Chapter Twenty-seven

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"Sonic! Sonic, wake up! Please!"
-Sonic slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry. He was able to recognize Amy as the pink figure sitting right by him, her face close to his. He placed his hand on his chest where his heart was. He could still feel the trowel stabbing him, yet he was okay. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes as his vision started to clear. He looked around and saw that everyone, including the villains, were all staring at him with wide eyes. The villains were all covered in blood and cut wounds and some of them were lying down in defeat.
"Ugh," Sonic sat up and rubbed his temples. "Where...where's Fleetway? Is he okay?"
-Amy pointed behind him. "He's over there, but I don't know if he's okay or not."
-Sonic turned around and saw Fleetway lying down on his side. All the blood from his wounds were gone, but he looked pale.
"Fleetway?" Sonic crawled over to him and placed his hand on the side of Fleetway's face. "Fleetway...come're stronger than this..."
-Fleetway groaned and slowly opened his eyes. He then coughed and glared at Sonic, but his eyes were exhausted. "Why...why did that?"
"I had to get you out of there," Sonic replied quietly. "I knew if I did that you would take over my body and fight off everyone."
"You're so stupidly smart," Fleetway laughed weakly. "You could've killed us both."
"I would've done that if I'd just jumped in there when you were cornered," Sonic remarked. "I thought of a simpler way that would also help defeat the bad guys."
-Fleetway sat up and slapped Sonic across the face. "Simple!? Stabbing yourself in the heart weakened us both! I used up all my energy to heal the both of us!"
-Sonic giggled while rubbing his face. "Glad to see you're acting normal," He then placed his hand on Fleetway's shoulder and smiled. "That's two. There's only one more thing I owe you now."
"I've forgotten about that," Fleetway then coughed and laid himself back down. "Damn! Don't ever stab yourself again or I'll kill you before you kill yourself!" He growled.
-Sonic stood up and turned to Amy. "What happened while we were out? Did we win?"
-Amy nodded. "Yes! We destroyed the weapon!"
-Sonic then looked around at the villains who were still staring at him. "So...what now?" He asked them. "Ya'll now know it's not easy to kill me."
-They were all silent until Scourge sighed and shook his head. "Come on Destructix," He then started walking out of the room. "No point in wasting anymore energy after Eggman lost," The Destructix reluctantly followed him out while the others villains followed them out separately.
-After all of them left the speakers turned on with an earsplitting screech. "Do you think this is over, Sonic? I gotta say you put on quite the performance tonight. But I'm not done with any of you yet!"  The speakers then turned off after a click and everyone tensed as they waited for something to happen.
-Sonic turned back around and lifted Fleetway off the ground. Both of them groaned as Sonic wrapped Fleetway's arm around him. "I don't like running away from Eggman, but we can't risk losing anyone," He looked at the others and motioned his head to the door. "Everyone fall back! We've already won, but don't leave anyone behind!"

-Everyone was at the acorn kingdom, resting and tending to their wounds. They were all tired from the attack. According to Sally, Sonic and Fleetway were knocked out cold for more than two hours while they tried to destroy the machine, which was reinforced so it was harder to break.
-Sonic was sitting next to Fleetway with his arm around Amy. Fleetway had fallen asleep, his head on Sonic's lap. Amy was rubbing her stomach where the stitches were and winced when she pressed too hard. Sonic just had his head against the wall, wanting to fall asleep just like Fleetway, but his exhaustion was too much so he noticed it too well to sleep.
-It was all quiet until a few guards came running in with Sonic's family right behind them. Before Sonic had even tried to get up his mother rushed over and grabbed his face. "We heard what happened! Oh my goodness! Why on Mobius would you even think of stabbing yourself in battle!?"
-Jules then pulled Aleena back and patted her shoulder. "Easy there, Aleena."
-Fleetway then groaned and opened his eyes. "What's happening?" He yawned.
-Sonic gently rubbed the side of Fleetway's head as he yawned as well. "Mom and dad are here."
"Really? Oh shit..." Fleetway slowly sat up and looked at the family. "Yo!"
-Sonic stood up and looked at his mother nervously. "Uh, mom...the reason I stabbed myself was because...uh...I had to save Fleetway."
"By stabbing yourself!?" Sonia screeched.
"I'm all hardcore and stuff, but that's just wrong!" Manic remarked.
"Now hold on," Uncle Chuck had motioned the others to back up a bit and waited until Fleetway stood up. "What do you mean you had to save Fleetway?"
"I've said he takes over my body if I were about to die," Sonic explained. "He was hurt and surrounded by guys that wanted to kill him. So I thought fast and stabbed myself so he could escape," He then looked at Sonia before she spoke. "Along with beating up the bad guys since our powers get stronger when he takes over my body."
"I didn't condone it!" Fleetway spoke immediately.
-Uncle Chuck's expression was stern before he grined and started to chuckle. "Well, at least you've both kept your promise. I knew you would, Sonic, but I didn't think Fleetway was actually listening on that day."
-Sonic then coughed and started scratching his head. "Actually, it was Fleetway that really listened back then."
"Oh yeah?" Fleetway wrapped his arm around Sonic and pulled him in close. "Then why were you taking such good care of me even when you despised me?"
"Fleetway!" Sonic tried desperately to push himself out of his grip, but Fleetway wouldn't let go."I only did that because you're family!"
"No, no, no! I don't belive that!"
"Let go!" Sonic then pulled himself back and bumped into Amy. He immediately turned around and grabbed her. "I'm sorry!"
"It's fine," Amy giggled. "Let's all just head home and sleep now. We're all tired and it's night."
-Sally then walked up to then and pointed to a hallway. "This kingdom is full of guest bedrooms. You all can stay the night."
"Thank you, Sally," Sonic sighed and turned to Amy. "Let's go already."

-Sonic and Amy had tucked themselves under the covers of the bed and snuggled in close together. Sonic didn't want to be too far away from Fleetway, so he picked the room right next to Fleetway. He then began to wonder about how Fleetway's life would continue on. He couldn't stay by Sonic or Shadow forever. He would have to find...a girl.
"Sonic?" Amy started nuzzling her face on Sonic's neck. "Are you still worried about Fleetway?"
"I was thinking maybe it was time he lived a normal life," He gently pecked his lips on Amy's forehead. "Like us right now."
"Oh, I see. You want to help him get a girlfriend."
"Yeah! Unless he doesn't swing that way!" He giggled.
"All right then, Sonic. I'm sure you'll be able to help him," Amy reassured. "You've already done so much for him, and to help him find someone would be great."
"Then again it's his decision," Sonic sighed. He pulled the covers over his lower face and looked out the open window. Don't know if you're sleeping or not, but let's go into the city tomorrow. He then yawned, finally able to close his eyes and sleep.

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