Chapter Twenty-six

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-Sonic and Amy met with Tails, Silver, and Antoine in the dark hallway where none of the other villains knew they were there. When they got there the others were surprised to see Amy with Sonic but didn't say anything. They all immediately crouched down when they heard bombs and lasers shoot out in the other room and covered their ears.
"Bean and his bombs," Antoine muttered in annoyance.
-Everyone uncovered their ears and looked at Tails to hear his plan. Tails had looked at them in confusion before he realized what they wanted to hear. He went and knocked on the wall in a unique rhythm. After he was done Nicole appeared out of no where and crouched down with everyone. She created a map out of thin air and pointed to a large room.
"Right here is where the weapon is," She said quietly. "But it's guarded with security lasers and robots, and it's the main room where the Chaos Emeralds energy is used to enhance them."
"Someone get Espio," Sonic cut in. "He can help Tails take down the systems."
"I'll get him!" Silver stood up and ran into the crowd. After a few minutes, he came back with Espio, shielding him from the madness going on in the crowd. They both crouched down and Silver gave Sonic a thumbs up.
-Sonic grined and nodded at him before he looked at the others. "All right, Espio, Tails, and Nicole, you guys will tare down the security systems. Amy and Antoine, you two will find the Chaos Emerald and take it out to help the others with the security. Once defenses are down, Silver and I will destroy the machine. You guys will be welcome to help of course when you're done."
-Amy giggled out in excitement and slammed her fist on the ground. "Let's go!"
-They all ran down the hallway and made turns when Nicole told them to go into different hallways and rooms. When they found the room, Nicole stopped dead in her tracks, which made the others stop. Sonic went over to open the door and was shocked to see how big the death weapon was. It was in the shape of a giant laser-like gun with dark colors and red stripes that emitted bright lights. It was really tall. Over fifty feet Sonic had thought. It was surrounded by red security lasers and Sonic could see robots in their hiding places, as if waiting for them to step inside the room. Sonic looked up at the ceiling and saw a purple Chaos Emerald inside a glass box with wires connected to it.
"Up there," He pointed to it and looked at Amy and Antoine. "Do ya'll think you can get up there?"
"Oui, monsieur!" Antoine chuckled. "I zink we could manage a simple task like zis."
"I'm down on going up!" Amy cheered. She went into the room and grabbed a stray rope and looked at Antoine. "Help me throw it up there."
-Antoine nodded and grabbed the rope from Amy. Silver then came over and grabbed the rope with his telekinesis. "Allow me," He then moved the rope up and tied it at the nearest pole to the Chaos Emerald. "There you go! That's much easier." 
-Tails then stepped forward and started running to a box on the wall. "Come on guys! Let's hurry up and shut down the systems!" Espio and Nicole immediately followed in after him. While Tails flew over the lasers, Espio had been jumping through the gaps and Nicole had teleported to the box.
-Sonic and Silver waited patiently for the security to go down. After realizing what was happening, the robots came out of their hiding places and charged at Sonic and Silver. Sonic immediately started using his homing attack on some of them while Silver picked up the robots with his telekinesis and smashed them against the walls. After they destroyed all the robots, the lasers had turned off and Sonic looked up to see that Antoine was holding the Chaos Emerald while Amy was holding Antoine to prevent him from falling down. Tails, Espio, and Nicole had pulled out the wires and sparks of electricity were flashing from them.
"This is too easy!" Sonic gloated. He waited for the others to join him and Silver before he popped his neck and readied himself. "Now let's destroy this thing!"
-Sonic turned around and saw Shadow leaning on the doorway, panting excessively. Sonic immediately ran over to Shadow and helped him stand up right. "What happened!? Did something go wrong!?"
-Shadow was still panting, but he managed to get some words out. "...Fleetway" Shadow fell forward, but Sonic caught him and laid him down.
-Sonic stood up and looked at the others. "Destroy the weapon. I'm going back out there."
"Be careful, Sonic!" Amy called out as Sonic ran out of the room.
-Sonic went back in the room and his heart sank. There were too many people that had fainted and hit the ground, most of them being Sonic's friends. Sonic looked around and saw that his friends that were still up were still fighting back the villains. Sonic scanned the area, looking for Fleetway. He began to run around, dodging attacks from his friends and villains. He was desperate to find his brother. Fleetway! Where are you!? Fleetway!!!
-Sonic skidded to a halt and turned to where the voice had come from. He stopped when there was a group of villains standing in front of him with their backs turned to him. He tried to look past their heads but couldn't see anything. He looked up and saw a ledge that had its own little tree and plants and climbed up on it. Once he was at the top he looked down and saw that Fleetway was trapped in the corner by the group of villains. He was holding his left arm and his ears were flattened. Blood was pouring down from his legs, chest, and face. His red eyes that usually showed bloodlust was now engulfed in fear.
-Naugus was at the front of the group, growling in anger. "You've caused enough trouble for us! You said you were going to kill me, but now we're going to kill you!" They all then slowly walked towards Fleetway. Fleetway tried to back up but the wall was still there. Apparently, something had happened to him since he wasn't flying away.
-Panic was filling Sonic's chest. He couldn't just jump in there or he would just get them both killed. Sonic looked around and tried to find something that would help. His eyes stopped when he saw a trowel in the dirt on the ledge he was standing on. He then thought of the most messed up plan he could ever imagine. He grabbed the trowel and pointed it to where his heart was in his chest. His hands were shaking, resisting what Sonic wanted to do. Come on! Come on dammit! He then forced himself with all his strength and stabbed himself in the chest. He coughed up blood and fell down on his side. He felt his own heart aching and regretted his actions.
"SONIC!!!" All his friends yelled out.
-Sonic watched his own blood pouring into a big pool. He saw the group of villains turn around and look at him is surprise and shock, and he could see Fleetway was about to burst into tears. Sonic was panting as he closed his eyes and felt his own heart stop beating.

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