|~How Have You Been~|

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You spun on your heels in shock and surprise. There was no one. Your imagination was tricking you. But there's still the hoodie. How did it get here and how did it get on you? This is real. And it's creeping you out.

You firmly grabbed the collar of the hoodie with both your hands and pulled it up to your face, covering it till the end of your nose. Somehow the hoodie carried a familiar sweet scent that made a wave of comfort wash over you. You couldn't put your finger on why it makes you feel this way, but your mind was nagging on you, demanding you that you know.

"[Y/N]?" A voice echoed through the abyss. You let go of the hoodie and turned around wide-eyed as you recognized the voice as Ydris'. Again nothing. You began backing away in fear of your own imagination and cluntched onto the soft material of the oversized hoodie.

Ydris' voice called your name again. You hastily looked around, desperatly hoping to find any traces of him being there. At this moment you didn't care what he did to you. You just wanted someone by your side.



I'm hallucinating...

I'm going crazy...




"This is driving me insane!" You shouted as you fell to your knees, holding your head in both your hands. Despair turned into sorrow, sorrow into anger and anger into despair. It's a vicious circle.

Tears started to mix with the moist sweat of your face as you clentched your jaw. You let your eyes fall shut and tried to clear your mind, pulling your knees closer to you and resting your head on them. You released your hands from your head and hugged your knees.


"STOP IT!" You cried out in response. Ydris' voice sounded close, yet you knew you were alone. The game your mind was playing with you was slowly turning into an emotinal torture.

Again, you felt a grip on your shoulders. You flinched and huddled yourself even more. You began to hyperventilate.


You remained silent and continued to do nothing but sob. You hoped that everything would just go away, until your name got mentioned a forth time.

You gave in to your mind and broke down. You screamed out in agony and weakness as tears furiously streamed down the soft skin of your cheeks.

"[Y/N]!" The deep voice with the french accent said in demanding manner as hands cupped your face and swiftly moved your head up. You got met with a pair of heterochromical eyes and everything in your body stopped working.

You blinked a few times to make sure this wasn't just a trick of your imagination. This isn't real. This can't be real! How is this possible...?

Your mouth was slightly gapped open as you stared at the man kneeling in front of you with eyes wider than the ocean. You brought your frosty, shaking hands up and placed them over his. This is real. You slowly broke eye contact as realization sunk into your bones.

"You're here..." You whispered quietly. If there were any other noises, like rustling of the leaves or birds chirping, the quiet quivery sound of your voice wouldn't have been audible.

"Yes, little dove, I am" Ydris spoke with a gentle voice. His thumbs brushed over your in cold sweat coverd cheeks.

"But... how... how did... h-how did you..." You were stammering.

|~Complicated~| Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now