|~Fighting Against Love~|

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Adria and her horse stepped into the tent. Ydris and Zee were standing in the middle of the ring at the pole, Xin was nowhere to be seen. Ydris was lovingly stroking Zee's nustrils and seemingly didn't took notice of the intruder.

"Why hello there~" Adria cooed. Ydris turned towards the somehow familiar voice and his face dissipated into hatred and confusion as he expected upon seeing someone else.

"You're not welcome under this top, Dark Rider" Ydris growled through gritted teeth. Zee let out a snort and stomped the ground.

"What? Did you expected someone else? Maybe [Y/N]?" Adria spat, her teasing voice turning into a serious one. This one little sentence got Ydris silenced.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid she can't come. Perhaps something is detaining her from showing up" Ydris features hardened at the way the unkown girl in front of him spoke over [Y/N].

"If you dare to touch a hair on her head--"

"As if you would care!" Adria shouted powerful with scathing voice. Angry tears were streaming down her face, but the hood hid her facial features pretty well, preventing Ydris from seeing anything.

Adria shot a ball of pitch black light directly towards Ydris, but he was quick to react and dodged it. Ydris responded to the attack by throwing a cloud of purple mist directly towards the fuming girl. It hit her hard and sent her flying out of the saddle. Nevertheless, she wasn't done with him.

Adria got back onto her feet in one swift motion and lunged towards Ydris, driven by an insane hateful malice and painful memories.

She prepared another attack as a strange feeling pulled her back and stopped her running. In the exact same moment Adria got hit by another attack of Ydris. It sent her mere meter back, but her feet maintained contact with the dusty ground the whole time.

"Little flea leave at once. You have no chance, so give up on it."

A short, amused chuckle rolled off Adria's lips.

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" She asked as she pulled down her hood, revealing her red, tear stained cheeks and everything else beneath it.

Ydris breath hitched upon seeing her face, upon seeing [Y/N]'s face. What shocked him the most were her eyes. Their usually lively [E/C] color turned into a lifeless grey, like ashes on the ground.

"[Y/N]..." Ydris wispered so softly that it was almost inaudible.

"Don't you dare call me that!"

The whole circus fell silent. Adria fighting with tears while all memories with [Y/N] together filled Ydris' mind. Once one memory broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. The good, the bad and the worst memories on repeat.

"[Y/N], what happened to you...?" Ydris calmly asked. Adria's eyes snapped towards Ydris, burning through him like fire through a pathetic piece of dry wood.

"What happened to me?! YOU happened to me!" Tears ran down her face once more and she balled her hands into fists, strong enough to dug her own nails into her soft skin.

"I wish I've never trusted you!" Adria continued as another wave of rage it her. Right now she just wanted to smash every single bone inside of Ydris' body, but couldn't bring herself to attack.

"I wish I've never met you!" Adria shouted powerful with misery and grief in her broken voice. Her temper sparked more and more as her crystal clear tears turned into a pitch black liquid.

A few whimpers escaped Adria's mouth as all her emotional limits broke down. She let out a loud cry, almost sounding like a battle cry, and ran towards Ydris in a near inhuman speed and shot a forceful attack with all her might towards him.

|~Complicated~| Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now