Thirty Nine

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While Lena had been at work trying to regain focus after her conversation with Shelby, Stef had been at St. Kindreds hospital, being interviewed for the position of which she applied.

She was seated across from caramel skinned, brown eyed Dr. Lori Deveau, Chief of Cardiology. Dr. Deveau welcomed Stef with a bright, stern smile and warm and cold beverages of her choosing.
Stef chose water, hoping to be refreshed.

"So, we are so very excited to have you here, Stefanie," Dr. Deveau said, motioning within the blonde. Before her, a folder of Stef's resume, cover letter, and application rested upon the table.

"Why, thank you," Stef said back, smiling as well. "It is a pleasure to be here. And please, you don't have to call me Stefanie. Everyone just calls me 'Stef'."

The chief moved her head up and down, understanding what was suggested. She then crossed her hands together, and sat up a bit in her chair. "So, Stef, tell me about yourself."

Seated with her shoulders straightened and stance confident, Stef replied with, "Well, I consider myself to be very committed and passionate in my work ethic. In my ability to serve the public, putting the public first." She spoke as though it was her time to shine, her moment. "I also like to be thorough, a lifelong learner. Always seeking improvement, ways to better my performance."

"Wonderful," Dr. Deveau liked what her ears had heard. She felt that the woman displayed herself to be promising. "You sound very dependable, reliable." She then opened the folder of Stef's files, skimming through what was imprinted. "So, tell me about your experience as a San Diego law enforcer?"

"I served as a policewoman for the department for a count of fifteen years," the blonde said back. "There, I gained the ability to serve the public with utmost care and understanding. It was a profession that taught me patience and vigilance." She paused, then continued. "I am forever grateful for the experience."

The other woman listened carefully, taking in all that was mouthed. She then gave her eyes back to the files, browsing through them once more. After she had finished, she closed the folder and looked at Stef with apparent curiosity. "I see on your resume that you haven't listed a reference for the law enforcement agency you were hired through when you were an officer. Why is that?"

Instantly, Stef felt her heart drop throughout her chest. She hoped a question of the sort wouldn't surface. Truth was, her divorce was so nasty, so devastating. And her resignation from the police department was just as undesired. Stef allowed what was happening at home to interfere with her work. Sometimes, her duties as an officer had gone unfulfilled as she was too broken to focus solely on them.

Walking outside of Women's Inc and entering the passenger's side of her and Stef's shared vehicle, Lena had just gotten off work. While there, she went through the entire day wondering about her decision in regards to Shelby's situation. Truthfully, the woman was torn. She hadn't known what to do.

"Hey, love," Stef greeted her lover, watching as the other woman got situated in the car. Once Lena had been all the way in, the blonde leaned in for a kiss. Stef could tell just by Lena's touch that something was bothering her. "Uh oh, something happen at work?" She wasn't going to drive off until she figured out what it was.

Lena moved her head from side to side, answering with, "No I just—did you know that Shelby is pregnant?" The mentor eyed her woman sideways, curious.

"I did," Stef said back, looking at Lena closely. She recalled the very conversation she had with her dear friend when she announced her pregnancy. "She told me not too long ago. I didn't tell you because I felt that that kind of news was something that she was—"

Lena cut her off, finishing her statement with, "Something that she was supposed to tell me. And she did. She came by the office today." The woman then paused, sighing. "She pretty much demanded that I should allow her to stay at Women's Inc, despite what she has going on. I told her I needed time to think all of this over."

The blonde's eyes widened, trying to imagine Shelby's reaction to what Lena had informed. "I'm assuming she didn't take that too lightly..."

"She did not." The mentor moved her head in a side to side fashion, displaying Shelby's objection. "She asked me if she were you, would I had even needed to think any of this over." She sighed, remembering the rumors that hung in the air about she and Stef. "Just makes me think back to what Mrs. Taylor said...about me being too lenient with you."

Instantly, Stef's eyes rolled in circular motions. She didn't care about anything that Mrs. Taylor nor anyone else had to say. She felt only she and Lena could comment about their love and what it consisted of.
"Well, your relationship with me is obviously very different than your relationship with Shelby. And listen, I genuinely feel that if you didn't want to do anything that you've done for me, you wouldn't have." The woman reached for the mentor's left hand, holding onto it. "You're not a pushover, Lena. I know that about you. You are very passionate about everything you do."

"I know, I know," Lena replied, breathing deeply. She could feel her heart racing rapidly. "It's just that when it comes to Women's Inc—whether it's my staff or my members—I want everyone to feel counted for, y'know?" She hoped her lover would understand. "I want everyone to feel taken care of because I don't want to let anyone down."

"And you won't, love," Stef too released heavy breaths, loathing the fact that Lena felt a bit useless.  "If you decide against Shelby being able to stay, then that'll be just what it is, love. Don't allow her to make you feel bad over this one thing you didn't do. Because you have done so much." She then used her thumb and index fingers to lift Lena's chin, her way of reassuring the mentor. "You have done so much, babe. So much."

Lena's eyes began to tear up all while she looked within Stef's. She had to admit, Stef was right. Nothing that she didn't do for Shelby could ever outweigh all that she did do for her. Because that was just the thing about Lena, her being the sweetheart that she was.
"Thank you for that," she said back, allowing Stef to wipe her fallen tears. "Y'know what, enough about me and my work. How're you? How did the interview go?"

Stef smiled, appreciative that the mentor had asked about her. " wasn't the easiest interview, but I got through it." She watched as Lena then grabbed ahold of her hands. "If I got the job, I'll start training within the next few days."

"Oh, babe," the other woman too smiled, proud that her lover was beginning to make some changes. "That job is yours, it has to be. And y'know what, I think we should celebrate."

The blonde giggled a bit, locking her eyes with Lena's. "Okay. But, what would we do? I mean, it is a little later in the day...y'know."

"I don't care." Lena shrugged her shoulders, cheesing exceptionally hard. "I don't care. As long as I'm with you, that's all that matters."

Immediately, Stef then grew her body closer to the woman's. Their pupils held onto one another as desire filled their minds. They were so in love, so thankful for each other. 
Grabbing onto Lena's face, Stef connected their lips, allowing their souls to kiss.

—A|N: short & sweet :) thoughts?

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short & sweet :) thoughts?

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