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|~Your POV~|

Tears ran down your face like a cascade. After Adria got knocked down the screen somehow did not disappear and kept showing what was happening on the outside world.

Ydris words hit you hard, but your feelings refused to seperate it from positive and negative emotions.

At one point there was still a fire raging inside you for what Ydris has done to you.

On the other hand, hearing his voice again comforted you and you're glad that he still loves you. You wanted him close to you and feel his lips on yours again.

You pulled your knees closer to you as another cold breeze hit your frail body. This hell was getting more and more unbearable.

"Please get warmer..." You pleaded as you blankly stared into the colorless abyss.

|~Author POV~|

Luka was pacing up and down in the dimly lit living room as Lisa and Alex plainly watched the anxious boy. Luka's lips were dry and his heart raced.

"Luka, relax" Lisa spoke calmly, trying to loose the hard tension.

"Relax?!" Luka clentched his fists tightly. "[Y/N] disappeared, we can't find any traces of her nor what happened and above of all [Y/N] is terminally ill! And you tell me to relax?!" He half-shouted at the girls, turning towards them.

"Listen, we get that you're worried. We all are. But shouting at us won't help [Y/N]!" Alex bit back as she stood up from the sofa, her fiery glare burning holes into Luka's body.

Lisa gripped onto Alex' wrist and gently pulled her back, making the boiling girl sit again.

"Both of you, take a deep breath. I'm sure we'll find a solution for that." Lisa tried to reassure Luka and Alex. Her voice was calm and soothing, like a really soft and warm melody in their ears.

Alex closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, held her breath several seconds and proceeded to exhale loudly.

"I'm sorry..." Alex mumbled quietly.

Luka followed her example and turned his attention back to Lisa.

"Do you think Linda will find [Y/N] at the circus?"

"She has [H/N] with her. If [Y/N] is really there, [H/N] will feel her presence"

Luka nodded understandingly, a small spark of hope welling in his impatient soul.

"When will she come back?"

"Linda left 10 minutes ago, she probably just left the woods by now" Alex remarked.

Speaking of the devil, Linda came rushing into Elizabeth's living room. Six confused eyes fixed on her pale face.

"Why are you so dirty?" Alex asked perplexed.

"I found [Y/N], but my worst expectations were exceeded"

Everybody's minds slowly started to process the new yet unclear information.

"Wait-- She's not dead, isn't she?!" Luka said in panic. This panic soon proceeded to spread over to Lisa and Alex, who were both looking wide-eyed at Linda.


"What's worse than death?"

"[Y/N] is a Dark Rider"


"Instructor" A worker called out from across the room. Darko turned away from his discussion with the three Dark Riders and towards the voice.

|~Complicated~| Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now