Forty Six

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"Here are your room keys," A hotel's front desk clerk said to both Stef and Lena as she handed them keycards.

It was around four-thirty in the afternoon and the women had just landed in Las Vegas, Nevada. They had booked a last minute room at The Golden Nugget, one of Fremont Street's veteran casinos, hoping to stay for three nights.

"Oh, this is just beautiful," Lena said to Stef, walking through the lobby and passing by the swimming area. There had been a shark tank just inside the pool, allowing guests to enjoy a safe swim with the sea creatures. "I am so glad you chose this place, babe."

"Anything for you, my love, anything for you." Stef said back, walking beside her lover. They were now heading for a nearby elevator, making their way to their provided room. "A beautiful hotel for a beautiful woman."

The mentor smiled, reaching for the woman's left hand. Their fingers intertwined, holding onto each other's touch.

When they had finally gotten to their room, they sat their luggage in a respective spot, then began scrutinizing the room for what it was

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When they had finally gotten to their room, they sat their luggage in a respective spot, then began scrutinizing the room for what it was. The walls were a beige, champagne color with golden decor upon them. The bathroom was quite spacious, consisting of an enlarged hot tub and walk-in shower.

"Ooh, this bathroom will certainly get...steamy." Stef said, winking her right eye. She looked over at Lena, who had been smiling hard.

"Steamy?" The other lover said back, walking toward the window in the room. She made her way into the balcony, wanting to take in the view. "Why's that?"

The blonde followed her, grabbing onto her waist from behind. "Because..." She pulled the woman closer to her, never wanting to let go of such moment. "Steamy"

Lena laughed, rolling her eyes in a playful manner. "Oh, you think you're getting laid tonight?" She turned to face Stef, smiling.

Stef grabbed ahold to Lena's hands, holding them within her own. "Hey, we're here alone. No crazy aunts, no weird employees. Just us. It's time to unwind, y'know?"

"You're right, honey," the mentor said back. She placed her face closer to the blonde's, allowing their lips to fall together. "Let's get steamy, woman."

After the release of the kiss, the women left the balcony and were back inside their room

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After the release of the kiss, the women left the balcony and were back inside their room. They wondered of their plans, wanting to go on a rather adventurous night.

"So, what do you want to do first? You wanna go shopping? To the casino?" Stef asked Lena, beginning to open their suitcases, storing their belongings in the dressers provided. "Or have you already made a list of things to do? Because I know you, you like to plan these things out."

Lena moved her head from side to side, disagreeing. "Nope. I didn't make a list. Like you said, we're here to unwind. So, let's just do whatever we want."

After changing into a fresh set of clothes, the lovers decided to walk the strip. The sight of all the different ethnicities joined as one, the artistic creations, and the talent that lined the road was an experience Stef and Lena had truly enjoyed. It put smiles on their faces to witness such.

They did a little shopping at some of the antique shops, grabbing some souvenirs for when they'd return home. Stef had found a shot glass with Natalie's name imprinted, figuring she'd get it for the woman.
Though she and her mother hadn't had quite a relationship just yet, it wasn't too late to create one. It may take some time, but it would be worth it.

Walking past an enlarged sign that consisted of the words, Love Is Love, Lena insisted on taking a selfie right in front of it. She thought back over her life and the challenges she faced as a gay woman. She almost cried tears of joy, remembering how far she had come. It was truly a journey, loving herself for exactly whom she was.

The sign also made her think of Stef. She hadn't known she could fall for a woman so deeply, for a woman that loved her unconditionally. It surely felt like a dream come true.

Holding out her cellular device, Lena kissed Stef as she took their picture. While they were looking over the image, they couldn't help but smile at how radiant their love was.

A few hours after being on the strip, the women decided they wanted to go for a swim next. It was almost dark and the pool would be closing soon.

Wrapped up in their towels, both Stef and Lena were laid back, seated upon nearing lounges.

Looking over at Lena, Stef could tell that her lover seemed to have been in deep thought. She wondered what about, asking her, "I hope it's me you can't stop thinking about?"

The mentor laughed, rolling her pupils in a circular fashion. "How do you know I'm thinking of anything?" She gave her attention to other woman.

"Because," The blonde replied, smiling. "I know you." It was true, for the short amount of time that she and Lena had became what they were, they had learned each other like the backs of their hands.

"Mhm. I am thinking about you. And our love." Lena too smiled, holding onto her chest. "I can't believe in a few months it'll be a year since you moved in with'll be a year since we"

Stef breathed deeply, remembering the first day she had arrived to the woman's home. She recalled accidentally walking in on Lena changing out of her clothes, which made her giggle a bit. "Hm. Time really does fly, huh?"

The mentor moved her head up and down, in agreement. "It does." She then rose from the lounge she rested upon, grabbing Stef's hand to bring her to her feet too. "I love you so much. I am so thankful to have found you, to go through this life with you."

"I love you too," the blonde said back, holding onto her lover's waist. She placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead. "There's no one else I'd rather go through this life with..."

Immediately, their lips crashed together, forming a rather passionate kiss. They were so in love, so ready to explore all that was destined for them.

"Y'know, this almost feels like we're proposing to each other," Lena said, after the smooch, smiling.

Stef took a moment to respond as she felt tears piling under her eye lids. These were tears of absolute joy. "Maybe we are, maybe we should be." She too smiled, grabbing onto Lena's face. "Let's...let's just do it. Let's get married, babe."

The other woman gasped, feeling her eyes widened. Her heart began to race rapidly as she had not expected those words. "Wait. Are you serious? Is this really what—"

"Yes," the blonde said back, her head going up and down. "Yes. I just...I belong with you, Lena." She breathed deeply. "No one but you, my love."


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well...we now have fiancés 🥺❤️. thoughts?

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