Thirty Three

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After a long hour and a half worth of silence, the women had finally arrived to Stef's aunt's home.

Lena, still seated within the passenger seat, released rather deep breaths. She knew that this particular weekend was supposed to be of bliss, not unwanted and unneeded tension. Therefore, she figured she had better say something to put things back at ease.
"Hey," the mentor said, breaking the quietness. "Before we go in, I want to apologize." Her eyes traveled upon Stef's, watching as the woman kept her own eyes down below. "I shouldn't have told you what Mrs. Taylor said. It-it is simply her opinion and serves us no good. None at all."

"I am not mad that you told me," Stef said back, looking over at her lover. "What bothered me is when you told me. We are supposed to be on a fun and exciting, quick getaway, love." She then reached for the mentor closest knee, placing the palm of her right hand upon it. "I don't give a damn what Mrs. Taylor or anyone else thinks about us. At least not right now. I don't. I just care...about us...having a good time. That's it."

Smiling, Lena released heavy breaths of relief. She and the blonde might have not started their getaway off in the most perfect way, but she was grateful that things were at least starting to turn around for them.
Also smiling, Stef removed the seat belt attached to her waist. With utmost desire filling within her eyes, the woman then leaned towards the mentor and aligned their faces. Their mouths connected, joining as one.

"You ready to go in?" Lena asked, after the release of their kiss

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"You ready to go in?" Lena asked, after the release of their kiss. She grabbed onto Stef's right hand, attaching their fingers.

"I am," the blonde replied. She pushed the button of the car that unlocked the doors, opening the one on her side. She then traveled to the rear of the vehicle and gathered both her and Lena's luggage. "As ready as I'll ever be."

The mentor exited the car on her own side, helping with their belongings as well. After making sure everything had been assembled, both women marched to Aunt Jodie's front door. Stef rang the doorbell, patiently awaiting her aunt's presence.

"So, how old are you, Jackson?" That question fell from Lena's lips and into the ears of Aunt Jodie's son.
She and Stef, Aunt Jodie and Jackson had been seated within the home's kitchen table, consuming a meal the aunt had prepared.

"Twenty two," the boy said back, after swallowing a spoonful of mashed potatoes. With features very similar to Stef, he had a been a blonde haired, hazel-eyed gentleman. He was charming—captivating even—and very mature for his young age.

Lena smiled a bit, remembering back to when she was the young boy's age. She was soon on her way to graduate college, majoring in Psychology at the university of Southern California.
"Ooh, the double two's. Must be exciting, yes?" Taking a sip of some water that sat before her, she watched as Jackson's head moved up and down. "You're in college, right?"

"I am. My major is in business and accounting." He too took a sip of a cold beverage. "I've always had a thing for numbers, y'know?"

"My Jackson is a delight," Aunt Jodie intervened, allowing a subtle smile to hold her face. It was clear that she had truly been proud of her son. "He's handsome, at the top of his class. Call me biased, but I don't think it gets any better than him, right?"

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