Chapter Two

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-Amy set a plate of two chicken legs and rice on the table and smiled awkwardly at Sonic. "Sorry I don't have any chili dogs. This is the best I can do for now."
"It's all right, Amy," Sonic reassured. "I actually like chicken and rice."
-Amy nodded and looked toward the bathroom. "I'll be back." She then walked into the bathroom and shut the door.
-Sonic twitched his ear as Fleetway flew over to him. He knew what he wanted. He grabbed one of the chicken legs and gave it to him. Go hide somewhere so Amy doesn't come out and see a floating piece of chicken.
-Fleetway smiled and rolled his eyes. "Yeah I know, mom!"
-Sonic growled and narrowed his eyes. Don't call me that! He snorted as Fleetway hid underneath the table. Are you serious!?
"Hey man, we don't judge!" He giggled.
-Amy opened the door while grasping her stomach and walked over to the table. "Sorry about that," She groaned.
-Sonic grined after Amy leaned on the table. "Girl issues? Say no more," He chuckled.
-Amy nodded and eyed Sonic's plate. "Didn't I give you two chicken legs?"
-Sonic widened his eyes and perked his ears. " You only gave me one, but it's fine!"
-Amy then grabbed another plate and put chicken and rice on it. She sat on the opposite side of Sonic and started eating. "Thanks for coming to help. I would've asked Knuckles but you know how he is about protecting the Master Emerald."
-Sonic nodded. "Anytime. You know I'm here when you need me," He then started eating the rice. "What made you decide to get a new house?"
"Well, I decided to get a bigger one so I don't feel as lonely if that makes sense," After she finished her food she took the plate and set it in the kitchen sink. "Plus, it was a rental remember? I ended up getting evicted."
"How did you get evicted?" Sonic asked in shock.
"There was this cat and it had a broken leg," Amy explained. "I took him in and cared for him until he got better. When I was finally gonna let him out and send him to a kennel the landlord saw him and thought I was hiding him as a pet."
-Sonic narrowed one eye. "I thought you were allowed to have at least one pet at those places."
"Not that place. The landlord was strict about animals."
-Sonic shifted his legs when Fleetway started crawling out from under the table and carefully placed the chicken bone in the trashcan without Amy noticing. Fleetway then turned around and bumped his head on the table, making it move a few millimeters. Amy looked down at the table confused. "What was that?"
"Uh that was me, sorry. I uh... kicked it on accident," Sonic lied. Nice going, Fleetway! Be more careful!
"It's not my fault!" Fleetway retorted as he stood up right beside him. "Don't act like you never bumped your head on anything!"
-Sonic didn't look at him. Whatever! Just go and stay put somewhere. With that Fleetway flew back over to the couch and lied back down.
-Sonic then grabbed his plate after finishing his food and went to put it in the sink, but Amy had grabbed the plate from him. "Here, I got it," She placed it in the sink and started washing the dishes. "Do you think you can get a head start?"
-Sonic nodded. "Of course," He went over to the open boxes and started placing the small items aside. He grabbed some throw pillows and went over to the couch Fleetway was lying in. Can you move aside?
-Fleetway gave Sonic an annoyed look and frowned. "Ask me properly why don't you."
-Sonic sighed and glared at him. Fine! Can you please move aside!?
"I'll take what I can get I guess," He stood up and sat at the arms of the couch as Sonic placed the throw pillows in their proper places. "You know brothers don't treat each other like this."
-Sonic eyed him and snorted. Brothers don't encourage each other to take advantage of women either! He retorted. He then shook his head and continued his work when Amy came to help.

-Amy grabbed her wallet and pulled out fifty dollars. "Thanks for helping, Sonic. Here," She handed Sonic the money.
-Sonic shook his head. "No, no, no! It's fine! You honestly don't need to---"
"Just take it! I'm trying to be nice here!" Amy retorted.
"Okay! Please don't hurt me!"Sonic widened his eyes and took the money from her hands.
-Amy smiled and hugged Sonic. "Come back anytime!"
-Sonic hugged her back. "Sure thing," He pulled back and waved to her as he walked out the front door. He shut the door behind him and sighed as he started walking back over to his hammock. When he lied down in it Fleetway started talking.
"When are you asking her out?"
-Sonic closed his eyes when the sunlight hit them. It's none of your business! And what makes you think I would?
"You're so stupid!" Fleetway blocked the sunlight with his head, causing Sonic to look at him. "You obviously like her!"
-Fuck off! Sonic sneered. I'm not interested in dating right now anyways!
"Watch your mouth, Sonic. And you're just telling yourself you're not interested because of what happened with Sally," Fleetway reminded. "It's wasn't your fault she overreacted," He then leaned on Sonic and smirked."You really should've chased her down after that."
-Sonic sat up immediately and shoved Fleetway back. "You shut up!" He screamed. "I'm not the kind of person who takes revenge on people. Why can't you just leave me alone!" Sonic then realized that he had verbally talked to Fleetway.
-Fleetway's eyes were wide. Sonic had thought that he was just shocked after Sonic had actually yelled at him like that. But Fleetway pointed at Sonic. Sonic slowly looked behind him and saw a black hedgehog standing there, looking at him with both his eyes narrowed. Fleetway! Why didn't you tell me Shadow was right there!?
"Don't pin this on me! You never actually talk to me so I didn't bother!"
-Shadow crossed his arms. "Who are you talking to?" He questioned.
-Sonic flattened his ears as he tried to stop himself from shaking. "Uh---no one! Just uh..." He thought for a moment about what lie to tell Shadow. "Dream! Yeah uh...weird dream that's it!"
"Right," Shadow turned around and walked away.
-Sonic sighed after a few seconds. Too close!
"You need to be more careful!" Fleetway yelled.
-Sonic whipped his head around and glared at Fleetway. You mean you need to be more careful! Don't piss me off like that again!
-Fleetway narrowed his eyes and mumbled something too quiet for Sonic to hear. He flew away into one of the palm trees and rested himself at the top. Sonic growled and lied himself back down and watched the sunset. He closed his eyes into sleep as the sun disappeared and the sky turned a dark blue.

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