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After day two of Family Week reached it's ending, Lena had gathered the belongings stationed in her office, preparing to go home. Having gathered all that was needed, she exited her office, locking it's door just after doing so.

Being in the hallway that led to the facility's exit, the woman had ran into Stef. She also appeared to be ready to make her departure.
"Ready to go?" She asked Lena, reaching for the mentor's laptop to help take a load off. She couldn't figure what it was, but she could sense that something was off about the woman.

Responding nonverbally, Lena moved her head in an up and down fashion. She was feeling quite uneasy about what had transpired with Yara, and honestly didn't want to be bothered.

Exiting the building, both women found themselves walking through the parking lot heading towards Lena's vehicle. Lena entered on the driver's side as Stef placed herself onto the opposite side.
While in route to get to her home, Lena couldn't help but to get her mind to incessantly replay Yara's words. She couldn't understand if the woman had truly felt apologetic and wanted to restart what needed revamping, or if there was some undisclosed motive taking place. Whatever it was, it didn't feel right.

Being that Lena didn't live entirely too far from Women's Inc, the ride ended quickly. She pulled into the driveway of the house just before she and Stef were able to remove themselves from the vehicle.

Entering through the front door, both women walked through the living quarters of the home only to find Aunt Jodie peacefully resting upon the nearing couch.

"Whatever she was watching must've been boring," Stef whispered, noticing that the living room's television was on some kind of discovery channel. She looked over at Lena, who slightly smiled. "She's definitely made herself as comfortable as you wanted her to." The woman then grabbed a blanket from a nearby basket and positioned it over her Aunt's restful physique.

Leaving the elderly woman to consume her desired sleep, Lena stepped out of the living quarters and presented herself to her home's kitchen. Stef followed, going in the exact direction.

Placing her eyes upon the stove, the blonde haired woman noticed two plates of a familiar food protected under Plastic Wrap. "Looks like she made...Lasagna."

Lena had also given her eyes to the prepared servings, but quickly removed them from her sight as she walked towards the refrigerator. Opening it, her pupils roamed around for something, anything. She didn't exactly know what she preferred, but hoped some beverage or chilled snack could distract her from the thoughts her mind held.

Stef watched as the mentor stood before the cold-kept appliance, breathing rather deeply. Growing a bit concerned, she then asked, "Hey, you alright?"

Lena turned from the object and faced the woman. "Yeah, I'm okay." She grabbed a bottled water from the refrigerator then took a seat upon the surrounding table. "Just a little tired, that's all."

The blonde-haired woman moved her presence close to the kitchen sink, beginning to gather the dirty dishes that had consumed it. "Oh. You wanna head on up to bed? I can straighten up down here."

"Nope," The mentor's head moved from side to side, all as she removed the top to her beverage. "Why go to sleep when there's so much to think about?"

Instantly, a confused expression rode the tip of Stef's nose. "Huh?" She was verily uncertain as to what the woman spoke in reference to. "You sure you're okay? Something bothering you, love?"

Lena sighed, taking a small sip of her water. "I'm just—yeah, there is." She knew that she needed to discuss what had happened back at Women's Inc, but she also didn't want to worry Stef. She knew that the woman had made so much progress in regards to becoming more engaged at the group home, and didn't want to set her back any. "I'm not sure if you've seen the new mentor. She's Carrie's temporarily—"

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