Chapter Eighteen

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-Sonic was sitting in his red race car bed while throwing a yellow ball in the air and catching it when it fell down. Fleetway was sitting on the floor playing with Sonic's small race cars as if he was role playing in a real car race. He then sighed and looked at Sonic. "Can we go outside now? Your toys are boring!"
-Sonic threw the yellow ball up one more time and caught it before he looked at Fleetway. "No, we can't go outside now. And my toys are not boring!"
"Yes, they are!" Fleetway huffed. "They don't even do anything."
"Yes they do!" Sonic retorted. "You're just not doing it right."
"Nuh-uh! They're dumb!"
"Stop it!" Sonic yelled.
"Sonic? What's going on?" The bedroom door opened and revealed a blue hedgehog wearing a red vest with brown gloves and boots and brown eyes with brown hair on his forehead that fell in front of his eyes; His father, Jules. He walked in the room and sat on the bed next to Sonic. "Who are you talking to, sport?"
"I'm talking to Fleetway," Sonic replied. "He says my toys are dumb!"
-Jules made a puzzled look and then smiled. "Oh! You mean your imaginary friend right?"
"No!" Sonic huffed. "I mean my brother!"
-Jules eyes went wide and he coughed. "What do you mean? You don't have a brother," He said awkwardly.
"Yes I do!" Sonic whined. "He's right there!" He pointed at Fleetway. "He can catch this ball. Watch!"
-Jules shook his head and stood up. "I think you need to rest, son."
"No, look!" He threw the ball at Fleetway and he caught it, but Jules was already walking out the room and shut the door behind him. Sonic's ears flattened and he looked at Fleetway. "Why doesn't he see you?"
-Fleetway shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I think he needs glasses."
-Sonic's ear twitched and he looked and saw his uncle Chuck walk in. His fur was a lighter blue and he had thick white eyebrows and a white mustache. "Hey there, kiddo! What's happening?"
"Dad doesn't see Fleetway," Sonic replied. "Fleetway thinks he needs glasses."
"Ah, jeez. This again?" He sat down next to Sonic and placed his hand on Sonic's shoulder. "Sonic, we've been over this remember? No one can see him but you."
"But you can see him," Sonic said and Fleetway was tossing the yellow ball up and down.
"Yes, I can see he's throwing the ball, but I can't actually see him and I can't hear him either," Chuck explained. "So, you can't go around talking about Fleetway."
"Why not?"
"Because...some people may think you're crazy. You don't want them to think that do you?"
-Sonic shook his head. "But why am I the only one who sees him?"
"Only Chaos knows," Chuck sighed. "Just don't go around talking about him to other people."
"Not even Sally?"
"Not even Sally. Just keep talking to him with your mind. You said you could, right?" Sonic nodded. "Good. Now I don't know how this is going to turn out, but Fleetway is your brother. Is he listening?"
-Sonic looked at Fleetway. "Fleetway, you need to listen! Stop playing with my toys," Fleetway then looked up and as he nodded Sonic did as well. "He is, uncle Chuck."
"Like I said, you two are brothers, and no matter what happens you two need to protect one another. Understand?"
"Yes, uncle Chuck!" Sonic replied. He then hopped out of bed and ran over to his kid table in the corner. "Wanna see another drawing of me and him?"
"I'd love too, kiddo," Chuck smiled and walked over to see Sonic's drawing. "You're getting better at that!"
-Sonic smiled as Chuck started walking out the room. He sighed and looked at Fleetway. "I'm going to protect you all the time!" He cheered. "No one will get past me!"
-Fleetway smiled as he nodded. "I'm going to protect you, too! I'll never leave your side ever!"
-Sonic then hugged Fleetway and laughed. "I'll never leave your side either!" Fleetway then hugged back and the both of them kept on laughing.

-Sonic was sitting on the couch while reading Eggman's files on his phone that Tails had sent him. So far, Eggman was just trying to make a giant laser-like gun that would pierce into the ground and hit Mobius' inner core and blow it up, causing the whole planet to burst. It ain't gonna happen, Eggie. Sonic smirked as he set the phone back down on the coffee table. He looked at the clock and saw that it was already passed noon. Knuckles and the others should be back soon. 
"You excited?" Amy came over and sat next to Sonic on the couch.
"Yeah, I really want other people to see Fleetway."
"You have specific people you want to show him off to?"
"Mainly my dad," Sonic chuckled. "He didn't believe me when I told him about Fleetway."
"I thought you said you never told anybody," Amy eyed him.
"Yeah, but I was a child back then," Sonic explained. "Uncle Chuck was the only one who believed me."
"He knew!?"
-Sonic nodded. "He noticed how things were floating and I'd tell him 'It's just my brother playing.' After I tried telling my dad about Fleetway, that's when uncle Chuck told me I couldn't tell anyone about him."
-Amy readjusted herself and put her hand on Sonic's thigh. "So, it was Chuck that told not to, not just you?"
"For the most part. Growing up, we kind of did what siblings normally do after spending too many years together," Sonic then sighed and rested his head on the back of the couch. "Plus, he would tell me to do bad things and I didn't want you or the others to know about it."
-Both Sonic and Amy's phones went off and they both grabbed them to see what happened. Sonic had received a new message from Tails. He didn't bother reading it and looked at Amy. "Did you get a message from Tails, too?"
"Yeah!" Amy's eyes were moving as she read the text. "He said they got the other three! He's going to get his machine ready for Fleetway!"
"Then let's go!" Sonic hopped off the couched and waited for Amy as they ran towards Fleetway. Sonic felt overjoyed by this and tried to slow himself down so Amy could catch up. He jumped over a stumped and tried talking to Fleetway. I don't know if you already know, but they got the others! We're really doing this! They kept on running until they were right at Tails' front door. He turned and saw that Shadow and Fleetway were both running up to them.
-Fleetway ran up to Sonic and was panting. "You fucking serious!?"
-Shadow crossed his arms and looked at Sonic. "He told me what you said and immediately started running over here."
-Amy had smiled and cuffed her hands behind her. "I can't wait to actually see Fleetway!"
-The front door opened and Tails came out with a towel around his shoulders. "You guys came just in time! The machine is ready to go!"
-Sonic made a huge grin and looked at Fleetway. "Let's prove to dad that you're really here!"
"Oh lord! I've completely forgot about that!" Fleetway giggled. 

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