Chapter Thirty-two

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-A whole month passed and everything seemed to be normal. Rob had already returned to his island and Fleetway and Maggie were getting closer. Sonic was happy running around with Amy in the park doing stupid things they thought was fun while passing people looked in confusion.
-Right now Sonic was hiding from Amy behind a tree. He peaked over and saw that Amy had ran over to the opposite direction. He quietly chuckled and grabbed a small rock by his foot. He looked around until he found a trash can and threw the rock as hard as he could at it, making a loud bang!
-He quickly climbed up the tree and sat in a branch as Amy ran by. She looked around and cuffed her hands around her mouth. "I'll find you, Sonic!" She yelled before she walked off.
"Seriously?" Sonic slowly climbed down the tree and walked a few steps towards where Amy walked to. "Could it not have been more obvious?" He gloated.
"Gotcha!" Amy yelled as she tackled Sonic and knocked him over.
-Sonic just sat there, trying to recall what just happened. He shook his head and wrapped his arms around Amy. "Yep! Yep you did!" He laughed as he rubbed his head against Amy's. Amy laughed as well and suddenly stopped. Sonic, confused, pulled back and looked to see that Amy wasn't looking at him. "What's wrong?"
"Listen," She pointed past Sonic. "I hear screaming."
-Sonic looked to where she pointed at and perked his ears to listen. He was looking at the canyon and could hear people screaming and panicking. He stood up immediately and helped Amy up. "Let's---" Right then his phone started ringing and answered it. "What's going on? I'm about to be off."
"There's an avalanche of rocks and boulders in the canyon near the park!" Tails screamed. "You need to get there now!"
"I was just about to!" Sonic yelled back. "Get the others and meet me there!" He hung up the phone and grabbed Amy's hand. "Now let's go!" Amy nodded and allowed Sonic to carry her. Sonic ran over to the canyon with his super speed and set Amy back down.
"Hurry!" Amy yelled and ran in there as people started running out.
"Amy!" Sonic screamed and ran after her, dodging people who were about to run into him.
-While running he heard someone yelling, "HELP!" and ran to where they called. He saw that someone was trying desperately to push a big rock off of another guy's leg. The guy pushing the rock looked at Sonic with a pleading expression. "Please help!"
-Sonic immediately ran over and tried pushing the rock off. Seeing that their strength wasn't enough, he stepped back and placed his hand on the guy's shoulder. "Step back real quick," He waited until the guy moved before he curled up into a ball and smashed the rock into bits with his spin dash. After untucking he rushed over to shield the guy who had been stuck and growled as he felt some of the small rocks hitting his back. When they stopped he helped the guy up and carefully pushed him to the other. "Get out of here now!" He yelled and watched them go.
-Out of nowhere, Knuckles, Tails, Shadow, Silver, Blaze, and Fleetway rushed in and met up with Sonic. Without saying anything he motioned them to go further in the canyon and ran past them. He saw that Amy was using her Piko Piko hammer to smash the boulders that came falling down to make them smaller and less harmful. Sonic looked to the others and started shouting to them. "Get everyone out of here! Once everyone is out we'll leave immediately!" He watched them scatter around, helping people and stopping the falling rocks.
-Silver was grabbing rocks with his telekinesis right before they hit people and let Shadow and Knuckles destroy them. Tails and Blaze were going around grabbing people and getting them to safety. Fleetway went over to help Amy, leaving Sonic alone to scan the area. Sonic kept an eye out for people and would run over to them so he could grab them and get them away from the falling rocks.
-They had gotten everyone out so Sonic yelled out for everyone to get out before they were crushed. They were all dodging the rocks, being careful not to hit each other in the process. Sonic stayed behind Amy to make sure she was fine while Fleetway was flying over head with Tails, Shadow, and Silver. One boulder came straight for Knuckles but he managed to punch through it and kept running.
-They were close to getting out when another rock was about to hit Amy. Sonic had ran over and threw Amy off to the side and watched Shadow hurriedly fly over to catch Amy. Sonic turned and looked as the rock neared him, but he was knocked out of the way and hit his head on the ground really hard. He tried to get up while his head started hurting. He looked to see what had happened and froze. The rock was on top of Fleetway's back and he didn't move. He then ran over and tried pushing the rock off of him. NO NO NO NO NO!!!! He kept on pushing, trying to hold back his tears. "SOMEONE HELP!!!!!"
-While Silver and Blaze kept the other rocks from hitting them, Knuckles came over and lifted the rock off of Fleetway's back. With a loud grunt he threw over and it smashed against the canyon wall. Sonic picked up Fleetway and made no hesitation in running out of the canyons first before everyone else. He set Fleetway on the ground and started trembling. The others caught up and started panting and heaving. Shadow, Tails, and Amy were the ones to rush over to Sonic and Fleetway.
-Sonic reluctantly put his hands on Fleetway and tried shaking him. Fleetway, please get up! You're stronger than this! Don't let me keep reminding you dammit! He kept shaking until Fleetway coughed and looked at Sonic with exhausted eyes. Sonic felt relieved and sighed as he tried to laugh. "Thank Chaos! Come on, Fleetway, let's get you up."
-Fleetway slowly shook his head. "I...I can't move..." He rasped.
-Sonic's heart sank and he tried to pick up Fleetway. "That's okay! I'll--I'll just carry you!" He lifted him up but Fleetway only groaned in agony so Sonic put him back down. He watched the gleam in Fleetway's eyes fade away, making his eyes dull. Sonic felt tears forming in his eyes, but tried to stop himself from shedding them. "We'll get you home, okay? You're going to be fine!"
-Fleetway then coughed up blood and looked at Sonic. "I can't...Sonic....I think I'm done..."
-Sonic couldn't hold back his tears as Fleetway coughed up more blood. "NO! Don't say that! We'll have Rouge fix you like she did Amy and Rob. She'll fix you."
-Fleetway grunted as he tried to move his head. "You're so stupid..." He whispered. "My back never fully my spine is broken...there's no fixing it..."
-Sonic continued to cry as he scooted closer to Fleetway. "Why!? Why didn't you just take over my body!? Why did you even bother to help me!?"
-Fleetway didn't answer him. He just smiled as he coughed once more. "Tell Maggie I'm sorry...I'm sorry I couldn't confess my love for her..."
"No!" Sonic shouted. "You're not dying on me! I'll find all seven Chaos Emeralds and heal you!"
"Stop, Sonic..." Fleetway growled. He then gasped and looked at Sonic with pleading eyes. "Even you, the fastest thing alive, can't find all the Chaos Emeralds in time...I'm going to die..."
"Then take me with you!" Sonic leaned forward and sobbed into Fleetway's chest. "This isn't fair! I should be able to die as well if you are! We're meant to spend our eternity with each other! We promised Uncle Chuck!" Sonic felt Fleetway put his hand on his back and looked at him. "Please..."
-Fleetway shook his head and smiled. "That isn't happening...Sonic, live on for me...Be the king you're supposed to be...Marry Amy and have beautiful children...and lead your people to glory...Do it for me...please..."
-Sonic sat there, bewildered by Fleetway's words. Although part of him wanted to be with Fleetway, another part wanted to fulfill his brother's wishes. He shed more tears and started wiping them off his cheeks. "Okay...okay...I will..."
-Fleetway moved his hand and grabbed Sonic's. Sonic felt his heart ache as he interlaced his finger's with Fleetway's. Fleetway coughed again and grined. "Don't look so no longer need to worry about me..."
-Sonic used his free arm to wipe his eyes as he sobbed. "No...I want to keep worrying..."
"I just want to see you last time..." Fleetway giggled weakly.
-Sonic sniffed and struggled to do as Fleetway said. He didn't want to smile since he thought it would mean he would be happy, but he had to. He managed to make a small grin and he kept crying as he did.
-Fleetway giggled weakly again and looked up at the sky. "Thank you, brother...I love you..." He whispered as he closed his eyes and his breathing slowed down until it stopped. His grip on Sonic's hands turned limp.
-Sonic was silent. He could not believe what just happened. He heard both Amy and Tails burst into tears and he saw Knuckles, Silver, and Blaze bow their heads in respect. Shadow had placed his hand on Sonic's shoulders, but as he too shed a tear he looked away. Sonic just stared at Fleetway's body. Why did you do it? He thought, and Fleetway's words came back to him. You're so stupid. He laid himself on top of Fleetway and began sobbing nonstop. I'll do as you want. I'll live on for you, and I'll look forward to when we meet again, my caring evil twin.

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