Chapter Ten

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-One week had passed and they never found Fleetway. Both Shadow and Tails kept apologizing to Sonic but it didn't help him at all. Sonic grew depressed at the loss of his brother. He would keep trying to contact Fleetway every time it came into mind. I'm sorry...I'm sorry...
-Sonic was lying in bed with his head under the pillow. He was waiting for Shadow to get him for Rouge's party, but Sonic didn't feel like going. Fleetway had wanted to go with him so Sonic felt like he had no reason for going with him gone. But Tails had managed to convince him otherwise, even though Sonic's feelings hadn't changed.
-A knock sounded from the door and Sonic took the pillow off of his head. "It's open!" Sonic sat up as the door opened. Shadow had come inside and watched as Sonic got out of bed.
"You ready?"
"Give me a minute," Sonic grabbed his shoes from the corner and sat down to put them on. Once they were on he stood back and walked over to Shadow with his ears flattened. "'Kay."
-Shadow's expression turned into something that looked like empathy to Sonic. "You sure you still want to come?"
-Sonic nodded. "You said Rouge wanted me there especially, so I have to."
"I could always tell her you're going matters," Shadow suggested.
"It's fine, but thanks," Sonic started walking to the door. "Let's just go."

-Once they were at Rouge's house Shadow opened the door and let Sonic go in first. Sonic walked in and looked around to see who else was here. Besides Rouge and Shadow, Sonic saw Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Silver, Blaze, Vector, Charmy, Espio, Cream and Cheese, Julie-su, Sally, Ken, Nicole, Roter, Bunnie, and Antoine. Sonic sighed as Shadow stood next to him.
"Well, are you going to mingle?" Sonic had just shrugged his shoulders and sat down in the nearest chair. Shadow looked around and started walking. "I'll be back."
-Sonic brought his knees to his chest and hugged them tightly. He buried his face in his knees and sighed out loud. It doesn't feel right to be here without you, Fleetway. Please come back to me. I miss you. Sonic looked up when Shadow and Amy had walked up to him.
"Sonic?" Amy sounded worried. "Are you feeling okay? You've been acting weird lately after you quite your job."
-Sonic nodded and remembered that he had told everyone that he had gotten a job but quite after Fleetway ran away. He didn't tell them the reason for quitting, but he could tell that they knew something had happened.
-Shadow put his hand on his hip and looked away from Sonic. "Thought maybe Amy could make you feel better," Without saying anything else he walked away over to Rouge and started a conversation with her.
-Amy sat down in the chair next to Sonic and leaned on the arm. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem sick."
"I'm fine, Amy," Sonic reassured. "I'm just...out of it."
-Amy took her glove off and place her hand on Sonic's forehead. "You seem fine, but your eyes say otherwise."
-Sonic removed Amy's hand and looked at her. "How can you tell?"
"I just can," She explained as she put her glove back on. "Your eyelids are sagging and you keep looking down with the normal happy gleam in your eyes gone."
-Sonic slowly laughed and leaned towards Amy on the arm of the chair. "You know me too well it's scary."
-Amy's face turned red and she smiled. "'s helpful, isn't it?" She rubbed her hand around her quill and batted her eyelashes. "Either way you can't hide anything from me!"
-Sonic grined only for a second before he sighed and looked down. "I..."
-Amy's smile dropped and she leaned in closer to Sonic. "What? Is something troubling you? You know you can tell me anything."
-Sonic looked into Amy's beautiful green eyes, feeling something weird in his heart and stomach. Something was telling him he could trust her with his secret. He opened his mouth and immediately closed it as he looked away. I can't! Tails barely believes me. Why would Amy? He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Amy looking at him in sympathy.
"Sonic," She spoke softly. "Please tell me. You know I'm here for you...always."
-Sonic could feel his heart beating fast, but it wasn't what it seemed. He could barely breathe. He started heaving and he stood up. "I can't!" He then ran out of the house and breathed in the fresh air, calming himself down. He collapsed onto his knees and leaned forward on his hands. God dammit!
"Hello there, Sonic," A deep, raspy voice spoke.
-Sonic turned his head and saw Tumble right behind him. Rough came out from behind Tumble and glared at Sonic. "Where's our emerald?" He asked viciously.
-Sonic stood up and crossed his arms. "I don't have it," He replied. "But it doesn't matter. We know what Eggman is doing and even if we wanted to we're not giving you the Chaos Emerald."
"We'll see about that!" Tumble pounded his fist into the ground, causing Sonic to lose his balance and fell over. Sonic tried getting back but Rough smirked as he sprayed something that made Sonic's eyes water. While he was distracted Tumble had charged at Sonic and flung him into a tree. Sonic coughed as his vision started to clear when Tumble grabbed Sonic by the neck and pushed him into the tree, tightening his grip as Sonic struggled.
"Come on you blue pineapple! Where's the Chaos Emerald!?" Tumble growled.
-Sonic gasped as he glared back at Tumble. "I'm...not...telling you!"
"It's your funeral," Tumble said as he tightened his grip even more. Sonic gasped again as he started to feel nothing. He watched as his vision started to turn black and he stopped breathing.

-Sonic opened his eyes as he heard Amy's voice. Shadow was holding Sonic while Amy and Tails sat there beside him. Sonic coughed and tried to sit himself up. He placed his hand on his head and started rubbing it. "What...happened?"
-Shadow looked at Amy and pointed at the house. "Go and get a First Aid kit," He instructed. Amy did as told and ran into the house. Shadow then helped Sonic up and steadied him until Sonic could stand on his own. "Fleetway saved you," Shadow explained. "Tails and I came out when Amy told us you just ran out and we saw two skunks, one of them choking you. All of a sudden you turned into Fleetway and started attacking them," He pointed over to where Rough and Tumble were lying down with some parts of them bleeding, but they were still alive. "After Fleetway came out of your body he flew away again."
-Sonic shook his head and rubbed his neck as it started to sting. "Why didn't you go after him? Tails and Amy could've helped while you went to get him."
"It's not that I didn't think about it, but what could I possibly do? I can't touch Fleetway so I wouldn't be able to drag him back."
-Tails had his computer out, holding it with one hand while typing with the other. "So I guess he is real then?" He looked at Shadow. "Sonic told me that you said he was made out of Chaos energy?" Shadow nodded. "Okay," He then continued to type.
-Amy and Rouge both rushed out of the house. Rouge held the First Aid while Amy immediately started patting Sonic. "Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine, Amy. Thanks."
-Amy walked over behind Sonic and started rubbing the back of his neck. "You really are out of it. I've haven't seen that beat up since Infinite showed up," She walked back to the front of Sonic and grasped his hand as she looked into his eyes. "What's going on with you?"
-Shadow then pushed Amy back a bit. "It's none of your concern."
"What do you mean by that?" Amy scowled. "Why is he telling you his secrets then?"
"Because I figured it out," Shadow sneered.
-Rouge set the First Aid down and grabbed Amy's arm. "Come one. Let the boys do their boy things," Amy stood there for a few seconds before she reluctantly followed Rouge back into the house.
-Tails closed his computer and went to grab the First Aid but Sonic shook his head. "I don't need it. I'm usually back to normal health after Fleetway..." Sonic couldn't bring himself to say the rest. He closed his eyes and looked up into the sky. Why would you save me and then leave? It's like you don't care! Something then came into mind and he started growling as he tightened his fists. Now I know. I hated you because you never really saved me. You only ever saved yourself. That's why I treated you that way. You were selfish!
-Shadow walked up to him and looked towards the city. "He went that way. If you want I can---"
"Forget it," Sonic turned around and started walking away. "Let him be alone and act childish if that's what he wants!"
"Sonic..." Tails spoke but Sonic didn't listen.
-Sonic walked back inside the house and started looking around for Amy. He found her talking to Cream and Sally and went up to them. Amy turned around and looked at Sonic as he sighed. "Amy, can you take me to your house?"
-Amy's face turned red and she smiled. "O-of course!" Sonic grabbed Amy's hand and they walked out of the house. Amy looked at Sonic as they walked and tightened her grip on Sonic's hand. "Anything you want to mention?"
"There's nothing worth mentioning," Sonic muttered. "Not anymore."

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