|~Feathers and Diamonds~|

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[Y/N] - your name
[L/N] - last name
[H/N] - your horse name
italic - your thoughts/flashback
(Author Note)
As you finished grooming [H/N] you streched and let out a yawn. "Tired deary?" [H/N] asked, giving you a cheeky look "I'm on my last legs" you chuckled. "But today was really exciting" you smiled softly.


"Come on! We're almost trotting, what are you doing back there?~" you teased Luka, who was desperatly trying to catch up with you and [H/N]. "You call that almost trotting?!" Luka shouted back so you could hear him over the distance and the sound of hooves colliding with the ground.

Once you were done toying with Luka, you stopped at the ancient tree at the Forgotten Fields and dismounted [H/N]. You walked towards the edge of the water, looking at the purple and orange colored horizon.

"Did you SERIOUSLY had to ride through bushes?" You turned around and bursted into laugher as soon as you saw Luka. He had leafes all over his body and even a twig tangled in his hair. A smile grew on his face and he raised an eyebrow. "What are you laughing at?" The tone in his voice was calm, so you knew he's totally fine with your actions.

"You-- You look hilarious!" You laughed. The smile on his face grew wider. "Is that so?~"

You went to reply, but Luka launched forward and tackled you into the water.

He bursted into laugher and you just looked at him with an aghast look, but soon joined him. Luka looked at you and grinned. "You know, you look absolutely adorable when you're soaked in water"

Heat rose to your cheeks and you avoided your gaze from him. "Shy huh?~" Luka teased as he extended his hand for you to take it.

--Time Skip--

Time passed and you were reasonably dry again. Currently you and Luka are on your way back to Valedale.

"Say, what's you're relation to Elizabeth?" You looked at him in surprised shock and [H/N] let out an amused neigh. This boy has a talent to ask unexpected questions. "Actually... when I clearly think about it she's like... she's like a mother to me." A small smile came onto your face and [H/N] seemed to be stunned by your answer. "I don't show it often, but I really appreciate her"

"Hey, I bet I'm earlier in Valedale than you!" Luka suddenly exclaimed, ignoring your answer. [H/N] obviously liked the idea of racing against Luka and Nova. No wonder, he's/she's a very competitive horse. "You're on sweetheart!"

--Flashback End--

"You know, Luka seems like a pretty nice guy" [H/N] said. You gave him the 'Don't-You-Dare' look. However, your dear horse seemed to be in the mood to put you over the edge today. "Come on, you know you like him~" [H/N] whined annoyingly. That's when an idea came into your mind.

"Nu uh~ You know I have my beloved Ydris~" You cooed, giving him/her a challenging look. The snort that escaped [H/N] told you that you were getting to him/her. "Come on, what does this purple abominable shit goblin has that Luka doesn't?" Okay, that was really harsh and crossed the line. That REALLY crossed the line. Yet you kept it cool since [H/N] was walking right into your trap. You leaned in and whispered in [H/N]'s ear "I don't know. Ydris' one is probably bigger and he's better with working girls~" You said with a slight blush on your face.

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