turned from excited to sad and while the other vampires celebrated he got down on his seat. "All right, guys, settle down." Emma said once again and I sighed. The vampires went silent and sat down on their seats. "Thank you." Emma said and then got the final parchment for the witches. I smiled to myself. Josie and Lizzie turned to eachother amd Josie helped Lizzie to make her debut. Or not? "And the witch representative will be…" The twins smiled and I grinned at Penelope. She may not had the same motives but her goal was the same. "Josie." Emma said and I watched as Lizzie's smile fell and her face turned to as if she'd seen a ghost towards Josie. Josie then turned around to Penelope and I, and we high-fived eachother while Peez winked and pointed a finger-gun at the brunette. "Thank you all for voting, and congratulations to our newly-elected representatives." Emma said.

Later, I went to Josie and Lizzie's room to gloat about Josie's win and to see her again. I went inside without to knock and smiled at the witches. "What's up with the mood, L? You should celebrate your sister even though she didn't want it." I asked as I saw that Lizzie was completely dressed in black. Lizzie sat down on the floor, trying to control herself and Josie was sitting on her bed. "Leave, Amaya!" Lizzie said in a loid voice with closed eyes and Josie got up and dragged me by my arm outside.

She closed the door and walked me from the room away. "What were you and Penelope thinking? No, I know what the she-devil was thinking. What were you thinking, Amaya?" She asked, angry about winning an election?
"Maybe that you deserve success too? You may not know what it feels like anymore from standing in your sister's shadow all the time!" I said. Josie groaned. "Why are you like this? I despise Penelope enough for always going after her!" Josie pointed out. "Recent events changed things in my perspective, Josie. It's not like you would understand-" "Oh, yeah? Try me." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "It's not that easy. I wish I could tell you..." I said and Josie began to feel different. "You know what? If you can't be honest with me, maybe it's best we don't talk until you feel like you can trust me again." Josie said and I watched shocked as she turned around to leave. I felt my magic gather inside me as I felt like my soul was ripped from my body and I began to scream out in pain because of how this turned out.

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