Chapter Fourteen

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(Note: Check out full speed paint video on my channel)

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(Note: Check out full speed paint video on my channel)

-Sonic held the red Chaos Emerald in his hand and was walking around an open plain. After telling Amy what he was doing she immediately told him that there were sightings of Chaos energy around the area so he went there first. Fleetway was falling behind, not even bothering to help which really annoyed Sonic. But he ignored him since he thought that Fleetway would just get in his way.
-Sonic stopped when his Chaos Emerald started glowing. He held it out and started pointing it left. The glow dimmed. He turned it right. It glowed even brighter. He pulled it in and ran in that direction. He stopped when the emerald glowed so bright that it hurt his eyes. He looked around the area and saw something glimmering in an abandoned badger den. He knelt down and reached his hand in and he pulled out a dark blue Chaos Emerald. That's three. We need four more.
"Doesn't eggs benedict have some?" Fleetway asked.
-Sonic stood up and shrugged his shoulders. Dunno. Most likey, though. He turned and started walking when something had shoved him into the ground. He rubbed his head and glared at Fleetway. What the hell!?
"It wasn't me!" Fleetway pointed to the side. Sonic looked and saw a female red fox grabbing the two Chaos Emeralds that had scattered on the ground.
"Hey!" Sonic stood up immediately and glared at her. "Those are mine!"
-The red fox narrowed her eyes and smirked while swishing her tail back and forth. "Sorry, Sonic, but I'll be taking these. The doctor has made a big reward and I want to be a part of that."
"Oh yeah?" Sonic growled. "How many Chaos Emeralds does Eggman have?"
"I'm not going to let you use me!" The fox huffed. "It's down right dirty!"
"You didn't say that when you used me, Fiona," Sonic sneered. "It's only fair," He then smirked and dusted off his chest. "After all that sorrow you gave me it's only right that you repay me for my troubles."
-Fiona then growled as her tail bushed out. "I'm not falling for your charm! I'm taking these emeralds and leaving!" As she turned around, Sonic tackled her and threw her to the side.
"You should've told me," Sonic tried to stomp on her but Fiona managed to roll to the side and she stood up.
"Don't test me, blue boy! I'll rip you shreds!"
"You can try," Sonic taunted. "But it's hard to lay a hand on a hedgehog without getting hurt."
"Don't get smart with me!" Fiona charged at Sonic only for Sonic to knee her in the stomach and threw her again.
-The Chaos Emeralds fell out of her grasp and Sonic went and took them from her. He showed off the emeralds while he smirked. "It's a shame how things turned out. I'm not complaining, though. I found someone better than you."
-Fiona had one eye closed as her other eye burned with rage. "You just made a huge mistake! My boyfriend is going to come and kick your ass!"
"Likely story," Sonic snorted. "He's nowhere in sight."
"Sonic," Fleetway walked behind him. "He is."
-Sonic looked at Fleetway from the corner of his eye. I know that. I'm not that stupid. He put his arms behind him and handed Fleetway the emeralds. Take these and get out of here!
-Fleetway took the emeralds and peeked his head to face Sonic. "I'm not running away! What are you even going to do!?"
-I'm going to keep them at bay. Just go and hide until I get rid of them. Sonic carefully pushed Fleetway and started growling. GO!!! It took Fleetway five seconds before his eyes widened and he flew away. Sonic turned around and jumped backwards when a green hedgehog landed his fist into the ground. His feet skidded until he stopped himself and he smirked. "Hello, Scourge."
-Scourge pulled his hand out of the ground and glared at him. "The hell do you think you're doing throwing my girl around!?"
"She asked for it," Sonic said in a fake surprising voice. "She's had it for a long time, but that's not the main reason."
"You stupid bastard!" Scourge snapped. "I'm beating your ass!" Scourge ran towards Sonic and punched Sonic in the face. After Sonic hit the ground Scourge grabbed his leg and threw him over.
-Fiona then stood up while grasping her stomach, her eye still closed. "Get 'em Scourge! Don't let him get away!"
-Scourge nodded and turned into a green spin dash and hit Sonic. Sonic yelled out as he kicked the green sphere off of him. God dammit! I forgot how strong he is. He stood up and made a spin dash as he hit Scourge's spin dash and kept going until Scourge managed to push Sonic into the ground until a hole was made. Sonic untucked himself and groaned.
-He looked as Scourge knelt down and peered into the hole. "You're not usually this easy to beat. I can tell you're suffering," He then smirked and popped his knuckles. "I'll end it for you!"
-Fleetway suddenly flew in and tackled Scourge to the side. Sonic's eyes widened and he managed to pop his top half out of the hole. Fleetway!? What are you doing!?
-Fleetway looked at Sonic and helped pulled him out of the hole. "You're so pathetic that I had to come and help!"
-Scourge had shook his head and looked around. "What the hell hit me!?" He looked at Fiona but she had shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.
-Sonic started rubbing his leg and looked at Fleetway pleadingly. Just go! I can handle it and we can't risk losing those emeralds!
-Fleetway shook his head. "As much as I'm still mad at you, you're still my brother and I have to protect you!"
-Sonic flattened his ears and shook his head. Please! Fleetway ignored Sonic and stood in front of him as Scourge stood up.
-Scourge was staring at Sonic and started growling. "I'm still going to kill you, blue! You've crossed the line!"
-Sonic moved to where he could see Scourge better. "Bite me! All I want to know is how many Chaos Emeralds Eggman has."
"You ain't gonna find out!" Scourge charged again but Fleetway brought up his right leg and kicked him over to the side. Scourge rolled over and once he stopped his eyes widened. "The fuck!? How are you doing that!?"
-Sonic brought his hands up while shrugging his shoulders. He then quietly snickered. Man, you're toying with him!
-Fleetway giggled. "When do I ever get to do this without taking over your body?"
"No!" Fiona ran in front of Scourge and raised her fists. "You damn forsaken beast! I'll sink my claws into your neck!" She ran towards them when a giant hammer slammed into her and knocked her over to the side. Both Sonic and Fleetway blinked and looked as Amy grabbed her hammer and swung it behind her when Fiona stood back up. She growled as her tail bushed out. "You bitch!"
-Amy bent her knees and grined. "Don't you touch my man!" She ran for Fiona and slammed her hammer into the ground as Fiona jumped back.
-Sonic looked as Scourge stood up and ran towards him. "I'm not done with you yet!" He punched him in the face and blocked his own when Scourge tried to counter attack. In almost a second Sonic beat his forehead against Scourge's and watched as he collapsed onto the ground. Right after, Fiona was flung on top of Scourge. Sonic turned and looked at Amy. "Did I tell you how much I love you?"
"Not enough," Amy dropped her hammer and wrapped her arms around Sonic. "Good thing I came in just in time."
"I could've handled it," Especially with you, Fleetway. Sonic rubbed his face against Amy's and then immediately drew back. "Why are you here?"
"Tails told me about him," Amy grined.
"You mean!?" Sonic looked behind him at Fleetway to see that he was just as surprised. He looked back at Amy and flattened his ears. "Fleetway?"
-Amy nodded. "Yes, but it's okay and I'm going to help both of you find the other Chaos Emeralds," She pulled herself back and grabbed her hammer. "We figured out that Eggman has three and has someone else looking for the other while we have three, right? You have two while Tails has one?"
-Sonic nodded and looked at Fleetway. "Where are they?"
-Fleetway flew away and came back with the Chaos Emeralds. "I hid them before I came back."
"Great!" Amy's hammer disappeared and she started walking away. "Let's look for that other one before we steal Eggman's," She stopped when she realized Sonic wasn't following and looked back. "You coming?"
"I'll catch up," Sonic reassured. "I want to talk with Fleetway."
"Okay," Amy nodded and continued walking.
-Sonic sighed and looked at Fleetway. You could touch someone else again huh?
-Fleetway nodded. "I don't know what happened. While I ran I heard your thoughts. I could feel your pain and I...I felt something and I rushed back after I hid the Chaos Emeralds. But I did notice them glow like last time when I threw Rough."
-Sonic looked down at his feet and crossed his arms. Maybe it's not just the Chaos Emeralds. Maybe it has something to do with...I don't caring? Sonic shook his head and started walking. Forget it. Let's go.
"I'm sorry."
-Sonic stopped and looked at Fleetway. "What?"
"I'm sorry for leaving," Fleetway muttered. "And for all the things I said. You were right."
-Sonic walked over to Fleetway and hugged him. He tightened his grip and dug his face into Fleetway's neck. "I am too. I really do care. I just wish I can show the others."
-Fleetway sighed and hugged him back. "You idiot. They will soon."
-Sonic pulled back when he heard both Scourge and Fiona groaned and started running. Get the emeralds and move before they realize what happened! Fleetway nodded and flew after him after making sure he had the emeralds and they both caught up to Amy in the woods.

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