|~Rising Energy~|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
[H/C] - horse coat (color)
italic - your thoughts
(Author Note)
The whole day you kept thinking about what Elizabeth meant with 'bad news' and especially why she didn't talked about it in the actual meeting. She told you to return at 8 in the evening along with the other Soul Riders. Your confusion was on it's highest.

You were sitting on the fence of the Mountain Paddock and watched [H/N] play with the other horses. He/She whined happily and even wallowed in the dirt a few times. You giggled at his/her childish manner and knew there was a long bath incoming.

"You look stressed out" Linda's voice stated from behind you. She proceeded to lean onto the fence next to you and looked forward at the horse's playing.

"I'm just thinking about why Elizabeth called for an extra meeting tonight. She could have told us everything this morning, so why is that necessary?" You questioned Linda, hoping she would have an answer. After all, she is the one to have answers to most of the questions asked.

"I'm sure she has a good reason. Perhaps it is something she isn't really sure about worth being mentioned in a meeting?"

"Perhaps..." You mumbled.

[H/N] came trotting over towards you and Linda. Linda's eyes grew wide as she saw the horse.

"We have three hours until the meeting starts, so you better start cleaning your horse" She said in an amused tone as she fixed the position of her glasses.

"I guess I'll really need these three hours" you laughed.

[H/N] mane was all messed up and his/her [H/C] coat was covered in mud. Not only that, even white blossoms were stuck on his/her dirty coat. The blossoms actually made [H/N] look even prettier than he/she already was.

"Come on, let's get you clean" you giggled as you jumped off the fence and motioned [H/N] to follow.

You walked down the hill and [H/N] followed obedient. He/She was slightly panting from all the playing and his/her coat was sweaty.

"You know, sometimes I wish to switch places with you, to be a horse like you." You stated dreamy.

"Deary, it's much more than just playing. All the running and jumping is really exhausting. You should know that" [H/N]'s response sounded really serious. You remembered the time you were being chased in Pandoria and how drained he/she felt afterwards, even if the memory is just a messed up blur.

Arrived at the stables you led [H/N] into the washing area. "Jesus, do you know how much extra work this is?" You lightly laughed.

--Time Skip--

[H/N] was all clean now. Just in time! The meeting starts in fifteen minutes and being early for one time doesn't hurt, right? You put on [H/N]'s bridle and mounted your horse.

You were surprised to see that everybody was already in the stone circle, waiting for you as you entered. "I see you're punctual this time" Alex joked.

"Good evening [Y/N]" Elizabeth greeted with a soft and friendly expression. [H/N] let out a gentle snort and you waved her. All of a sudden Elizabeth's expression became serious again.

"Soul Rider, thanks for coming all together this evening" She announced.

"Elizabeth, what's the reason for this sudden meeting?" Lisa questioned, worry filling in her hazel brown eyes.

Elizabeth let out a deep breath and continued talking. "The amount of pandoric energy in Jorvik is rising dramatically fast and the only logical explanation I can find is beyond my worse expectations." All eyes were glued on Elizabeth like a stamp on a letter. "What do you mean?" You blurted out, anxiety and curiosity controling every move of your body.

"I'm afraid Garnok's release is way closer than we expected. If I'm right, we won't be able to save Anne in time" Everybody let out gasps, jaws dropped and your whole body tensed up in fear and disbelief, goosebumps rushing over your skin. If this is true, we're in deep shit!

You were so deep in shock that you didn't notice you were pulling on [H/N]'s reins. That was until he/she put his/her head down and started bucking and neighing in slight pain. You insinctively let go of the reins, but unfortunately you forgot that you rode bareback and before you could realize what was happening you fell off of [H/N]'s back, hitting the ground with the back of your head.

"[Y/N]!" Alex yelled as she dismounted Tin-Can and ran to your aid. Starshine cantered over to [H/N] in a fast pace and Lisa took ahold of his/her reins. "Easy there" she whispered as she stroked his/her nustrils to calm him/her. In the meantime you sat up.

"Everything okay?" Alex asked concerned as she kneeled down next to you. "Yeah I'm fine, I guess..." You replied as you rubbed the point where you hit your head.

Elizabeth also kneeled down next to you and placed a hand on the small of your back and Linda came trotting over too.

"What happened?" Linda asked with shock. "I accidently pulled on [H/N]'s reins and--... [H/N]!" You abrupty stood up and ran over to Lisa and your precious horse.

"[H/N] are you okay?!" Your body was shaking for an unkown reason and you could feel a slight burn on your side. Oddly enough it was on the exact same spot like last time at the observatory.

You moved forward and hugged [H/N]'s neck tightly, murmuring "I'm sorry" over and over again. "Deary, it's fine. What about you? How's your head?"

"I survived worse things"

"Like Loretta's face?" Alex said amused. Tin-Can jostled her with his head and gave her a killing look. "Alex, please stay serious" Elizabeth ordered. Alex raised her hands in surrender and Elizabeth turned her attention back to you.

"I know you're worried, we all are. But nothing is proved, so it could be a way more harmless reason" She tried to reassured you. "And how are we supposed to find out?" Lisa questioned.

"I wouldn't recommend to send someone to the oil rig" Linda quickly cut in. Elizabeth let out a sigh and seemed to overthink her stragedy. Gladly, it didn't take her long. "We'll measure all the runestones in Jorvik tomorrow. Maybe we can find a central point and with that an explanation."

"And if not?" Alex asked curiously. Elizabeth exhaled loudly and her despair seemingly grew more and more. She clasped her hands together in front of her and started again. "Then we have probably no choice but sending someone to the oil rig"

"We both now that 'someone' means you"


"Lisa, you'll take the measurements in Epona. Linda, you will take Moorland, Fort Pinta and Nilmers Highland" The girls nodded in agreement. "Alex, you will go with Firgrove and Valedale. [Y/N], Golden Hills and the Silverglade Fields, okay?"

"You forgot the Forgotten Fields" You teased, hoping it would calm your nerves at least a bit. Elizabeth obviously wasn't in joking mood, while Alex gave you the 'I-See-What-You-Did-There' look.

"I can take them" Lisa inquired. "Okay, I'll take the Jorvik Stables and Greendale too!" You said eagerly, more than ready to solve that mystery.
[A/N] You're gettin fed up by the boring chapers, I know xD But I promise action will come pretty soon 8]

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