Thirty Eight

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"Oh my," Stef said to Lena, eyeing her from head to toe. As it was around seven-thirty in the morning, the blonde had been in the kitchen of their shared home, preparing breakfast. "Well, don't you look beautiful."

Lena smiled, admiring how she was adored. She was dressed in a plum colored pants suit, with her curls dangling freely.
"Thanks, honey." She marched over to the stove of which her lover stood by, positioning her lips in a fashion to be kissed.

"Mhm, morning kisses," Stef replied, in between their smooches. "My favorite, my favorite."

After their very intense, intimate night spent at Aunt Jodie's, the two women had gathered their belongings and prepared for a return home that following morning. It had now been two days since they were back. Though they enjoyed visiting the rather elderly woman, the lovers missed being in the comfort of their own home. They missed loving how they loved, without feeling as though there were restrictions.

"Ah, you made breakfast, hm?" The mentor allowed her eyes to surface the stove, roaming the meal of which Stef had prepared. "Bacon? I love bacon." She grabbed a piece of the meat, taking a bite. The woman then moved her presence closer to the kitchen's table, grabbing a seat.

"You love bacon—oh no I thought I was the bacon lover!" The blonde haired woman laughed a bit, causing Lena to do the same. She too found a seat at the table, helping herself to a mug of coffee. "So, you're ready to return to work?"

Lena sighed, shrugging her shoulders. It was the first day she'd be heading back to work after taking a few days off. After everything that had happened, she definitely needed time away.
"Well, I don't think I have much of a choice, y'know? I kinda...sorta have to be ready."
Whether the woman needed a getaway from work or not, she was still the head in charge and was going to have to return at some point. "What about you? Got any plans while I'm away?"

Stef took a sip of her heated beverage, moving her head in an up and down motion. "Oh, you know me. Thought I'd spend the day at the spa, booked a mani-pedi, the usual." She spoke in sarcasm, causing her lover to laugh just like before.

"Hey, I'm serious," the mentor said back, looking at the other woman sideways. She couldn't help but to giggle, finding Stef to be quite humorous. "I've been meaning to ask, how's the job search going?"

Since the two women had been back home, Stef had dedicated her time to search for employment. Ever since leaving Women's Inc, she had been certain that she wanted to make a change. She was not going to continue living as though her past was all she stood for. The life that she lived back then—the abuse, the failed marriage—it was not whom she was anymore. Besides, her and Lena's relationship had grown so strongly, that she felt she was obligated to not allow Lena to continue handling all finances on her own.

"It is going great, actually," the blonde replied, rising from where she was seated. She grew closer to the nearing stove, grabbing a piece of bacon. After taking a bite, she said, "I mean, I haven't heard back from any of the law enforcement agencies I reached out to but I—"

But before she could continue, Lena cut her off with, "I still cannot believe you were a police officer. I mean, not that you don't give me that vibe, because you definitely do. You're always so feisty, so strong." The woman paused, continuing on with, "I just...I wish I had known you back then. I can just see you now, in uniform, looking"

"Oh, is that right?" Stef asked, raising her brows, growing eyes of desire. She watched as Lena too rose from the table, walking toward her.

"Yes, that is right." The mentor wrapped her arms around her lover's waist, pulling their bodies together. She then placed her lips upon Stef's, partaking in a soft, passionate kiss.

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