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Opening her eyes due to the glistening of the nearby sun, Stef rose from the bed of the guest bedroom. She allowed her pupils to the roam the area of the room which she stood, searching around for her dear Aunt Jodie.

Because Carrie hadn't returned just the night before, Lena insisted that the elderly woman would rest in the guest bedroom. And, because they didn't want to cause any suspicions of their romance, Stef figured it'd be best to also accompany her aunt in that very bedroom. Even though she and Lena had agreed to sleep under one ceiling.

Figuring her aunt had maybe been in the restroom, Stef exited the space she utilized, finding her way into the hallway that led to Lena's room. She knocked upon the door just a few times before Lena okayed her entrance.

"Well, good morning," The mentor greeted, allowing Stef within her presence. She had been dressed in a silk, pink pajama set with house slippers of the same pigment. "I missed you sleeping in here with me last night." Her arms reached for the blonde's waist.

"Morning," Stef smiled, extending herself closer to the woman. "And, oh did ya now? Well, I missed you more." She then cupped Lena's face with the palms of her hands, placing a rather welcoming and passionate kiss upon the woman's lips.

"Alright," The mentor said, halting their shared touch

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"Alright," The mentor said, halting their shared touch. She then eyed Stef with curiosity riding her pupils. "Where's Aunt Jodie?"

The blonde-haired's shoulders moved in an up and down fashion. "The bathroom, maybe? I don't know. She's definitely an early bird so if she's—"

But, before she could continue on, Lena, adjusting her nose to inhale a rather sudden savory aroma, hindered the woman's words. "Is that...bacon?" Instantly, she couldn't help but to release short giggles.

Stef's eyes rolled to the rear of her head. She felt it to be completely bold that her dear aunt would find so much nerve as to thinking it was appropriate to just prepare breakfast in a home that wasn't even hers.
"Oh my—Lena, I am so sorry." Her forehead found the palm of both her hands. "If I had any idea that she'd do this, I would have never—"

"Well, at least we know she's not in the bathroom." For a second time, the mentor had impeded the blonde's words. She then rested one of her hands upon Stef's nearest shoulder. "And it is okay, really. She's done no harm. Why don't we head on down there?"

Stef smiled at the given reassurance, then agreed to going down to the kitchen.
Both women exited the bedroom, making sure a decent amount of space rested between them to not spark up any speculations. Once they walked through the nearing hallways, marched down a flight of stairs and entered the kitchen, they spotted Aunt Jodie standing over the gray colored stove.

The dear aunt was scrambling eggs in a pan, humming a rather loud tune. Feeling both presences of Stef and Lena, she turned from the stove and greeted them.
"Ah, nice to have you two finally up."

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