Twenty One

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"I really am going to miss you, Aunt Jodie," Stef said to her aunt, as she and Lena were giving a helping hand to the elderly woman's luggage, moving it from the home and into the trunk of an awaiting cab.

"Same here," Lena added, her eyes traveled through the blonde-haired woman and onto Aunt Jodie. "I will especially miss your lovely cooking."

The aunt smiled, watching as the two women before her loaded her luggage into the vehicle. "Oh, you girls hush it now. I am only two hours away, I'll be back before you know it." She then placed her pupils onto Lena's. "Besides, I am honored to give you your kitchen back."
The day had finally come where she'd be returning home and the woman couldn't help but to allow her mind to crowd with endless thoughts. For as excited as she was to go back, she incessantly thought about how she never wanted to go years without communicating with her dear niece ever again.

Tears began to form within Stef's eyes as her mind held the same thoughts. She felt that three years of no communication were three years too long, but couldn't help but to feel grateful that Aunt Jodie's love for her never changed within that time. "I know you're not that far, I do. But, I don't want to lose you again. We have to promise one another that we'll call each other every other day, and if not that, then as much as possible, okay?"

Aunt Jodie moved her head in an up and down fashion, agreeing to what her niece had asked of her. "I promise, Stefanie. Hey, I'll even have Jackson give you a call every now and then." Once the other women had finished loading all of the luggage into the trunk, the elderly woman extended both her arms to them, rewarding a much needed hug.

After the release of the hug, Lena gave Aunt Jodie eyes of curiosity, wondering of the person she spoke about. "Wait, who's Jackson?"

"He's—" Stef began to deliver a response, but before she could, her aunt had impeded her words.

"My son," Aunt Jodie replied. "He's my son. And oh, how I can't wait to get back home to him." She then opened the back door to the right side of the cab. "I really shouldn't keep him waiting any longer, y'know."

The mentor smiled, understanding the woman's need to get back to her child. But what she didn't understand was the fact that Aunt Jodie nor Stef never spoke of the boy. "Well, I'm sure he is excited to have you return."

"I agree," the blonde added, helping her aunt into the vehicle. "You get home safe and alive, you hear me lady?" She placed a gentle kiss upon the woman's forehead.

"Don't worry, I surely will." Her eyes shot within the mentor's direction. "I am so grateful to have met you, Lena, and I thank you for sharing your home with me." Once she realized that she was all prepared to take off, Aunt Jodie told both women that she would see them later, then waved goodbye.

"Y'know, I hated how Carrie went behind my back and invited my Aunt Jodie," Stef said, standing with Lena as they watched the cab drive down the road. "But I am glad that she did. I've missed that old, sassy lady."

The other woman placed her left hand upon the blonde's backside, giving to her comfort. "I am so very proud of you. For opening your heart and telling her how you've always felt growing up. Takes a lot of strength to do that." She then watched closely as Stef began to tear up for a second time. "And, if today is going to be a bit emotional for you, then I won't hold it against you if you wanted to stay home..."

"You sure?" Stef then asked Lena, attempting to wipe away her fallen tears. Truthfully, she did feel a bit down being that her aunt was returning home. But, her tears were tears of joy as she had finally felt she was free of the feelings she had buried deep within for a number of years.

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