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Cold wind caressed your legs and warm stone touched your bare soles. You opened your eyes and looked down.

That same damn dress again...

Everytime you fall asleep, you would wake up in a dream, and everytime you would wear the same dress.

Your gaze wandered to what was ahead of you

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Your gaze wandered to what was ahead of you. A straight street without end, surrounded by a wildly colored flower field and green grass. You figured it would be safer to stay on the road instead of going into the flowers.

Your feet dragged you forward while you watched everything in awe.

Weak hoofbeats echoed from behind you. You turned around and saw a majestic and strong horse galloping right at you.

The graceful stallion stopped in front of you with a snort. A brief moment of thinking and you held your hand out for the horse to sniff it. After the horse's approval you stroked his nose. Your eyes fell on a name engraved into the reins.

"Brios, huh? Is this your name?"

The stallion snorted and lifted his head in the air with pride.

You chuckled at the horses behaviour.

Guess this means yes

"Elaine?"  An unkown male voice echoed through the air. You looked around in confusion. The sky turned grey and light mist covered the peaceful landscape.

"Keep going" Brios said. "Move out of the past, into the here and now"

"What do you mean?" Your confusion only grew. Without receiving an answer, the horse galloped off.

Cautiously and puzzled you kept going, the mist growing thicker and the fields getting more dull. Life had no place here. The grass was getting yellow and dry, the air heated, the sky clouded.

A dazzling light consumed the dead land, followed by thunder booming through the... flames?!

Your eyes widened as realization sunk in. You frantically looked around, trying to find an escape. A small hole within the fire drew your attention.

Without thinking you ran through it. The veil of your dress got stuck on one of the burning branches. With wild beating heart you turned around, just to see that the material doesn't catch fire.


Your breath was hectic as the inferno around you threatened to burn you alive. You tugged at the veil with all your might, yelping as hot sparks met your exposed skin parts. The burned spots turned into dark purple-blackish spots, glowing.

|~Complicated~| Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now