|~Condenar Fever~|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts
(Author Note)
|~Author POV~|

Alex, Lisa and Elizabeth were sitting in the kitchen, worrying about [Y/N]'s situation and waiting for Linda's and Luka's arrival. Alex and Lisa had tons of questions, but Elizabeth left them in the dark.

A knock on the door drew everybody's attention. Linda stepped in the kitchen with a pile of books from Fripp's layer in her hands. She carefully placed the old, dusty books down on the table with Luka following her close behind and shutting the door.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong? Why did you wanted me to bring these books?"

"Linda, Luka. Please sit"

They both glanced at each other with uncertainty before sitting down at the wooden table. Elizabeth reached out for one of the books and shoved the dust off before opening it.

Everybody remained silent. The uncomfortable tension was sinking into everybody's bones. Linda and Luka were completly clueless, but kept their mouths shut. They simply hoped someone would say anything, ANYTHING to enlighten them.

"Luka, Linda?" Lisa's soft voice spoke over the rustling noise of Elizabeth flicking through the crumbly pages of the old book.

Luka and Linda stared at Lisa with expectation, eagerness and concern. The emotions of everyone in the room were riding a rollercoaster.

Alex took a deep breath and decided to share everything they knew, since Lisa is taking too long in her eyes.

"[Y/N] has fallen incredibly ill. We don't know why or what it is, but it could be extremly dangerous. Lisa's powers were barely enough to wake [Y/N] up and not even Elizabeth's magic showed any traces of healing her. She's resting in her room at the moment." Alex spoke quick except for the last part.

Linda's and Luka's jaws dropped. They couldn't really believe what they just heard. Concern and fright pumped through their veins as they thought about the worst things possible.

Elizabeth exhaled loudly and lifted her head to look up from the book.

"Alex, saying it's extremly dangerous is an understatement if [Y/N] is really suffering from what I think"

All eyes were glued on Elizabeth and heart rates increased dramatically. Lisa's hands were shaking from the tension and Alex was slightly sweating. Elizabeth turned the book in front of her and smoothly shoved it across the table to the nervous teens.

"Condenar Fever?" Alex asked perplexed. Linda took the book in her hands and began reading out loud.

"The Condenar Fever is a rare and very dangerous illness, named after the realm 'Condenar' where the virus comes from. There are only 7 cases known and documented by the Keepers of Aideen over a period of 3000 years. Each one was a Soul Rider, so the illness presumingly only infects humans with strong magical powers."

There was a brief pause in the room until Luka took the book out of Linda's hands in his own.

"Typical symptoms are aching muscles, vomiting, breaking sweats and high temprature fever. Victims of the illness usually don't know they're carrying the dangerous virus within them until the first symptoms, usually aching muscles, are shown. The virus only breaks loose if the ill person experiences a special amount of emotional pressure such as stress or depression."

Alex mind automatically wandered to Ydris. By turning her into a horse [Y/N] indeed received a lot of stress and maybe that would explain why she was in pain.

"Hold on a second" Alex interrupted. "What if... what if the ringmaster of the circus infected [Y/N] with the virus and made her sick?"

No one in the kitchen liked that idea, but couldn't deny it either. Once again, the room got filled with nothing but silence. Nothing was audible except for the river outside.

"That could be possible" Elizabeth admitted after thinking about Alex' theory briefly.

Luka impatiently kept studying the page, same with Linda. Lisa and Alex stared at each other like they would find answers in each others eyes while Elizabeth observed the situation.

"What is 'Condenar'?" Lisa asked after a while, turning to face Elizabeth.

"Condenar is a realm full of darkness and misery. Every living being who doesn't posess dark powers, such as the Dark Rider's ones, immediatly dies after entering it. That's all what the Druids know about it"

Alex' mouth opened to speak, but got interrupted by a loud thud from [Y/N]'s room above. Their heads turned to look at the ceiling before glancing back at each other.

"I'll go check on [Y/N]." Alex spoke, rising from her chair and leaving the room.

"Guys... check this out" Luka said with serious voice.

"The Condenar-Fever-Virus, short CFV, spreads very fast in the patients body. It causes the brightest souls to turn into something incredibly dark. Once the virus broke loose, it's almost impossible to stop."

"So there's no way to heal [Y/N]?" Lisa asked in disbelief.

"Attention, the worst is yet to come" Linda announced worriedly.

"The CFV is known to take control of the ill person's mind and weaken their body till the point of death. There are no known cases of survivors."

Every heart in the room stopped beating. Elizabeth remained silent the whole time while the others were frozen in shock. Is [Y/N] really dying?

"We can't lose her. The sisterhood would fall apart without [Y/N]." Linda breathed.

Before anyone could respond to Linda, the door to the kitchen smashed open and Alex came rushing in.

"[Y/N] is gone!"

|~Your POV~|

It's cold...

You slowly opened your eyes just to see that you were surrounded by nothing. Nothing except darkness in a pitch black abyss.

The next thing you noticed is that you were feeling fine. Completly fine. No pain, no coughing, no sweating, no weird cracks all over your body. But you felt way lighter than before.

You looked at the palms of your hands and saw a mix of dark purple and golden glow emitting from your fingertips.

You gasped and got onto your feet in one swift motion, staring at your fingertips as if you've just seen apocalypse.

"What is going on here?" Your quivery breath echoed through the abyss. "And where is 'here'?" You questioned yourself as you looked around.

After a while you took a courageous step forward, just to see where it leads you. And another.

You began to feel satisfied that you won't fall into a deep hole and fall into your doom with that.

A cold breeze attacked your body and you rubbed your exposed arms to warm you up. Another glance down your body and you knew why it was so damn cold.

You wore the same things you did when you blacked out. Leaving you in your riding boots, jeans and bra since you took off your pullover right before things got confusing.

You blushed madly, even if you knew no one would see you like that.

Your mind wandered to the Soul Riders and [H/N]. Do they know what's going on? Or even where you are? What's the meaning behind all of this? And most importantly, will you ever see them again?

A single tear rolled down your face at the thought of never seing [H/N] or the girls again. Your thoughts got interrupted by a deep, male voice echoing through the darkness.

"Wake up"

Your blood ran colder than ice as you recognized who the voice belonged to.
[A/N] The update schedule will be the normal one again! So chapters will be uploaded regulary♡ And no, your character is not dead! xD

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