|~Dissolving Bond~|

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It's been weeks since [Y/N]'s 'disappearance' and the Druids practically moved mountains to find a solution. Not only for [Y/N]'s situation, but for Anne's as well.

Every try to free, or at least capture [Y/N], failed and there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel.

"Are you 100% sure this will work?" Lisa asked Elizabeth.

"Technically there's a high chance it will. But are you really sure? We don't know what consequences it could have for [Y/N]. Especially after what you told us." Linda's smooth voice stated before Elizabeth could answer Lisa's question.

Elizabeth sighed and seemed to be done with her nerves. "It's our only chance. As soon as Alex is back with the portal stone for Anne, we'll gather everything we need for [Y/N]."

"I never understood why you sent Alex for such an important mission. There are more reliable people than her." Avalon complained from across the stone circle.

"Excuse me?" Elizabeth's look seemed to darken, even looked offended. The relationship between Alex and Elizabeth always has been different than between Elizabeth and the other Soul Riders.

Right before Elizabeth even had the chance to defend Alex, she and Luka came trotting through the portal.

"We got it!" Alex announced with pride as she handed the portal stone to Elizabeth.

"Did everything go well?" Lisa asked, turning to Luka.

"Sabine tried to stop us, but ended up falling into the water after her horse slipped on the ice" Luka smiled amused and the other's faces held light entertainment in them.

"They're really dumb sometimes" Alex sighed.

"But I bet their brains feel as good as new, seeing they never used it"

Alex smirked at Luka and tried to keep the laugher inside her throat. However, despite Luka's try to joke, the situation turned tense again.

"If it would be like this, Anne and [Y/N] would still be here, still be with us" Linda complained as she went to Meteor's saddle bag and tucked an old book out of it.

"Luka, did you get the stones I asked you for?" Elizabeth asked im a serious tone. This was a dangerous run against the time and they risk to lose it.

"Yes. Now could you finally explain the plan to Alex and me?"

|~[H/N] POV~|

--Time Skip--

The night was cold and the first frost was already visible on the wooden fence of the Mountain Paddock. I isolated myself from Meteor, Starshine and Tin-Can and stared at the clouded sky as the wind slightly blew my tail back.

I just can't take my mind off of her. Since my dear rider fell into the hands of the dark side it just feels so... different. And all of this only happened because of this dumb magician...

A quiet snort escaped my nustrils and created a small cloud as I bowed my head down since my neck really started to hurt.

"Your ears hang low, buddy" A quiet sound reached my ears.

Without lifting my head I turned my gaze towards the voice and saw Starshine standing mere meter away from me, looking at me with curiosity and sympathy.

Without reacting to him I looked back down and closed my eyes.

Hoofbeats came closer and closer and soon I felt the weight of Starshine's warm head resting on the cold fur of my neck. I can't lie, his closeness comforts me and sends a wave of calmness through my body.

"I miss her..."

"I know [H/N], I know"

Silence filled the air as memories of [Y/N] and me played in my head, like an old film that gives you nostalgia when you watch it over and over again.

Meteor and Tin-Can came walking over too and observed the situation with curiosity.

Starshine backed away a few steps, removing his head from my neck and I decided that it was time to finally look up.

"We will free [Y/N], no matter what it takes" Tin-Can encouraged eagerly.

"I just hope we'll make it in time..." I said quietly, causing the others to get perplexed.

"What do you mean?"

I looked at Starshine and debated on if I should tell them or not. Perhaps it's time to tell them, maybe the Druids will work faster if they know?

"Even after [Y/N] turned into someone dark, I still felt connected to her. Not the evil her, but the real her. Like our souls are bonded."

"They are my brother/sister. The souls of Soul Rider and horse bond in the first moment of the rider touching the horse." Meteor explained.

I was stunned by this information, but proceeded to carry on.

"Yeah but over those last days, weeks... it got harder and harder to feel the connection between her and me. Just like she was..."

I didn't dare to finish the sentence since it's absolute nonesense. At least that's what I tried to tell myself. However, the faces of the others told there indeed was something wrong and that [Y/N], or her soul, maybe was dying.

I don't want to believe it...

I could feel the weight in my heart growing heavier and despair replacing the blood rushing through my veins.

Starshine rubbed his head against my neck as I caught glimps of a figure in the trees.

Wait is that...

"[Y/N]!" I shouted, taking the others by utter surprise. My eyes were fixed on my rider between the leaves. She started to jump from tree to tree as my body went on autopilot and I galloped after her.

The others shouted my name, but I didn't care. She was the only thing on my mind right now, so I blindly followed her.

|~Author POV~|

"Doesn't sound all too complicated" Luka shrugged as Elizabeth finished explaining.

"Careful Luka, if just one thing goes wrong, the consequences could be fatal!" Lisa warned before the mint-green eyed boy could get too cocky.

"So, everybody knows what to do?" Elizabeth asked, making eye contact with everyone in the circle.

Everybody nodded and hummed in agreement when Starshine came dashing through the portal.

"[Y/N]'s in the woods! And [H/N] is chasing after her!"

Everybody stared at Starshine with confused faces. He only grunted and repeated the words "[Y/N], woods, [H/N], chasing her"

Now everybody got the hint, judging by their faces.

"Girls, follow her and perform the ritual! It might be the only chance we get" Elizabeth demanded.

Tin-Can and Meteor came through the portal the exact same time, so Alex, Lisa and Linda just had to grab the stuff they'll need and jump onto the horses. Without any other words they dashed out of the stone circle and right after [Y/N] and [H/N]. Hopefully it's not too late.

Luka turned to follow them, but got stopped by Elizabeth.

"No Luka. You can follow them as soon as you're ready"

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