|~Sunshine and Moonlight~|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts
(Author Note)
It's been almost three weeks since you woke up and Elizabeth finally allowed you to leave your room and move around. You can move without pain and the bruise Garnok left on you was completly gone, took long enough.

You ate breakfast and went outside. The warm sunlight caressed your body and you noticed how much you missed this. A soft, warm breeze hit you and you took a deep breath, inhaling the wonderful and clean summer air as you started walking towards the Hollow Woods.

Excitement filled you as you made your way to where [H/N] was. He/She was at a paddock near Valedale, you two used to have training there. You haven't seen him/her for so long and you're sure he/she misses you too.

When you finally reached the paddock, you immediatly spotted [H/N]. He/She was standing on the other end of it, far away from the other three horses which were standing there. Quite unusal for him/her, usally he/she enjoys to play and interact with other horses.

You entered the paddock and shouted "[H/N]!" His/Her head shot into your direction and he/she neighed happily at the sight of you. [H/N] started to canter to you and as soon as he/she was near enough you swung your arms around his/her neck.

He/She snorted happy and pulled you closer to him/her with his/her head. He/She even started to nible your hair. "Didn't they feed you or why do you eat my hair?" You giggled at [H/N] and hugged him/her tighter.

"I've missed you" You mumbled into his/her neck.

"I've missed you too, deary" [H/N] replied. After an eternity you pulled away and cupped [H/N]'s face with both your hands, looking into his/her eyes with a smile. "What took you so long to finally come here? You're awake since 3 weeks, you could have come around sooner." He/She said, fake pouting.

"I wasn't allowed to leave the room. If I did, Elizabeth probably would have chained me to the bed" You giggled. "Why do you even know since when I'm awake?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The night you did, Alex came to my stall with the words 'Your sleeping beauty has awoken'" You bursted into laugher since this was pretty unexpected. The ability of this girl to keep her cute childish manner even in the most serious situations is just incredible.

"Remind me to slap her for that" you laughed.

Speaking of the devil, you heard Alex shout your name from across the place. You turned around and saw her approaching you, along with Tin-Can.

"Seems like you finally got out of prison" she teased as she dismounted Tin-Can and stood in front of you.

"Yeah it was about time" you chuckled. Alex abruptly pulled you into a tight hug. You were taken aback first, but proceeded to hug back.

"I'm glad you're okay.." she mumbled into your ear. Alex may acts pretty tough, but on the inside she's as soft as cotton candy, and that's just one of the many things that make her unique in your opinion.

You only hummed a "Mhm" in response. Alex pulled away and looked at you with a smile when you remembered something.

"Ouch, what was that for?!" Alex asked as you hit her arm.

"For the 'Sleeping Beauty' thing" The expression on her face turned into an amused one.

"Aww come on~" She whined as she looked at [H/N] with a funny 'Really Dude?' look.

"Wanna go on a ride together?" Alex cheerfully asks. [H/N] ears peered up and his/her face seemed to light up with joy. You, however, let out a sigh.

"As much as I would like to, I can't. Elizabeth forbids me to ride." Alex gave me a suspicious look.

"I thought you're feeling okay?" You just shrugged your shoulders and went to reply, but [H/N] cut you off.

"Rules never stopped you from rebeling against other's desicions, so why stick to them now sweetheart?"

You chuckled at his/her attitude and patted [H/N]'s nose, giving him/her a cheeky look.

"You two really are a dream team" Alex stated, clearly amused.

"Okay, but please be aware of the fact I only wear a dress that stops shortly above my knees and I need to ride bareback" you eventually gave in.

"We won't let you fall" Alex said cheerfully.

"Or you ride on me. You're way lighter than Alex and I have tack on" Tin-Can said, obviously to tease Alex. She rolled her eyes at Tin-Can in a playful manner.

"Actually, why do you need to ride bareback?" Alex asked.

"It would be strange if the tack I use disappeared along with horse and rider." You explained "And Elizabeth isn't dumb."

Tin-Can and Alex both nodded in understatement.

"Now, can we start?" [H/N] asked, obviously growing more and more impatient and excited.

Alex helped you onto [H/N]'s back and the two of you trotted off. It felt glorious to be on [H/N] again and you feel like you could stay on his/her back forever.

"Ohhh by the way, I have a little surprise for you~" Alex cooed.

"What surprise?" You asked in curiousity, mentally slapping yourself. It's a surprise, why would she tell you?

"Just wait, I'll show you later" She smiled.

--Time Skip--

It's 4:45pm now and lot of stuff happened. You went shopping and got [H/N] a new bridle, Tin-Can pushed Alex into the water as the two of you were resting near the riding hall and of course Elizabeth caught you on your 'tour'. Gladly she let it slip and told you it was fine since she probably understood that it's the best for you to spend as much time as possible with [H/N].

You were currently making your way to Alex 'surprise' for you. You two were chatting along about all kinds of stuff. You've missed quite a lot while you were 'not aviable', but nothing too important. You didn't really payed attention to were you were going until Alex came to a stop and threw her hands in the air.

"The circus!" She exclaimed full of excitement. Images of while you were passed out flooded your mind and you could feel the color in your face drain.

"[Y/N] are you okay?" Alex asked with concern.

"A-Alex I... I'm sorry, I don't feel quite well." It wasn't a lie, at least not to 100%, the moment you saw the circus a nauseous feeling overcame you. "I... I'm going to head back to Valedale, sorry" you mumbled as your head hung low. Alex placed a hand on your shoulder to assure you that everything's fine.

"I understand. Do you want me to bring you back?" She asked in a soothing and caring voice. You weakly smiled at her and shook your head 'No'.

You galloped of towards Valedale and stopped at the old, burned down summer house and dismounted [H/N].

"Deary, what was that all about?" He/She asked, worry and confusion in his/her voice. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves and tried to suppress the urge to throw up.

"[H/N] please listen up closely and don't freak out" His/Her eyes looked at you and shined with curiousity. "We need to go to DarkCore's oil rig, as soon as possible" You rather demanded than stated.

"What?" [H/N] said in disbelief.

"Please..." You pleeded.  "Zee may be there..."
[A/N] Heyy! I hope you enjoyed this early-posted chapter♡ The update schedule will be the same as 'Magical Encounter', so chapters will be published every Wednesday! Have fun with the sequel♡

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