|~Out Of Control~|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts
(Author Note)
|~Author POV~|

"Wake up"

[Y/N] opened her eyes and sat up in the bed she was in. The surroundings were unkown to her and her eyes landed on a tall figure mere feet in front of the bed. Her vision was all blurry and the fact that it was dark around her didn't help.

"Come here"

[Y/N] obliged. She slid out from under the covers and placed her bare feet on the metal floor. Walking was hard since she couldn't see properly, but she managed to wobble over to the person the voice belonged to.

The sound of fingers clicking reached [Y/N]'s ears and within a blink of her eyes her vision became clear again.

She looked up and saw a satisfied smirking Darko looking down it her.

"I can't believe that actually worked" Sabine remarked with surprise.

"Don't get too satisfied Darko. Maybe she's faking it all" Katja warned as she took a step forward in order to stand next to Darko to get a proper look on [Y/N].

"Whoa" Katja exclaimed surprised as soon as she saw her enemy. Darko's smirk only grew and he motioned towards a full-body mirror next to [Y/N].

She slightly turned her head to look at it and saw herself, or that what Darko created. A reflection of hurt and misery in her dull, almost lifeless eyes and the dark purple cracks on her body. [Y/N] showed no emotions to the girl she saw in the mirror. She couldn't feel any emotions at all.

"Now [Y/N]" Darko spoke up "From now on you'll listen to the name 'Adria' and will take all our orders without hesitation. Understood?"

[Y/N], or 'Adria', only nodded.


"Yes master" She spoke coldly.

Sabine and Katja watched in astonishment and awe. Their worst enemy just got turned into their mindslave, doomed to do anything they want.

"Sabine, take her outside to the portal area. Make sure to put her on a shirt first and giver her shoes" Sabine nodded and took Adria to the closet as Darko and Katja left the room.

"Okay, how did you do that?" Katja asked Darko wondering. She only received a grin in return.

"Have you ever heard of the CFV?"

"The Condenar Fever? Yes I did, but that doesn't quite answer my question"

"I found a way to mutate the virus. After [Y/N] showed up in Pandoria, Garnok infected her with my new created form and knocked her down. It was only a matter of time until it would be triggered" Darko explained with pride.

Katja looked up at Darko and kept questioning him.

"And what was that trigger?"

They both stopped walking and Darko turned to face Katja.

"Heartbreak" He smirked devilishly.

|~Your POV~|

"No..." You whimpered breathlessly as you fell to your knees. A big screen-like object appeared right in front of you in the black abyss as soon as... 'you' or better Adria opened her eyes.

You stared at the screen with horror, your eyes welling with tears. That's impossible. "That's impossible!" You screamed out as tears ran down your face. Did DarkCore really turn you into a Dark Rider?

The glare you shot at the screen was cold enough to freeze the fiery hell over. You only saw what happened outside, your mind was too clouded to hear any of the words that were said. The reality you lived in broke apart.

Once Darko and Katja left shame and disgust overcame you. You stood in front of Darko with your upper half naked except for a bra. At least the person that was supposed to be you.

You sobbed a few inappropriate words as you helplessly watched how yo-- Adria put on a black skin-tight shirt.

I'm out of control... I can't control my own body anymore...

These words kept echoing through your mind as you silently watched what was happening outside. All of your hopes rested on [H/N] and the Druids. You didn't want to spend the rest of your life in this hell. In this cold, deadly hell. You want to be near the Soul Riders and feel their warm hug.

The thought of being in the girl's embrace sent a wave of comfort through your body and you forgot the misery around you for a split second.

Your train of thoughts got interrupted by Darko's annoying voice.

"Tell us everything you know about the Keepers of Aideen and the Soul Riders."

No! No no no no no NO!

You began panicking. DarkCore can't know about the druids plans and everything else! That would be the end!

Wait... this is my body! My thoughts, my memories! Maybe if I'll...

You shut your eyes tightly and did everything within your power to block the memories of the Druids and Soul Riders out. Seconds of silence passed where your uncertainity grew.

"I don't remember..." Adria finally said. Relief washed over your body. The Druids and the girls are safe, for now at least.

"Of course she doesn't, what a cliché" Jessica rolled her eyes. Darko raised an eyebrow and seemingly didn't want to ease up.

"Do you think revenge will jog your memory?"

Revenge? To whom would you want to take revenge? Adria obviously was as clueless as you. No wonder, you're practically the same person.

"Revenge on those who broke your heart" Darko finished.

Then it hit you. Ydris. He means Ydris. How the did Darko know about the relationship of Ydris and you?

On the outside world, Adria's mouth twitched into a smirk and she replied with a "That would be delightful" as hatred and determination filled her.

Unlike you. Despite of the fact what Ydris did to you, you don't want anything to happen to him. Your love for him never fully disappeared, no matter how hard you tried to deny these feelings. But you know that a reunion probably wouldn't end well.

"Ydris..." You breathed quivery.

|~Author POV~|

Adria got changed into a cloak and got showed the horse she would ride. The revenge can't wait for her. She was determined to hurt Ydris as much as he hurt her, or even worse.

Right now she was making her way towards Nilmers Highland in the cover of the dark, cloudy night. 

Fury overcame Adria once more as she saw the top of the purple tent. She will hurt Ydris badly and she could feel that [Y/N] was trying to stop her.

"I don't understand you girl" Adria mumbled, totally aware of the fact that [Y/N] was hearing her.

Adria arrived at the meadow and pulled the hood over her head. Her gaze fell upon the big top and she guided her horse towards the entrance.

One last evil grin and Adria tugged the curtains aside, entering the tent.
[A/N] To everyone who thought it was Ydris who kidnapped us: I pulled a sneaky on ya :D

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