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Seated at her kitchen table, Lena had been occupied with her laptop, a notepad, and pencil. As Family Week had been approaching, there were things that she needed to get done in order to ensure it'd be the best week possible.

Stef, who had been in her provided room, walked into the kitchen with a smile hugging her face. She stepped to where Lena had been, placed a gentle kiss upon the woman's forehead, then asked, "Whatcha doing?"

The mentor also smiled. "Oh, just listing and preparing things for Family Week." She then huffed, continuing with, "Carrie figured we needed to make paper lists of everything needed. Honestly, we could've just sent emails."

Stef's eyes rolled to the rear of her head, annoyed at the mention of the upcoming week she had dreaded. "Hm. Honestly, I'd be relieved when Family Week comes and goes already." She then took just a few steps away from Lena, sensing a spiral of tension soon to surface.

The other woman removed her eyes from the device that sat before her, placing them onto the blonde haired woman. Within her pupils, worrisome and confusion settled. For as much as she wanted to give a rest to Stef's decision to not participate in Family Week, she just couldn't help but to be curious.
"Well I didn't mean to—listen I'm not trying to keep pushing at this. And I know your reasoning for not wanting to participate." Lena breathed rather deeply. "But, are you sure there isn't some deeper reason as to why you don't want to invite your family?"

"I just..." Stef's eyes roamed the area at a steady pace. She had looked everywhere else but upon her mentor. Had there had been a more in-depth reason? "I really don't want to talk about this."

Incessantly breathing heavily, Lena moved her head in an up and down fashion. "I know, I know." She tried to be understanding. "I've just been a bit concerned, that's all."

The blonde haired woman's shoulders shrugged, all as her eyes stayed fixed upon the flooring beneath her. "Nothing wrong with being concerned. I'm just not interested in Family Week like you want me to be."

Lena's face held an expression of surprise all as she had not expected to hear what her ears allowed. "Well, I'm not trying to force you into anything, Stef." It wasn't that she felt Stef needed to be interested or involved with the weeklong event. She just figured that the woman would've already been, just like a multitude of the other women at Women's Inc. "I just thought you'd enjoy it. I mean, majority of those women go a long time without seeing their families. And when this event rolls around, they become the happiest I've ever seen."

"Yeah, well I'm not those other women..." Stef replied, feeling a sense of irritation within her body. For whatever reason she opposed inviting her loved ones, she'd verily wished Lena would refrain from speaking of it.

"I know you're not those—" the mentor began, rising from where she was seated and having her words impeded by the other woman.

"Exactly, so could you please stop asking me about this?!" Stef's voice has risen just a tad bit, startling Lena. "Whether or not I want to participate, it is my decision to make." She motioned towards her own physique. "And quite honestly, it is none of your business!"

The mentor had eyes of rage. She had known sometimes Stef said things she didn't mean, but sometimes those spoken things were also very hurtful. "Well, um. Okay." She closed the top down to her laptop, grabbed her notepad, then began to storm off. "Thanks for letting me know." She walked into the direction of her home's front door.

Stef watched the woman walk away, then couldn't help but to let her pupils fall beneath her, creating a trail of regret. She instantly felt sorry for the way she had spoken to the woman.

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