Chapter Five

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-Rough and Tumble charged towards Sonic. Not wanting them to land on Fleetway he ran past them the other way and they turned around, still pursuing him. Sonic jumped onto the nearest tree and pushed himself off, watching as the two skunks slammed into it. After Sonic landed on the ground he laughed hysterically. "Oh man! I don't need to do anything to stop you."
"Oh yeah?" Tumble ran towards Sonic. Sonic let Tumble wrap his arms around him as he turned towards Rough. "I got him! Do your thing!"
"With pleasure,"  Rough cracked his knuckles and ran towards them.
"You two never learn," Sonic smirked. Right as Rough was about to punch Sonic he made a spin dash that knocked both of the skunk brothers back. He untucked himself and looked as Rough dropped the light blue Chaos Emerald. "I'll take that!" He ran with his super speed and grabbed the emerald. He watched as Rough and Tumble let themselves fall to the ground after realizing their defeat. He then ran over to Fleetway. Let's go before they get back up.
-Fleetway's ears drooped and he shook his head. "My back hurts! I can't walk or fly!"
-Are you serious!? He looked back at Rough and Tumble. They were still lying on the ground. Sonic turned around and knelt down to where his back faced Fleetway. Try getting on my back. I'll carry you. Fleetway perked his ears and wrapped his arms around Sonic's neck and struggled as he pulled himself up. Sonic coughed and grit his teeth. Easy there! Don't choke me out! 
"Sorry!" Fleetway loosened his grip as he managed to get on Sonic's back. Sonic stood up and hooked his arms around Fleetway's legs. He hopped up to adjust Fleetway and started walking. 
"Hey! We're not done with you yet!" Sonic turned around as Rough and Tumble stood back up.
"Give us back that emerald!" Rough yelled.
-Sonic panicked and started running. Can't let them see this! Can't let them see this!
"Don't you think it's look even more suspicious seeing you run like this!?" Fleetway sneered.
-Sonic activated his super speed when Rough and Tumble were right behind them and ran straight to his hut. I rather them see me running like this than just standing there. He stopped himself once he was standing by the hammock and turned around behind him. Rough and Tumble seemed to have stopped following him. He sighed in relief and started walking over to the hut. How are you feeling?
"My back is on fire!" Fleetway shouted, causing Sonic to flatten his ears. "That Tumble guy is almost as strong as Knuckles. If you hadn't interfered then he would've broken my spine and I probably would've died." He rubbed his head against Sonic.
-Sonic didn't know how to feel about this. He often wished for Fleetway to go away, but now that he was actually injured his feelings has changed. You probably wouldn't die. He was stomping on the middle part of your spine. You would've been paralyzed. He rearranged his arms around Fleetway's legs as he neared the hut. Let's just be glad it's not broken because I don't know  how to treat paralysis. Fleetway said nothing.
-They entered the hut and Sonic set Fleetway down on the small bed in the corner. He walked over to a second cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Bengay. He went back to Fleetway and started rubbing the ointment on Fleetway's back. Fleetway growled in pain as he hid his face in the pillow. "What does this do?"
-It's Bengay; it'll help with the pain, but I'm not sure it will completely help. This is the best I can do for now. Sonic sighed as Fleetway dug his arms under the pillow. He then realized something as he applied more of the ointment on Fleetway's back. How did you throw Rough? I thought you can't touch other living beings other than me.
-Fleetway turned his head to Sonic while keeping his head on the pillow. "I don't know. You didn't tell me to, did you?"
-Sonic shook his head. No, I only told you to grab the emerald.
"That's weird. I didn't even know what I was thinking, throwing him to the other one," Fleetway sighed as Sonic went to put the Bengay back in the cabinet. "Either way you owe me now."
-Sonic shut the cabinet door and froze. He'd almost forgotten about what he said to him. He looked at the Chaos Emerald he set on the small table. All right, what do you want and please nothing out of hand like killing someone. Sonic rubbed his temples as he waited for Fleetway's request.
-Fleetway struggled as he sat up and rubbed his head. "Can it be something that'll last our life time?"
-As long as it doesn't involve anything bad. 
-Fleetway was silent for a moment. He leaned his back on the wall and looked at Sonic. "I want you to treat me like a brother, not someone you hate."
-Sonic perked his ears and set his arms on the table. Even though Fleetway had always complained about how Sonic treated him, he never thought that would be his request. He turned and looked at Fleetway. Seeing him at the state he was in had changed him in some kind of way; a way he did not understand. He walked over and sat down on the bed next to Fleetway. Yeah...yeah I'll definitely do that. Fleetway then leaned on Sonic and shut his eyes. He had grown tired. Sonic carefully set Fleetway down on the bed and put a blanket over him. I'll be right back. Fleetway groaned and nodded.
-Sonic grabbed the Chaos Emerald and ran out of the hut. He ran back towards the bushes close to where Rough and Tumble were and started looking around. He looked at a tree and saw the paper that had caught on it. He went to grab it and ran back over to Tails' house. Once he was there he knocked on the door until Tails opened it and glared at Sonic.
-Sonic handed Tails the Chaos Emerald. "Eggman is planning something. Rough and Tumble were digging until they found this, said they needed to bring it to Eggman."
-Tails grabbed the emerald and examined it. "Ain't that a surprise," He said sarcastically. He looked at Sonic. "I'll call Sally and Nicole and find out what Eggman plans on doing. Do you mind if I keep this?"
-Sonic shook his head. "No, you can. I don't want to stir trouble at the moment."
"Has something happened?"
"You could say that."
"Right," Tails put his hand on the door. "I'll call you if we find something."
"You mean when," Sonic corrected.
-Tails smiled. "Yes, when. We always do!" He shut the door and Sonic opened it again.
"Uh...Do you know how to treat a spinal fracture?"
"Spinal fracture? What happened?"
"Oh, nothing! I just need to know just in case!" He lied. I didn't lie. He told himself. Just not telling him the whole truth. He knew that Fleetway had heard his thoughts and would question him about it when he went back. "Well, I don't know about fracture, but uh...something that's close to where it hurts to move sometimes."
-Tails nodded and went inside. He came back with a pen and paper and started writing. "Usually a fracture can take up to three months to heal naturally, but if it's something close I'd say in a matter of days or weeks. You're going to need pain medicines, bed rest, back bracing if it gets worse, and some physical activity; I suggest Pilates," He handed Sonic the paper once he was done writing. "I also wrote the best medicines for it."
-Sonic grabbed the paper and smiled. "Thank you, Tails!" After Tails closed the door Sonic ran back over to the hut with his super speed and walked inside. He set the papers down on the table and went to sit next to Fleetway on the bed. He could see his side moving up and down slowly to his breathing. He sighed and leaned on the wall. I promise, Fleetway. I'll treat you like family should. Fleetway had twitched his ear and pulled the blanket over his head. Sonic narrowed one eye until he heard knocking at the door. Shit! He ran to the door and opened it to where it only showed his face and nothing else of the hut. He was greeted by Shadow with a nod.
"Thought you'd get to the door faster."

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