Thirty One

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Walking through the halls of their shared home, Stef nor Lena could keep their hands in their respective positions. Lips were synching as one as palms were holding onto waists, causing an immense desire for inevitable intimacy.

Giving their presences to the bedroom of which their souls nightly resided, the women dove into the nearing bed.

At an instant, their bodies fell into a warmth that only love could create

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At an instant, their bodies fell into a warmth that only love could create. It was unbelievable that the women had only grown to love each other for such a sort time, but made love as if their souls had known one another's for a lifetime. The way they craved the passion in their kisses, the way they honored their touches. It was indeed a sight to see.

Beginning to rid herself of her clothing, Stef removed the top that covered her body's upper half and the bottoms that hid the lower half.
A black pigmented brassiere held her breasts, urging Lena to want them within her own possession. Freeing them, the mentor smiled of gratitude then led a trail of soft kisses upon them. She knew that in her hands rested two identical masterpieces, two treasures that were supposed to be handled with honor.

Shifting from the breasts, Lena gave her kisses to the blonde's neck. She wanted to ensure some sense of sincerity, a breath of genuineness. Listening as Stef's mouth released moans of desire, the mentor knew that soon she'd have to assure her lover, that she'd have to guarantee her.
So after her touch had found it's purpose there, the woman progressed her dampened tongue and it's stream down Stef's stomach until she reached the beginning lining of her waist.
Lena watched her lover quiver with desire, teasing her and tip-toeing around the glory she awaited entrance of.

Breathing deeply, Stef couldn't help but beg as she allowed her insides to cling onto impatience. She wanted Lena, and she wanted her over and over again.
"Don't you keep me waiting, woman," The blonde-haired woman whispered, growing intolerant of her desire.

Finally, Lena had given her all that she craved. To her lover's glory, the mentor let it be known that she had arrived. She caressed it, kissed it. Dominated it. But, above all, she remembered to be gentle with it as it was the woman's softest place on Earth.
Lena connected it to, creating spark between it's power and the wetness of her own mouth. Her juices flowed deep within through every layer of it. Front and back, side to side.

Unable to contain her weakness, Stef clung onto the bedding for strength. She had been loved in many ways, but never quite like this. Never not once had any lover treated her body like the beauty that it was. See, for her, this moment of intimacy between she and Lena wasn't just sex. It was love in a form that her soul craved for what felt like a lifetime, and had finally received it.

Wanting her turn to please her woman, Stef rearranged her physique upon Lena's. She passionately kissed the mentor, holding onto warmth that couldn't slip through even if it tried.

Beginning to undress Lena, Stef couldn't help but give eyes of satisfactory. She saw a body that owned every honorable curve, one that shone in an abundance of gold. How could she have been so worthy?

The blonde-haired woman then led a familiar stream of captivating smooches from the mentor's neck all the way through the creases of her legs. Just as she had been teased, she too wanted to do the teasing. She glided her slender fingers up and down Lena's stomach, growing near her beauty. She paid very close attention to how her lover squirmed around, hoping and wishing she'd receive what her insides yearned for.

Slowly, but thoroughly, two of Stef's passionate fingers found peace with what Lena gave permission for her to explore.
The mentor's back arched with pleasure as the dire injection grew deeper. Shutting her eyes, the woman couldn't help but to bite her bottom lip all while being gifted what she deserved. She needed to feel good again after all that had occurred, after all that had tested her dignity.

Reaching both their climaxes, the women held onto each other tightly. Their pupils stayed fixed within one another's, capturing the pleasure that rested between. It was gettin rather late through the night, and their intimacy had surely ended.

But, it was the kind of intimacy that—even if it had come to an end—would last until time ran out

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But, it was the kind of intimacy that—even if it had come to an end—would last until time ran out. Because it held just that much passion, just the right amount of love in it. And all and all, love was what Stef and Lena really needed. 

had been awhile since i wrote a sex scene for this story, thought you guys deserved one! also, this chapter's length was intended for my own reasons.

please leave any thoughts if you have any, but PLEASE be mindful is all i ask. 😘
- not edited.

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