Chapter Twenty-two

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-Sonic had woken up to find that he had fallen asleep on the couch. He looked around and noticed that no one had left the house. Rouge was lying on the floor with a couch pillow under her head with Shadow lying close to her. Both Silver, Tails, and Knuckles had somehow fallen asleep in their chairs at the dining table. Sally and Nicole had taken over the other chairs in the living room. Sonic sighed as he tried to get off the couch, but he slipped and fell down.
"Ow! Sonic, get off of me!" Sonic's eyes were wide open when he saw that he had fallen on top of Fleetway. He growled as he sat up and pushed Sonic off of him. "You're gonna make my back worse!"
"Sorry," Sonic yawned. "Didn't see you."
-Everyone started groaning as they woke up from Fleetway yelling. Both Shadow and Rouge sat up and looked at each other. Shadow immediately looked away as he slowly stood up and stretched his arms upwards. Knuckles was rolling his head around while Silver was using his hand to groom his hair and Tails was rubbing the back of his neck. Sally had already pulled out her phone and Nicole walked up and sat on the arm of the chair.
-Rouge then stood up and looked at Sonic. "I put Amy in her bed. She should be fine, but make sure to check on her every now then then."
-Sonic nodded and he looked as Fleetway started rubbing his back. "Can you look at his back?"
-Fleetway immediately put his hand down and whipped his head around to face Sonic and Rouge. "No! I'm fine!"
"What's wrong with it?" Rouge asked.
"A couple months ago Tumble somehow stomped on his back hard enough to almost cause a spinal fracture," Sonic explained. "With the medication I had it should've healed already, but it hasn't."
-Rouge leaned over to looked at Fleetway's back before she stood in front of him. "Have you been doing things that paused the healing process?"
"Maybe," Fleetway replied. "That was during the time I went alone. I mainly just kept moving until Shadow found me."
-Rouge seemed to have stopped listening after Fleetway's short answer and continued to look at Fleetway's back. "You mind?" She asked and placed her hand on his back and started feeling the middle part.
-Fleetway drew back and hid behind Sonic. "Yes, I do mind!"
-Sonic moved aside and placed a hand on Fleetway's shoulder. "Do as Rouge says. I'm going to check on Amy."
-Fleetway mumbled something after Sonic started walking into the bedroom.
-Amy was lying in bed with the sheets over her neatly. She was still out but her breathing was steady. She looked rather peaceful despite of the pain her body should be feeling.
-Sonic sighed and went to sit on the bed. He looked at Amy and felt a great rush of guilt overwhelming him. He stroked Amy's quills and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry I left you, Amy."
-The door opened and Tails had walked over beside Sonic. His blue eyes were glowing in sympathy as he sighed. "I'm sorry about Amy. At least she's not dead," Sonic nodded as he continued. "But this isn't the end. Eggman has retrieved some of the Chaos Emeralds after we used them in the machine."
"The emeralds had dispersed?" Sonic asked.
"Apparently making Fleetway visible for everyone used up enough power like if you used them to turn super," Tails explained. "It may have been because he was already made up of Chaos Energy if not another reason."
"Shit," Sonic mumbled as he looked out the window. "How many does he have?"
"More than half that I'm led to believe," Tails replied. "But I don't think we should just try to retrieve the rest like we always do. We need a different plan."
"Weren't you guys going to destroy his blueprints?"
"We were, but Eggman has finally learned from his mistakes. He's used one Chaos Emerald to power up his defenses. There isn't hope for us to get to his lab."
"Not unless you're the fastest thing alive!" Sonic stood up and started stretching his arms. "I could easily get past the security system, emerald or no emerald! Just tell me when we start."
"That's up to the rest. We already know Amy can't be a part of this, but we still have others who are also exhausted from watching for Naugus. We would have to act fast."
"Shadow and Knuckles will definitely help," Sonic reminded. "They never get tired of a fight."
-Tails nodded and he started scratching his chin. "Even so, we still need a real plan. I'll try talking to Sally or Rouge," He then turned around and left the room.
-Sonic looked at Amy one last time before he followed Tails back into the living room. Sonic immediately noticed Rouge tending to Fleetway's back. Fleetway looked uncomfortable as Rouge started rubbing his back. Sonic giggled as Fleetway looked at him. Not used to other people touching you?
"Shut up!" Fleetway barked.
-Rouge drew back and stared at Fleetway in confusion. "Who are you talking to? No one's talking."
-Fleetway snorted as he stood up. "It's nothing. I'm fine now," He walked over to Sonic and crossed his arms. "How is she?"
"She looks peaceful," Sonic replied. "Even if she were to wake up now she won't be able to join us."
"Join us for what?"
"Eggman has more than half of the Chaos Emeralds and is using one of them to enhance his defenses and security. We're going to have to act fast."
"Don't we always?" Fleetway muttered as Sonic walked into the kitchen.
-Sonic saw that Shadow had joined Silver and Knuckles at the dining. He walked up to them and put his left hand on his hip. "You guys hungry? I could...make something."
"Jeez. I'll help," Shadow said as he stood up and walked over to the stove.
"Okay then," Sonic mumbled. He went over to the fridge to grabbed some things and joined Shadow at the stove.
-When they were done they set plates on the dining table as the others started coming in to eat. Sonic noticed that Fleetway stayed sitting on the couch, so he grabbed a plate and brought it over to him. Fleetway had looked up at him and shook his head as Sonic tried handing him food. 
"You need to eat something," Sonic pestered. "You haven't eaten since yesterday morning."
"Neither have you," Fleetway pointed out.
"I'm about to after you start eating," Sonic smirked. "Would you let me starve?"
-Fleetway sighed and then grabbed the plate from Sonic's hands. After he took his first bite he motioned Sonic away. "Shoo! Go eat."
-Sonic chuckled and went back to the dining table with his friends. He grabbed a chair next to Tails and they all started eating. While they were eating Knuckles had started asking Sonic a question.
"Did you ever plan on telling us about Fleetway?"
-Sonic swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at Knuckles. "I don't know. I didn't really think about it. The only other people I showed him to was the rest of my family."
"Aren't we considered your family?" Knuckles asked while narrowing his eyes.
"Since when do you care about that?" Sonic questioned. "Every time I would call you my brother you would try and punch me in the face!"
"That's not true!" Knuckles retorted.
"I remember those times!" Fleetway called from the living room and the girls started giggling.
-Before Knuckles could open his mouth Shadow spoke first. "Let's not talk about this. What's done is done. At least now we have yet another person to rely on in battle."
-As Sonic would want to agree with Shadow he didn't believe his words. Their promise was to protect each other, and Fleetway had taken that to heart. He had never cared about anyone else other than Sonic. The only time Fleetway would help others is if Sonic told him to or if he had to keep Sonic's hopes up. But helping others with his own will wasn't going to happen. Sonic didn't want to say anything about it so that there wouldn't be another argument. He just nodded to Shadow's words and continued to eat.
"Let's make things less awkward," Sally suggested. She then looked at Sonic and placed her elbows on the table. "We might as well know more. What's Fleetway like?"
-Sonic sighed and placed his head on his hand as he set his elbow on the table. He thought about what to say carefully since he knew if he said something about Fleetway that was bad or annoying then he would come over and throw a fit. "Well, he's...loyal for starters," He himself even found it a little hard to believe.
"If he's your brother then yeah!" Sally jested. "Tell us something...unique about him.
"Can we like, you know, not talk about me?" Fleetway called out again.
-Sonic nodded and went back to eating. "He's just not used to other people. Let him be."

-It was the afternoon and everyone except for Fleetway left Sonic alone in the house. Sonic was sitting on the bed by Amy while going through his social media account that he hadn't been on for years. There were some images of Sonic that Fleetway had photo bombed, and even though they were old there were new comments on them. Some were from fans and most of them were from his friends. They all practically said 'Who is that?'  'I don't remember him being there.' 'Why is he there?'
-Sonic figured now that everyone can see Fleetway he appeared in pictures that were taken long ago. He knew that this would most likely bring confusion and panic to the people who go on his account, but he wasn't going to bother to do anything about it. 
-Fleetway had slowly opened the door and peeked his head from the door. His facial expression gave away that he was nervous and his ears were flattened.
-Sonic turned off his phone and set down on the night stand before he spoke to him. "Something wrong?"
-Fleetway walked in all the way and pointed out the room. "You need to see for yourself."
-Sonic followed Fleetway up until the front door when Fleetway motioned him to go first. Sonic reluctantly grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to see all of his friends waiting impatiently in the front yard. 
"They need to talk to you," Fleetway whispered nervously. "I don't know what it's about though."
 -Sonic nodded and walked out to the others and waited until Fleetway came out and shut the door. He felt uneasy as everyone was silent and still. He coughed and waved his hand awkwardly. "Hey guys! Uh...what's going on? This isn't about him is it?" He pointed behind him at Fleetway.
-Blaze was the one to walk up and answer him. "No, although we would like to hear an explanation later. This is about something more important."
"What is it then?" Sonic asked impatiently. "It better be important because I need to watch Amy," Even though he had said he would help break into Eggman's base, he didn't want to leave Amy at the house defenseless, so it made him have second thoughts on the expedition.
"Well, someone else is going to have to stay and watch her," Mighty was walking over until he was next to Blaze. "We have to act now. Eggman is gathering up every villain we know to help him with his plans."
-Sonic's ears perked. "What do you mean!?" He asked even though he already knew.
"He's gathered up all of them. That includes Rough and Tumble, Nack's gang, Naugus and Geoffrey, Scourge and all of the Destructix, and even Doctor Finitevus himself along with many many others."
"Naugus and Finitevus are a part of this!?" Sonic asked in shock. "I wouldn't think Naugus would bother in the state he was in, but why is Finitevus in on this!?"
"Not to mention Scourge and the Destructix," Fleetway cut in. "I don't believe Scourge would want anything to do with Eggman."
"Eggman must be offering something they all want," Roter pointed out. "It would make sense why everyone is joining him."
"In any case, we have to act now," Sally called out. "They're getting ready to start!"
"I can't leave Amy!" Sonic exclaimed. "What if something happens!?"
"I can stay with her," Ray suggested.
"Me too!" Cream cut in.
-Shadow then came out of the crowd and walked up to Sonic. "We need to go now. There will be others staying with Amy and we need you."
-Sonic looked around at all of his friends before he looked at Fleetway. We doing this? Fleetway didn't say anything but he nodded. Sonic then sighed and looked at Shadow. "Let's get moving."

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